Sentences with phrase «challenge for schools»

But the developmental stage of adolescence presents new challenges for school leaders.
One of the biggest challenges for school districts will be preparing for the computer - based assessments.
This offered schools new levels of autonomy but under a rigorous accountability framework and new challenges for schools in terms of financial reporting.
These concerns are compounded by a common expectation that budget pressures and lack of funding will be the biggest challenge for schools over the next 12 months.
The winter season is a major challenge for schools when it comes to health and safety.
Helping teachers to adopt and use these strategies, however, can prove challenging for school leaders.
It is a constant challenge for schools to make activities like science club or after - school sports seem as appealing as going out with friends.
Changing this is the great challenge for schools, because the share of black and Hispanic students is growing.
We would like to see the funding formula take into account pupil mobility factor as this presents an enormous challenge for some schools.
This is a serious challenge for school food advocates, and we'll be talking more about it in the weeks and months ahead.
As a result, budgets may be tight again, creating a new round of management challenges for school districts.
But those characteristics are also at the heart of the Internet - connectivity challenge for schools in such rural and remote parts of the country.
Which of these items are the most challenging for your school?
Some of these may seem far - reaching decisions and unusual challenges for a schools chief.
I believe one reason is that each of those five practices, simple as they seem, represents an organizational and intellectual challenge for schools and districts.
The platform was designed to address the most prevalent scheduling challenges for school leaders and make it easy to design and manage the daily life of a school.
The panel discussed how changes in technology have created new ways for students to bully each other, creating new legal challenges for schools and communities.
One of the biggest challenges for schools responding to instances of bullying is identifying exactly what has occurred.
One challenge for school districts not used to newcomers is maintaining high expectations.
Reducing disruptive behavior in classrooms remains a major challenge for schools.
While good for students, it could prove challenging for schools (and their government or non-profit backers).
Funding instructional assistants is a constant challenge for the school and the district, and instructional assistants may only be available part - time in upper - grade - level immersion classrooms.
A significant challenge for school leaders is to cultivate an atmosphere where testing — and sometimes invalidating — innovative ideas is an accepted part of the creative process.
Mr Hinds told them there have been «real cost pressures on schools» and «it is challenging for schools making the numbers add up».
Survey of the American teacher: Challenges for school leadership.
With student suspensions as a gauge of a school's safety climate, statistics from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for the most recent school year available show a convergence of challenges for school districts in Madison and its neighboring suburbs.
«There are always financial challenges for school districts to do as much as they want to do, and that's where we can provide that value.»
Reconciling the pressures of austerity, a new school funding formula, a step change in national expectations of learners and ever vigilant Ofsted inspection can not be other than a huge challenge for school leaders and governors.
As these and other instances demonstrate, an emerging challenge for school administrators is how to respond when students use social media to express incendiary opinions.
Computer Science education is an important challenge for school systems nationwide.
Even so, says West, «the findings do suggest that providing more transparency about current education spending — a step requited by the new Every Student Succeeds Act — may make it more challenging for school districts to gain greater public support.»
Could approaches such as Design Challenges for Schools succeed where DT hasn't?
The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Challenges for School Leadership reports that, «Most principals say that their responsibilities today have changed compared to five years ago and that their job has increased in complexity.»
Consumers are quickly embracing eBooks, but there are additional challenges for school districts to do the same,» said Kevin Johnston, Director of Product Design.
February 21 - 23: The ICA offers art - making activities, book readings, and challenges for school vacation week (Boston)
I read with interest the article «Turning noses up at healthier meals; Student reaction to new CPS lunches shows challenges for schools hoping to change diets» (Page 1, Feb. 21).
The combined effect of the lost revenue from selling treats along with declining sales of the regular lunches has created financial challenges for some school cafeterias.
If we don't allow it, schools will have to serve other (read: actual) vegetables, and that would be expensive, logistically challenging for schools and kids would be bummed.
«This lack of basic budget information made it very challenging for school districts to develop an accurate budget and engage the community to plan for the upcoming year,» said Brady.
The results present a stagnating set of figures and continue to highlight ongoing challenges for schools, school systems and governments, says Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) President Dennis Yarrington.
Interviews were carried out with teachers, headteachers and other stakeholders and concluded that there are four main perceived challenges for schools when considering the introduction of postural health education and ergonomic furniture: There is sometimes a lack of awareness of the issue in general as well as about the ergonomic furniture options available.
«Teacher supply remains a significant challenge for schools generally, and it seems evident that this is constraining schools» ability to increase teaching time of EBacc subjects, especially science and languages.»
Within education, our aim is to enhance design in schools by making it better connected to the design industry whilst more engaged with pressing social questions, and we run the Design Challenges for Schools programme to do this.
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has launched a new Reading Challenge for schools to encourage children to read for pleasure.
Ensuring consistently high standards across schools is a formidable challenge for any school system.
Underlying this general challenge are three specific challenges for schools that exist in three very different contexts.
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