Sentences with phrase «certainty where»

First, there is an inconsistency in the propositions underlying the Committee's argument that, on the one hand, the impact of the confirmation provisions are minimal in that they merely confirm the common law position, and on the other hand, that the confirmation provisions are necessary to provide certainty where the position is otherwise unclear.
It can not be logically argued that the confirmation provisions merely confirm the common law if the justification for the confirmation provisions is to provide certainty where the common law position on extinguishment is unclear.
These include asbestos litigation reform, mandatory sanctions for filling frivolous litigation, protecting innocent parties from being unfairly or fradulently joines into a lawsuit, class action and multi-district litigation reforms, increased certainty where the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is concerned, and reform of over-broad laws that threaten individuals and business with criminal prosecution absent any criminal intent, among others.
You have a belief (for that is all you have) that models provide certainty where none really exist.
Measurements of ocean alkalinity are so rudimentary and dicey, that we can not say with any certainty where the «missing» CO2 is going quantitatively.
«It will provide greater certainty where digital goods are supplied to consumers through online platforms.»
A poster named «Nisiprius» recently advanced the following wonderful post to the Bogleheads Forum: 1995: Sucker looking for certainty where there is no certainty: So, how much can I safely withdraw?
It doesn't matter how smart or experienced someone may be, no one can tell you with any degree of certainty where interest rates will be from one day to the next and, consequently, when the right time to buy a certain investment is going to be.
But beware of certainty where none exists.
As a result, when a person adopts multiple new behaviors, such as improved diet, regular exercise, and more rest and sleep, it isn't always possible to say with absolute certainty where the benefits come from.
Under CSIRO's Deep Earth imaging Future Science Platform, the research organisation is bringing together the skills and capabilities to peer through the earth and determine with greater certainty where usable sources of water are likely to be.
But even given that there's a wide range of normal when it comes to the rate at which kids blossom from tiny newborns to strapping teenagers, it's possible to predict with some degree of certainty where a child will be at a particular age and stage.
, although I couldn't predict with any certainty where we will finish.
It leaves me with some existential anxiety and doesn't provide answers about life after death, but it provides real certainty where it offers it and safeguards against the insanity of the mystical and the dangers of basing conclusions on things that can never be proven or tested.

Not exact matches

Sorahan from Ryanair said: «Our biggest concern is that we have no certainty as we roll into this time next year and we are in a position where we're in 12 months we have to start loading our summer schedule for 2019.»
As human beings we learn to get comfortable in even the most unusual and unfulfilling situations, mainly because we have certainty in staying where we are.
«Belonging» is about finding that place where you finally let out a deep breath you had no idea you were holding and feeling with great certainty that the people around you understand you.
Unfortunately, because of the lack of certainty in where Irma will travel once it hits the mainland, Rogers said, spaghetti plots and other forecasts can not definitively determine if residents throughout the Florida peninsula and up through the Carolinas should evacuate.
Ken spent his early career working with mission - driven businesses like Upromise and Eloan, and he was inspired to build Credit Karma — a platform where consumers can manage their full financial lives with more certainty, supported by a unique business model that creates genuine, organic value by reducing marketing inefficiency for banks and empowering consumers with information.
On the contrary, I am most interested in the relative certainty offered by companies that many characterize as «Steady Eddies,» particularly in the health care, software, and branded retail sectors where the stock prices may not reflect the companies» intrinsic value.
Empowering beliefs help you transition into a new state of being where you have absolute certainty — you don't just believe that your are capable of achieving great things, you know it.
Regardless of where exactly crude prices would end up trading, it's a certainty that once carbon emissions become more of a consideration the price of a barrel of oil will be heading lower.
As the result when I look at monte carlo analysis I see notable improvments in the models outcomes in scenerios where the mortgage is payed off — more certainty and less leverage.
If both chambers pass tax bills — which is no certainty — the legislation would be melded together in a so - called conference committee, where the Senate and House proposals would have to face off.
If her government had spent the last three years negotiating on aboriginal title with First Nations — rather than spending millions of taxpayers» dollars fighting a losing battle against the Tsilhqot» in — there would today be more opportunity and benefits for First Nations and greater certainty for investors and workers on where and how LNG related pipelines and plants will proceed.
As interesting a concept as NEO is, there's only one certainty in the future of NEO: no one knows exactly where it's going.
In Detroit where auto executives marvel at Tesla's stock price rise despite its losses and production problems, quiet cheers over the company's troubles were almost a certainty.
For example, if an asset's price is wildly going up and down, you might have no clue about where the price will be a half of an hour from now, but you can say with a degree of certainty that the touch price will probably touched upon, even if it is for only a very brief moment.
I used to live in a place of absolute certainty, where I wanted more than anything to do everything right.
Maybe you should just shut the fuck up about shit you know absolutely nothing about, like black holes, where you show your ignorance for all to see and claim certainty about things you know nothing about.
so where can we draw the line of moral certainty?
Perhaps that confuses more than clarifies my position but I'll be the first to admit that I have not yet found the clarity that I seek and yet I would rather be where I am now than in the blind certainty of previous years when I thought I had it all figured out but was in fact wearing blinders that made it easier to look straight ahead but caused me to miss out on so much of the beauty of God all around me.
That quest for certainty sure encourages the groupspeak you think you see, where someone dares to question what the group sees as truth.
Not one of the places where these tragic events occurred can be identified with certainty.
where an ideology or belief claims «certainty» but only through accepting that belief can one know «true» knowledge.
It is a refining fire, a hot flame that keeps our faith alive and moving and bubbling about, where certainty would only freeze it on the spot.»
So, too, the life of faith is a life of emptiness and darkness in the desert where one's truth and certainty as food for the journey are not a verifiable and present truth but a promise, just as the manna was a promise of the land flowing with milk and honey.
«Where standards of right and wrong are asserted with dogmatic certainty and are not open to discussion, and, even worse, where these standards merely express the interests of the stronger party in a relationship while clothing those interests in moralistic language, then that criticism is indeed justified» (p. Where standards of right and wrong are asserted with dogmatic certainty and are not open to discussion, and, even worse, where these standards merely express the interests of the stronger party in a relationship while clothing those interests in moralistic language, then that criticism is indeed justified» (p. where these standards merely express the interests of the stronger party in a relationship while clothing those interests in moralistic language, then that criticism is indeed justified» (p. 140).
We can and indeed we must share in their development, even without certainty of where they will lead us.
One of the problem people sometimes have with this sort of definition, however, is that we think that there are degrees of faith, or (to put it another way), faith is on a sliding scale, where one end is «wishful - hope - so - thinking» and on the other end is «absolute certainty
Where do you get your certainty that there is no God?
I consider «cult logic» to be where a certain ideology or belief claims certainty and only through accepting that belief can one know «true» knowledge.
Yes there are times I miss the certainty that comes from being in a place where there is forced conformity, but I'm in the wilderness of the unknown with no question or stone left unturned.
In the encyclical Fides et Ratio, our late Holy Father summed up very well the postmodern position in his critique:»... the time of certainties is irrevocably past, and the human being must now learn to live in a horizon of total absence of meaning, where everything is provisional and ephemeral.»
«There was a solidity and certainty in Benedict's teaching», he wrote, «which made discussion possible and stimulated intellectual honesty; one knew where the Church and the Pope stood.
Returning to Descartes, the only place where he thought that certainty could be found was in mathematics and the physical sciences and so he began to devote himself to studies in those areas.
Where will you find the certainty that it was not after all a hidden price which governed your resolution?»
What those ancient Greeks (who also had some understanding of philosophy) regarded as a task for a whole lifetime, seeing that dexterity in doubting is not acquired in a few days or weeks, what the veteran combatant attained when he had preserved the equilibrium of doubt through all the pitfalls he encountered, who intrepidly denied the certainty of sense - perception and the certainty of the processes of thought, incorruptibly defied the apprehensions of self - love and the insinuations of sympathy — that is where everybody begins in our time.
Here is where it applies to the certainty that claims to have objective truth.
The certainty of God's «grace,» of «justification,» «salvation,» is an objective belief that usually accompanies the change in Christians; but this may be entirely lacking and yet the affective peace remain the same — you will recollect the case of the Oxford graduate: and many might be given where the assurance of personal salvation was only a later result.
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