Sentences with phrase «chain of events»

One chain of events led to hydrogen and subsequently to heavy elements.
This long, and hopefully positive chain of events begins with good cover letter writing skills and ends with job satisfaction and a nice paycheck.
To combat it is to understand threats and insider threats often follow a complex chain of events.
But I can turn in my mind's eye and see it, can image the whole chain of events from the cruel destruction of death to the brilliance of new life.
But when an unstoppable chain of events unfolds, everyone soon realizes no one is who they seem and the job may be something other than eliminating the competition.
The whole chain of events was just another addition to the mounting evidence that many companies continue to struggle with diversity.
This long and hopefully positive chain of events begins with a good cover letter and ends with job satisfaction and a nice paycheck.
When the owner tells an important local figure about it, a disastrous chain of events is set in place.
Here are three important links in the possible chain of events.
Soon he has set in motion an unexpected and unstoppable chain of events.
It sounds like extinction may not be an event with a cause, but a process that may involve chains of events.
This second chain of events has nothing to do with the environment in which the organism finds itself.
She found a buyer the first day - I think the rapid chain of events even surprised her!
Traditional production and manufacturing have a linear chain of events: an identifiable product designer, manufacturer, distributor and retailer.
The enzyme is believed to be essential to the molecular chain of events that leads to cervical cancer.
The structure of the documentary is such that we follow the historical chain of events.
However, a surreal chain of events pulls him into the action.
An interesting story ultimately ruined by the main character's lack of emotion and the general absurd chain of events that are never truly explained.
For gamers who would rather not be stuck in a linear arcade - type chain of events, video games utilizing the open world concept are a must.
She instead chose to tastefully call attention to an unacceptable chain of events and demand that appropriate action be taken.
Just as the supernatural can not affect a casual chain of events, no gods required.
The result of the interaction between the causal chain involving mutation and the causal chain involving the environment is not predictable from either chain of events taken separately.
If he stayed healthy, probably at least some of that horrible chain of events wouldn't have happened in the 2nd half of 2014.
He may be too young to understand this as a consequence instead of a normal chain of events.
Doctors were prepared to give the patient's family bad news, but an unlikely chain of events may have saved his life.
But even she can not predict the spectacular chain of events that has already been set in motion, or the profoundly disturbing consequences it will have for those she holds most dear.
In the conclusion you tell why this particular chain of events or a single event was important to you.
There can be hilarious chain of events, only possible with real players.
Getting down to the very core of things, after the initial opening chain of events, the game gets slightly boring and repetitive.
I believe that with proper guidance one can accept life as spontaneous chain of events and feel comfortable throughout the process of change.
This second chain of events has to do with the environment in which the organism finds itself.
You can also try developing a warm - up routine that sets off a positive chain of events to help you generate momentum.
«Plant diseases may start chain of events to threaten your picnic basket.»
When Alex receives material hinting that his wife is alive and well, a complex chain of events results in a chaotic manhunt for him.
Convincing him to make a different decision that will allow him to live, John and Frank begin to set a complex chain of events into motion that will make them acutely aware of how even small choices can have a major impact decades later.
LRP6 had previously been identified as a player in a biochemical chain of events known as the Wnt pathway, which controls a range of processes in the brain.
While repeating the complicated chain of events including multiple Wills and property acquisitions in the Niels [4] case are beyond the scope of this article, the nub of the matter was that the deceased transferred her property into joint tenancy with her son and daughter in law.
The film is structured with a series of flashbacks and flashforwards, keeping the audience in doubt as to the exact chain of events until a chronology starts building up to a terrible end — this structure, standout performances from everyone involved, and an enormously effective soundscape combine to make this one of the most terrifying pictures about parenthood ever made.
To see if the same chain of events happens in rheumatoid arthritis, Smith's team tested whether various kinds of fibroblasts would spur T cell migration in test tubes.
Baldwin said he knew other teams were upset with Reutimann for stopping on the track, but said it was just an «unfortunate chain of events
Take note that, for Bitcoin, a similar chain of events eventually led to the launch of the first Bitcoin futures.
It's difficult to glean much detail about Montesino's sermon from its train of interpreters, who have distilled the entire chain of events into a single, revolutionary cusp of history.
Remembering that this long chain of events started with Wally's initial recommendation, I personally delivered a check for a 20 percent referral fee to Wally's widow.
That was the question the entire world of football fans and media members were asking after a confusing chain of events in the second quarter of Sunday night's game between the 49ers and the Patriots.
The researchers linked the abnormal behavior of mutant HSCs to a dangerous chain of events at the molecular level.
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