Sentences with phrase «chain facts of life»

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Also, that does not address the fact that you would need 5 times the water on the planet to flood thae earth to the level the myth says, Noah could not have built a watyer tight craft using the stone tools he would have had at that time, the salinity of the oceans would change enough to kill all life in the oceans, so that would end the food chains, ending all life for a very long time.
It was an exercise in delusion, if not hypocrisy, because all that we said about equality, life, liberty, public happiness, freedom, the right of assembly, participation, and the other noble principles applied in fact only to the white man, not to the majority of persons in this country, who at that time were red, or to a sizable minority who were black and in chains.
He may have engaged in illegal activity to provide a better life for his family, but the fact remains that Marty has sparked a chain reaction that could lead to the beheading of his kids.
A little backbiting by the officials and their aides, who occupy power suites at opposite ends of the State Capitol's second floor, might be chalked up to the kind of rivalry that is an unseemly but unsurprising fact of life atop the state's political food chain.
It's a fact that women are discriminated against in the workplace, and in life, and if you add this ball and chain on top of it at a time when a girl is feeling really vulnerable and developing her self - esteem, it can wreak havoc on a young woman.
The pair reflected on the chain of events leading to entering each other's lives, which included the fact that Ford had been employed by Francis Ford Coppola to build a door.
Given its proximity, and the fact that Wrinkly Kong and other members of the Kong Family live in the region, it is possible that the Northern Kremisphere is part of the greater chain of DK Isles.
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