Sentences with word «cervix»

The word "cervix" refers to a part of a female's reproductive system. It is a narrow passage that connects the uterus to the vagina. Full definition
It's based on a woman's observations of her fertility signs: cervical secretions («mucus» or «cervical fluid»), basal body temperature (taken upon waking), and the optional sign of cervix changes.
Natural induction methods: nipple stimulation, sex (for Orgasm for woman and semen on cervix), castor oil, enema, blue and black cohosh.
Your health care provider will insert a speculum into your vagina and clean your vagina and cervix with an antiseptic solution.
The ob did the tca twice yet im not sure if its already remove as i notice a bump near the anal area and dot like thing near the left side if cervix moreover i feel itchy down there too.
My one and only baby is 7 now, but when I was pregnant with him I was on bedrest from 20 weeks to 36.5 weeks because of incompetent cervix.
She has asked a friend to help by injecting potassium permanganate, formaldehyde, Lysol, or salt or soap solutions with a douche nozzle or syringe through her closed cervix into the womb.
Complications can be things such as a labor that lasts longer than normal (creating the risk of infection), a baby that presents abnormally (i.e. deliveries that need to be made buttocks first instead of head first) and umbilical cord prolapse (when the umbilical cord makes its way through a woman's cervix before the baby).
The long interval between cycles with a closed cervix leads to severe infections developing with minimal clinical signs and so the condition often is life threatening at the time it is discovered.
«Our research indicates that insertion of cervical pessary at around 22 weeks in both randomly selected women pregnant with twins and in patients with a short cervix of less than 25 millimeters does not reduce the rate of spontaneous early preterm birth, perinatal death, adverse neonatal outcome, or need for neonatal therapy.»
The glands inside vagina and cervix do their work to excrete dead...
I think I have a fairly low cervix so I'm having trouble getting my menstrual cup to work for me.
If your finger goes in as far as the final knuckle joint, or you can not reach it, you have a high cervix.
Designed for women with low cervixes, it has a smaller cup for your comfort but still provides more than adequate protection.
But then, without my permission, my body had started pushing and the last tiny bit of cervix started to swell.
I have to attribute the use of cups to leaning about my own cervix position!
We even got to participate in activities like diapering a baby, childbirth massage and forming a dilating cervix out of play - dough.
The study looked at cancer rates in the EU 28 member states as a whole and also in the six largest countries — France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK — for all cancers, and, individually, for stomach, intestines, pancreas, lung, prostate, breast, uterus (including cervix) and leukemias.
If you have a history of cervical insufficiency, sometimes called an incompetent or weak cervix, your healthcare provider may talk to you about getting a cervical cerclage between now and week 14 of your pregnancy.
WEDNESDAY, May 2, 2018 (HealthDay News)-- Women who were exposed to synthetic estrogen (DES) in the womb and developed a rare form of cancer of the vagina and cervix continue to face an increased risk of death, a new study shows.
I am intrigued and interested to see what my own cervix looks like.
The problem is when junk like this is used to justify a 72 hour home birth with 6 hours of pushing and manual retraction of a lip of cervix while mom is sobbing and passing in and out of consciousness because she is so exhausted.
Because they come in all shapes and sizes, you'll be able to find your perfect fit regardless of your age, cervix height, or whether or not you have had children.
I still had a slightly swollen cervix but if he would drop I could begin pushing.
DWI has been increasingly used for abdominal and pelvic diseases, but has not been tested for the evaluation of the uterine cervix in pregnant patients.
There are a couple of things that can help if you have a lip of cervix left:
I tore cervix all the way out and to my butt hole.
Occasionally, a woman will have a very narrow cervix — especially if she has never had children.
It works better with a ripe cervix and is not a guarantee of labor.
Though this hormone is particularly helpful during delivery, allowing for your pelvic and cervix muscles to stretch enough to push your precious baby out, it can make you particularly clumsy.
There used to be a protocol called a «three day induction» for women whose cervices were not favorable.
If your finger goes to the second knuckle joint in the middle of your finger, you have a medium cervix.
I am 39 weeks and 1 day... a long cervix and only at a 1.
Flow Cytometry analysis of HeLa (human cervix adenocarcinoma) cells labeling IKB alpha with purified ab32518 at 1/20 dilution (10ug / mL)(red).
I feel sooooooooo much better about getting the Mirena, even though the gyno is worried he won't be able to insert it without a general anaesthetic due to me having a virgin cervix that hasn't squeezed a baby out.
She most famously toured in artsy, explicit shows including the notorious «Public Cervix Announcement,» where audience members could view her reproductive organs through a speculum.
The uterus and cervix undergo significant changes during the process of delivering a baby, and they need time to heal.
If you feel the tip of your nose, this would be how an unripe cervix will feel, firm but fleshy.
They protest the occasional cervix check and allow themselves to be fondled in this manner??? There is a difference between an exam and assault, and what this describes is most definitely assault in my mind.
Techniques for ripening the unfavorable cervix prior to induction.
But a new technique, the bionic cervix, may be able to help.
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