Sentences with phrase «chain of logic»

Unfortunately, the standard fundamentalist chain of logic, translated into BASIC 2.0, is: 10 PRINT «THE BIBLE IS TRUE BECAUSE...» 20 GOTO 10
This allows the appropriate cost benefit analysis (maybe this is getting to far into politics) that should be significantly more useful for the main debate than these temperature predictions that we have and takes many unpredictable factors out of the equation and if we have a full chain of logic it should be easier to find — because time as opposed to amount of carbon related models leave you asking questions like «what will happen to technology»
that evidence has to follow a chain of logic.
«When you are able to identify it through a chain of logic, it's like being a detective.»
Yet, one link in the chain of logic may just have have been at least partially severed.
There's a chain of logic I've used to explore this situation in my writing and classes.
Remember, what this chain of logic is all about is a process that is leading up to what did or didn't get admitted as evidence in an IPCC chapter.
It is question 171 of the proceedings, which I have brought with me, because I knew from reading the Mr Holland material that this is one of the chains of the logic that he brings out.
It's interesting to watch Muir Russell offering up «what did or didn't get admitted in an IPCC chapter» as what the «chain of logic» was all about, given that this was not on their terms of reference and was sketchily handled in the report itself.
You clearly are one of those people who can't follow a chain of logic.
The chain of logic only gets to step 2 before it all falls apart with the entire basis for CAGW resting almost solely on the data in question.
but — to complete the chain of logic — are CO2 increases DEFINITLY the cause of the warming?
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