Sentences with phrase «certain toxic items»

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Even the habitual use of certain personal items such as perfume or hair sprays can be a sub-conscious use of stimulants because of the toxic reaction they cause in some people.
In newer school buildings the trend towards tightly sealed construction design — to reduce noise for example — plus the use of certain synthetic building materials, toxic paints and varnishes, and items of furniture and carpets that off - gas chemicals such as formaldehyde, all contribute to indoor air pollution.
Foods Known to Be Toxic to Birds: While your pet birds will love being fed fresh foods, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts, in addition to their favorite seeds, there are certain items that should be off - limits.
Animals can't always break down certain foods like we can, and these items can actually be toxic to them.
Despite some variability in species susceptibility to certain toxins, as well as a lack of scientific studies proving the toxicity of certain substances in birds that are definitely toxic to mammals, there are some items to which birds should never have access.
Of course, there are many other toxic items potentially toxic to birds, such as certain plants, lurking in our homes.
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