Sentences with phrase «chain smoking»

"Chain smoking" refers to the act of continuously smoking one cigarette after another without taking a break in between. Full definition
Notice I didn't say it was exactly like chain smoking.
He started chain smoking heavily and having to suppress his tension with a lot of pot or alcohol.
Except for chain smoking cigarettes, a dreadful addiction, with lighting another while one is still burning in the ashtray, I don't think that I have any unusual writing habits.
When we had an issue with chain smoking guests in A4 it was promptly and courteously resolved.
Of course they will tell you this is impossible, but I am living proof that you don't need to sit around moping about your last relapse in a room full of chain smoking coffee guzzling Jesus freaks.
A few years after the incident with my sister, my mother married a great guy, a hard working construction worker who chain smoked and watched far too much television.
Known for chain smoking and being brassy, Elaine forbid hamburgers to be sold on the menu, and would kick out customers she didn't like when new ones came in.
You're giving the cliched stereotypical drunken, swearing, chain smoking bad tempered writers of the world an impossible public standard to live up to.
Chris Treadaway doesn't chain smoke or drink cocktails all day at his office at WeWork at the Domain.
I did ask Wojciech and Jack to chain smoke in the Stoke changing room before the game.
Abandoning their families, living in a silent commune and — strangest of all — taking a vow to chain smoke since the last days are rapidly approaching, they stalk the rest of the community with a mission to make those guilty feelings contagious.
After a year - long loan spell at Lavagnese, Umar returned to Spezia and scored an incredible 27 goals in 32 appearances for Spezia's primavera side in 2014, attracting the attention of a certain chain smoking director of football from Rome.
Albert Ross is a malingering misanthrope — a boozing, chain smoking philanderer; shifty, lazy, cowardly, going to fat, and more prone to doing the wrong thing than any man alive.
The bulk of the action can be found around Old Street and Brick Lane, where lanky girls and boys alternate chain smoking with pouting.
Jinguji as a character hasn't changed much; he's still a 30 - something chain smoking dude that looks like a corporate Solid Snake.
Another insider adds that he was «harassing audience members, harassing actors on the stage, and chain smoking inside the theater.»
Instead, he meets Rosie Jarman, a beautiful bartender who chain smokes and never seems to arrive anywhere on time.
Sincerely Union of Drunken, Swearing, Chain Smoking Bad Tempered Writers + Robert De Niro (who will be out of work if you don't cease and desist)
D.T. Max has a colorful profile in the New Yorker of the chain smoking Simons and the Flatiron Institute, the new research effort Simons is funding to help create better methods to analyze big sets of data.
Before his conversion to Christianity, Colson was described as an aggressive political mastermind who drank heavily, chain smoked, and smeared opponents.
I couldn't breathe from the chain smoking.
another chain smoking gal trying to portray herself as «healthy».
- Dating deal breakers: Chain Smoking.
And it takes place in a thoroughly unpleasant slab of small - town Louisiana populated by idiot lowlifes whose primary characteristics are chain smoking and bad tattoos.
Even Rob Lowe, who plays a chain smoking, whiskey swilling Vatican priest that is literally assigned the job of Devil's Advocate, can't use his smarmy charms to save this series.
In any case, Ms. Janney has a field day with the role, as she chain smokes cigarillos, swigs wine, belittles Tonya, and wallows in her own unfulfilled, miserable life.
She is, as Jamie puts it, «from The Depression», which means she's tough: for him, her chain smoking is the perfect illustration.
The chain smoking Welch kicker.
In «I, Tonya», Robbie convincingly presents a headstrong Tonya that hunts animals for food with her dad, chain smokes like her mom and refuses (or is unable) to truly fit into the elite, presentation - conscious skating world.
Cynthia is a chain smoking white woman estranged from her family and working at a dead end job.
Violet is suffering from mouth cancer and has become addicted to her pain pills and chain smoking.
The streets of Tehran are seething with hatred, the bustling office workers inside the Beltway are trying to chain smoke themselves to a solution, and the Hollywood execs on the West Coast realize they may have a chance to really do something worthwhile for a change.
Her performance as Tonya's chain smoking, negligent mother — who is utterly devoid of warmth even in a film where the ice is a central character — might be cartoonish, but it's compelling in its unpleasantness.
We pop into the editing room where a chain smoking Frances McDormand hastily assembles clips.
No doubt it was not helping them but how in the world could the elite athletes of the world of that day be chain smoking?
Ship's engineer Isaak tends to chain smoke and doubles as your weapons expert.
Part of Cory's goal with this website and collection of resources is to dispel the myth of the starving artist, and I'd like to do the same with the chain smoking, booze swilling, sleep - deprived «tortured artist».
«When the market is up, the character dances and shops at Christian Dior: when the market is down, she chain smokes, has nightmares, and shops at Goodwill.»
Never mind the ashtrays — the floor is carpeted with Davidoff cigarettes, chain smoked three - quarters down, then stubbed into dark brown smears.
Pollock's chain smoking, paint throwing, overtly masculine private performance made public seems instinctual, visceral and raw.
Is it the chain smoking, the ugly sandals or the cameras around their necks?
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