Sentences with phrase «certain types of churches»

They exist to teach a certain set of doctrines / beliefs to people who want to be indoctrinated in that system, which will convince certain types of churches that they are «experts» in doctrine and perhaps Bible and therefore should make a valued employee who will perpetuate the beliefs of the group.

Not exact matches

Most of those who belong to this new breed of church planters do shun a certain type of person.
But Abraham speaks over the head of the rich man, over the heads of the Pharisees, in what sounds like a direct address to us church types who claim faith in a certain Galilean raised from the dead, «If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.»
However, certain types of criticism of dominant political patterns and governmental policies can be presented more freely in some church universities than in public ones.
Priority should be given to establishing certain types of groups: As indicated earlier, one of these is a group for church officials, other lay leaders, teachers, and youth leaders.
Is it more common in certain areas or types of churches than others?
By the fundamentalist Protestant type we mean those churches which hold to the verbal inspiration and hence the literal inerrancy of the Bible, and which defend as of vital importance certain creedal dogmas, notably the virgin birth, the blood atonement, the physical resurrection of Christ, and his visible second coming.
The New York Times (which although not an «official» Jewish publication certainly reflects and indeed influences a certain type of American Jewish opinion) editorially branded the Vatican statement a whitewash, a rationalization of the conduct of the Church during the Holocaust.
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