Sentences with phrase «certain specific foods»

This both helps you include the nutrients from various foods and avoid toxins from production of certain specific foods.
Some of these amino acids are called essential and are found only in certain specific foods.
You can then add certain specific food groups by including supplements to your cat's diet.

Not exact matches

Everything from reaching out to a certain number of coaches every single day, running a specific 40 - yard dash time, eating certain healthy foods that would help increase my performance and attending the right summer camps at universities that would put me in front of the right people.
Growing specific foods in certain ways and preparing them in certain ways are examples of adaptations that are selected for and possibly bequeathed to later generations.
Yes we eat mainly plant - based foods and we avoid certain grains, but not because we have a need to follow a specific dietary regime.
Certain decades were defined by specific food trends, so we're collecting all the classics from the»20s, all the way through the 1970s.
Isn't it incredible how certain foods have the ability to trigger specific memories?
I received specific instructions from our family doctor on introducing certain foods at certain month for my little guy so almonds have been on the list recently.
The only way to be certain is to look for the GI logo which means the food must meet specific nutrition criteria as well.
If candida overgrowth is present certain foods should be eliminated and specific supplements, such as probiotics (NOT more anti-biotics) need to be incorporated.
Do you have strong sugar habits around very specific foods e.g. Haribo sweets, a certain chocolate or type of biscuit etc..
There are certain foods that I associate with specific people.
For example, a child may have emotional or biological sensitivities to specific foods or around certain routines and behaviors, and tactics used by grandparents may not be helpful in working through the emotional interferences.
Women can have all sorts of cravings during pregnancy, from certain flavors to specific foods and bizarre combinations.
Remember, too, that weaning takes a long time, and just because you start the weaning process at a certain age doesn't mean your baby will be ready for completely solid foods by any specific time, either.
You can use yoghurt or mix the milk with cereals, it's because some babies will tolerate certain or specific quantities of high - lactose foods before showing any symptoms especially when mixed or blended with a cereal.
In these three recipes, I will explain why certain foods are ideal during the first trimester, and how their specific nutrients help you and baby.
Sugar addiction is a specific type of food addiction and has been shown to develop in animal studies and to have similarities with certain kinds of drug addiction.
Young children often go through stages where they refuse to eat certain foods, only want to eat a small number of specific foods, or are easily distracted at mealtimes.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets and enforces specific limits on safe levels of key ingredients, such as certain vitamins and minerals, for all commercially available infant formulas.
Are there some key things, key — I don't know specific foods or certain vitamins they should be getting?
The medial orbitofrontal cortex has been associated with signaling when we feel satiated by a certain type of food (so called «sensory specific satiety»).
«We suspected this might partly be due to the fact that people learn to associate specific cues in their environment with certain food choices.
To test their hypothesis, the researchers used a specific computer task, the Pavlovian - instrumental transfer, in a controlled setting to simulate the learning processes between certain (food) choices and environmental stimuli in subjects.
«GECCO aims to continue to discover additional colorectal cancer - related variants by investigating how genetic variants are modified by other environmental and lifestyle risk factors, including biomarkers as well as how they influence patient treatment response and survival,» Peters said, emphasizing how much further research is required to uncover the specific mechanisms by which genes modulate the intake of certain foods on colorectal cancer risk.
Not only have Ms. Nelson Slater and Dr. Hauber shown that certain birds of prey can use scent to find a food source, but their methodology also provides zoos with a novel, safe and effective means to encourage more species - specific feeding behaviors — particularly ripping and tearing — in birds of prey.
In addition to the feeling of hunger, we also often have an appetite for a specific kind of food, and sometimes we simply crave the pleasure a certain food like chocolate or pizza may provide us.
Science types have found a strong connection between specific mood states and cravings for certain foods.
When you get used to this, concentrate on restricting certain foods and working specific body parts.
Online bodybuilding gurus constantly advocate specific methods for structuring your training to get the most out of your hormonal environment and diet programs seem to emphasize the influence of certain foods and meal timing on hormone activity more than ever.
It recommends eating foods in specific combinations at certain times of the day.
Don't arbitrarily follow rules like eating five to six small meals a day, eliminating certain foods or eating at very specific times.
Specific foods or food groups: Some people find that certain food groups cause them health problems and are best avoided.
ANDREA: Food is important, and I'm not a nutritionist so I can't give too much specific information, but I was at one point, back in the early 2000s competitive weight training was my thing, so I was on a diet where I was eating very lean protein, complex carbohydrates, a certain amount of fats and I was very, very militant about my eating.
There are specific medical reasons for avoiding certain foods.
The basics of the diet are to exclude certain foods and only eat specific foods.
In addition to the specific items listed above, there are also certain types of foods that should also be avoided completely, greatly limited, or somewhat limited.
There's a ton of different reasons each diet group allows, restricts, or places other specific guidelines on certain foods or food groups.
We all love our food, whether it be cheeseburgers, cakes, ribs, salads or sandwiches, so it's important to be aware of certain reactions some people may have to specific foods.
This diet is based on a certain protein found in all foods call lectin, and how this lectin reacts to the blood that is specific for each blood type.
At certain times, you will follow a very low carbohydrate diet while at other times you can enjoy specific foods that are higher in carbohydrates.
atkins is good but you need a specific taste for certain foods, i personally follow the fruit and water diet, i have lost 8 pounds in 9 days, and that is no lie.
The reasoning goes that since we human beings evolved in certain specific circumstances, with certain foods available to us, our body systems must have evolved to -LSB-...]
Included in your package is a fourteen day plan of everything you'll eat, why certain ingredients and foods are essential, recipes for all meals and snacks, a shopping list and specific brand recommendations.
The reality is that you or your child may not be allergic to any specific food, but can still be sensitive to certain foods and I know from firsthand experience how some food choices can really wreak havoc on the body and trigger very severe eczema flare ups.
the foods are specific because fruits, fish, meats, etc., have different amounts of fat and certain nutrients, ie, grapefruit has citrus acid proven to burn fat... the diet should be done 3days on 4 days off for one month, eat in moderation, and it is designed to change eating habits and even shrink the sto mach so overeating is a no - no, and substitutions should be kept to a bare minimum as the foods work together to give maximum results.
The media likes to promote a very specific animal food as THE source of a certain nutrient, then baselessly accuse vegans being «at risk» of deficiencies.
When we do this, we start restricting ourselves of certain foods and labeling foods as «good» and «bad» but naturally, when we label something as «bad» or «off limits», it makes us want it more and potentially binge or overeat that specific food.
It's all about how certain genes are turned on and off by environmental factors, such as nutrition, supplements, stress, relaxation, sunlight, specific foods, specific herbs, meditation, exercise, anger.
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