Sentences with phrase «chain transactions overall»

An increase in the block size limit via a hard fork would also create an increase in the supply of block space, and thus lower the cost of on - chain transactions overall, but it's unclear how large blocks can become while retaining a sufficient level of decentralization and censorship resistance.

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• High - risk countries: banks will be required to enhance their due dili - gence checks on financial transactions from high risk countries, including those on the harmonised list of non-EU countries with poor AML controls • Access to beneficial owners» registers: a higher level of transparency on the true beneficiary own - ers of companies will be achieved through the creation of national regis - ters and information shar - ing between EU member states these operators are able to compete on fair terms, thereby contributing to the overall efficiency of the chain.
Bob's overall balance remains unchanged while Alice and Carol's transaction can be recorded off - chain.
Cleverly utilizing Bitcoin's programmable elements (e.g., multi-signature and timelock) lightning users should be able to make a virtually unlimited number of off - chain transactions at low cost, potentially boosting Bitcoin's micropayment - ability and overall scalability.
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