Sentences with phrase «certain views of church»

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Certain correlations appear between a member's world view position and other church activities: a. Constant attendees highly correlate with the mean orientation of the congregation.
From a certain point of view, Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church are Southern Baptist.
By refuses to evolve, the Catholic Church is as good as denying the possibility of continuing divine revelation which, when viewed in a certain light, is as good as saying God is dead to humanity for all intents and purposes.
He has to view it as a promise for the others, the revelation of what the others are — and if in regard to those others it is not «certain» what they are, neither is it certain that those who are inside the Church belong to the band of the elect.
His view is that Paul basically gave himself free reign here at the start of his teachings to the gentiles (see also 1:1 a: «Paulos, apostolos ouk ap anthroopoon, oude di anthroopon, alla dia Iesou Christou, kia Theou patros...») and then started preaching his own theology heavily influenced by his own biases and preferences — not that any of the writers were ever completely exempt from it of course, but still the writer felt Paul was quite fundamentalistic at times about certain things he had some clear opinions about, e.g. about relationships and women's position in the church etc, which he then propagated as part of the gospel.
That isn't the view of my church as far as I know, but there's a certain elitism goes on.
In that conversation, voices have been heard urging a view of conscience that is curious, even dangerous: Under certain circumstances, conscience may permit or even require that a person choose acts that the Church has consistently taught are intrinsically wrong — such as using artificial means of contraception, or receiving Holy Communion while living the married life in a union that's not been blessed by the Church.
«In the Christian Student World, the WSCF meeting in Strasburg of 1960 has been interpreted as a sign of the times: hence according to recent interpreters, the voice of Karl Barth, Visser» t Hooft, Leslie Newbigin and D.T. Niles... were unable to hold their hearers with neo-orthodox presentations; rather, the missiologically radical views of J.C. (Hans) Hoekendijk, showing a certain impatience with the Church and its institutional forms, while pointing to the missio Dei, God's activity in the world and its structures independently of the Church, caught the student mood».9
Such desertions and attacks, however justified they may seem from certain points of view, serve only to weaken the church and to increase its dependence.
This rejectionism had, over time, crystallized — some would say, fossilized — into the view that the legal establishment of the Catholic Church as the official religion of the state was the desired arrangement (the «thesis,» in the theological jargon of the day), while other arrangements (like the American constitutional order) were mere «hypotheses» that could, under certain historical circumstances, be «tolerated» — even as Catholics in countries governed by the «hypothesis» worked for the day when the «thesis» of Catholic establishment could be....
Featuring such luxurious elements as a painted fresco above the bed's headboard, our opulent Junior suites are decorated in a combination of Regency, Empire and Louis XV styles, while certain suites offer magnificent views of Bernini's church of St. Maria della Vittoria on Via XX Settembre.
Deeply anchored in tradition, Ross's radical and technologically advanced Mountain photographs are influenced by his fascination with Albert Bierstadt's and Frederic Church's iconic views of the American West, which he studied while at Yale University and which he has described as «my salvation from the certain death of a narrow aesthetic inheritance — namely Clement Greenberg's formalism and the Color Field tradition I was born into.»
Deeply anchored in tradition, Ross» radical and technologically advanced Mountain photographs are influenced by his fascination with Albert Bierstadt's and Frederic Church's iconic views of the American West, which he studied while at Yale University and which he has described as «my salvation from the certain death of a narrow aesthetic inheritance — namely Clement Greenberg's formalism and the Color Field tradition I was born into.»
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