Sentences with phrase «certain scents»

People tend to associate other people, places, and events with certain scents.
For instance, cats are averse to certain scents like perfume and citrus.
It's no wonder that when we smell certain scents, we're instantly transported to a memory or past experience.
Many police dogs are trained to recognize certain scents, such as illegal drugs, firearms and bomb - making ingredients.
If individual dogs do not interact with certain scents, or display aversion toward them, you can record this on the enrichment schedule.
You may also want to avoid oils that are perfumed, unless you are certain the scent comes from an added essential oil like pure lavender.
Just as certain scents like lavender can help you drift off to sleep, other aromas can be just what you need to feel alert and awake.
Research shows that inhaling certain scents (like lavender) can help reset a stressed immune system to normal levels.
In fact, humans detected certain scents at lower concentrations than the notoriously top - notch nostrils of mice and pigs.
This means that as certain scents decrease their travel distance and life span, specialists and generalists may both have trouble finding food.»
Learn how surrounding yourself with certain scents while meditating can enhance the sense of inner calm that we all seek.
Likewise, certain scented candles I have on my nightstand in my bedroom, calms and relaxes me.
Anti-freeze (cats love certain scents, and one of their favorites is antifreeze which will kill a cat quickly)
Some dogs seem to enjoy the «flavor» of certain scented swabs.
Certain scents like jasmine and lavender help you get a better night of shut - eye.
You know how the experts say that our memories and emotions get unlocked when we smells certain scents and aromas?
Mint tea When you inhale certain scents, you help suppress your appetite.
Some people don't realize that when they wear a certain scent every day, their own noses become immune to it and thus overestimate the amount they need to smell good.
According to an experiment conducted by Mac Farlane (1975), it takes six (6) days before the babies show recognition and attraction to that certain scent coming from the mother's breast.
Dr. Anderson says these, like certain scents, are bronchial irritants.
Your sensitivity to smell should increase during this time and certain scents may make you sick.
Like Pavlov's dogs, this honeybee has been trained to extend its tongue for food whenever it is stimulated with a certain scent.
People can tell you when a certain scent is no longer detectable.
First, they taught the flies to associate a certain scent with hunger.
After 150 trials with different fishes, Shohet and Watt found that certain scents were clearly a turn - on.
In a study recently published in the American Journal of Business, researchers from the university's John Molson School of Business (JMSB) suggest that, when diffused in retail environments, certain scents can reduce the level of anxiety experienced by consumers.
Their findings suggest that ovulating women have evolved to prefer mates who display sexy traits — such as a masculine body type and facial features, dominant behavior and certain scents — but not traits typically desired in long - term mates.
He tells us that, yes, certain scents can help you drift off to dreamland a little more easily.
Research is mixed on scent therapy, but anyone who's sniffed a bouquet of roses or breathed in the smell of the ocean knows that certain scents can be soothing.
Just as we are drawn to certain flowers, colors, and even animals, we are also intrinsically connected to certain scents.
Certain scents can kill cravings, reduce headaches, and boost energy.
Spray scents on your pillow (lightly) or use a sachet under your pillow to see if a certain scent helps you relax.
Certain scents can increase our energy levels, while other smells can have a relaxing effect, calming anxiety and improving confidence.
You can then also add some drops of essential oils for the aromatherapy (or just because you like certain scents).
Lavender hand lotion: Certain scents, like lavender, can reduce stress and lead to deeper sleep when smelled at bedtime.
«Research has shown that certain scents can change your mind - set and promote specific behavior,» says Pamela Dalton, PhD.
A certain scent can contain so many memories!
Certain scents, like certain music, have remained with me as memory boosts for my entire life.
And do you think that if they spray a certain scent in your direction, you'll be more likely to buy?
When diffused into the air, certain scents can help them feel calmer, more alert, less moody, or more energised.
Conducting research on how perfume affects Rover is tricky, for the simple fact that dogs can't easily convey their emotions upon encountering a certain scent, explains veterinarian Crista DeJoia.
Natural flea collars are another option for shrouding your dog in certain scents and ingredients but without the hassle (for you and your pet) of having to give regular baths or massaging different balms and creams into the fur... We all know how quickly these quaint little spa - days between man and dog can turn into all - out war.
Just as with humans, there are certain scents that Frisky just doesn't like.
Certain scents can also be calming, or even just some fresh air.
The popularity of botanical ingredients and certain scents, such as lavender, in human hair care products, showed a clear influence in new grooming products as well.
These scratches result in olfactory marks as the scent glands in the paws of the cats release a certain scent.
It could be a certain scent, or the feeling a special place in nature.
While it might smell appealing to you, certain scents might be off - putting to others.
Candles are pretty relaxing anyway, let's be honest, but there are certain scents that...
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