Sentences with phrase «challenge threats to our children»

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But the children who have only known freedom would not carry that burden, and if their freedom wasn't challenged or undermined by white people — a big if — they could follow their dreams and never know how much it saps one's spirit and hope, for a human being to be seen, thought of, and treated like an animal, or a disposable piece of property, or simply as an enemy, judged as a threat or a failure on sight alone (like today; a white man's fear and loathing can get you shot like Trayvon Martin).
Informed by an understanding of the threat that climate change poses to current and future children, pediatricians can play a valuable role in the societal response to this global challenge.
That I speak about the need for a representative body today does not mean that I am not concerned about the challenges that will emerge for our communities through climate change, or the threat to our children through sexual abuse and the prevalence of violence.
The dominant approach to research in this field starts out from the assumption that (the care needs or daily hassles associated with caring for) the child with ID is a «stressor», defined as a threat, challenge or demand that taxes or exceeds an individual's capacity to adapt [1].
In either case, however, enforcing disciplinary or other policies in a way that excludes a child due to disability - related challenging behaviors is allowed only after an individualized assessment of the child's needs and a determination that the accommodations necessary to include the child would pose an undue burden, fundamental alteration, or direct threat.
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