Sentences with phrase «chain effect»

MDM - E3 incorporates a bottom - up approach to modelling power generation technologies and uses an input - output framework to model the supply chain effects of changes to industrial output and expenditure.
«As an example of the supply chain effect in light of the high response rate from the construction and real - estate industries, the increased costs to this sector could potentially translate to consumers.
There is an ever - increasing number of combinations and chained effects available, and they can dramatically turn the tide of any battle, because it's not just you that has these abilities.
You can chain effects together, then fine - tune with impressively granular controls.
«That was because of the supply chain effect
A domino drop shot works by knocking a shot glass into another glass, creating a chain effect.
If the Boss is forced out of Arsenal, his departure will have a chain effect as some Gunners, some coaching staff, Scouts, Ivan Gasidiz and Sir Chips Keswick could as well be forced out at Arsenal and even Stan Kroenke could also be forced to sell his majority Shares to a business man with passion for Arsenal.
It's a chain effect.
If you can help empower people so that they can be independent and also empower others, you have that kind of chain effect, where you start something with a group and each person takes on other people.
He tells Newsweek the findings play into a bigger picture, where we see large volcanic eruptions having an impact on the global climate that causes a chain effect resulting in social unrest.
She found that phytoplankton, the base of the marine food web, would decrease as the ocean warmed and create a chain effect up the ecosystem.
It's a chain effect of great things that help with your body building project rapidly.
The way Hong deals with time means you could almost categorise his films as hard sci - fi, in particular the way he examines the counterintuitive daisy - chain effect that our actions have on the lives of others.
She crossed to the westbound lanes and spun out of control, striking a Ford Expedition and causing a chain effect.
For the Labrador data of HD and ED, the significance of the chain effect was also analysed by ANOVA where no significant chain differences should be found if convergence is reached and if subsequent samples from the chain are indeed independent.
The other being Electro - link gun, that fires bolts of electricity and sends a chain effect to nearby enemies.
China's glaciers have retreated by 18 per cent over the past half century, a comprehensive survey has found, as some experts warn of «chain effects» that could have an impact on water supplies in the country's western regions.
Sometimes a rear end shunt occurs when a car rear ends another car, that then rear ends a motorcycle at a light or stop sign; this chain effect is called a «concertina collision.»
But Ann - King's public denunciation set off a chain effect anyways, when numerous reporters, including reporters at The Verge, contacted both her and the organizations that Marquis - Boire had been involved with.
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