Sentences with phrase «chain of transactions»

To stay ahead of regulators, money launderers frequently alter the complex chains of transactions, banks, and front companies they use to get the money out of Russia and into the global financial system.
But by looking at chains of transactions in the public blockchain, it's possible to identify transaction patterns, and with enough effort, often the real - world owner of a specific address.
Each such computer contains the whole chain of transactions, so it is not feasible for a would - be fraudster to alter all of them.
Yet some miners were initially slow to adopt the raised gas limit despite calls for an increase, as a higher limit can increase the frequency of uncle blocks, or blocks that are mined but don't form the longest chain of transactions.
A blockchain, by contrast, is hosted on a network of computers, which verifies every new bitcoin transaction every 10 minutes, then adds a «block» made up of those transactions to the chain of transactions that came before.
As soon as he makes one deal, he has started a chain of transactions that, seen from a larger scale, point to a sort of corruption that is absolute.
Every transaction is part of a chain of transactions and the normal course of action is to sue along the chain.
EU ministers last week asked the Commission to come up with specific proposals to allow easier sharing of information between enforcement agencies and to beat intra-EU scams such as carousel or missing trader fraud, where goods are moved through the EU in a chain of transactions, allowing VAT to be reclaimed on each one.
«The vision of the Soma community is to provide a platform that sets up a true freedom of trade, without any redundant actors that do not increase any value in the chain of transactions,» says Soma co-founder Jukka Hilmola, stressing that such a marketplace can help ensure better value and liquidity for producers and traders across the globe.
The system does not guarantee complete anonymity though, as the chain of all transactions is published openly in the transaction history and a link to further information is in principle always possible.
Furthermore, if Alice is regularly involved as a party in a chain of transactions, tracing the chain can be used to identify Alice.
This chain of transactions and motions is encoded into blocks of data, chained together in time.
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