Sentences with phrase «certain value it shifts»

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The most significant is the focus on dividend paying companies, a technique that shifts exposure towards value companies in certain sectors, and that may have obvious appeal for investors looking to enhance current returns or to fine tune risk exposure.
In particular, I want to highlight three distinct but mutually reinforcing problems: three ways in which the shift to Big Data now playing out within the particular context of our system of advanced informational capitalism seems likely to reinforce certain values, and favor certain kinds of knowledge, over others.
The Carter majority thus concluded at para. 315 that the Rodriguez court's articulation of the legislative objective of the existing law was not restricted to the narrow purpose of only protecting the «vulnerable», but also with the «societal concern with preserving life» in general, and therefore that concerns over the fundamental shift in societal values that would arise if the state permits some citizens to kill others in certain circumstances, can not be simply brushed aside.
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