Sentences with phrase «challenges you've helped»

Addressing their challenges helps eliminate obstacles to your company's getting PR.
Understanding that your company will face unexpected challenges helps you react better.
Staying busy and regularly challenging yourself helps to occupy your mind, honing your skills and giving you a sense of pride and personal achievement.
Team challenges help employees to get to know one another better and allow them to work together in a more social setting.
How will solving these key challenges help with either of those metrics?
Giving meaning to any challenge helps one to overcome and persevere.
Plus a real challenge helps to build up the organization.
Your recipes are great and the challenge helped us with motivation!
This KETO challenge helped me lose weight without being able to exercise.
The A to Z Science series, the Science at Home video series, and the Challenge and Discover science challenges helped us accomplish this.
Programs like the Healthier US School Challenge help to promote healthier schools and healthier kids.
The final part covers algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms using Perl and Python.
The third part of the course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Python.
The urge to emotionally eat was quite strong at some stages... but revisiting the reasons I decided to take the challenge helped a lot.
Our 21 - day challenge helps to seamlessly incorporate veggies into your diet.
I hope this challenge helped to start the day with healthy top of mind, and tasty too of course!
Your recipes are great and the challenge helped us with motivation!
I'm glad my challenge helped with the weight loss plateau and that you are happy with my app!
If we can remember that every life challenge helps us to learn and grow, then we have the «why» that Nietzsche is taking about in his life challenges quote.
Giving meaning to any challenge helps one to overcome and persevere.
Not only will the Challenge help you get fit, exceed your goals and improve your overall health, you will also have a chance to win one of many cash prizes totaling $ 100,000!
We're all told to exercise as means to change our outer appearance, but one of the most helpful things I've learned as an adult is that exercise and completing physical challenges helps me process emotionally.
That challenge helped me realise that life is beautiful even on the bad days.
hope the style challenge helps get me back on track
These challenges help reinforce your teaching and give pupils a chance to independently practice their Python programming skills.
By exploring the practical uses of science, the challenges help to inspire young people to consider further study and careers in STEM.
Reflecting on the year's successes and challenges helps measure our progress as a sector.
He said the laws being challenged help keep a stable workforce in schools which is vital to student learning.
Using the Engineering Design Process to take on robotic and engineering challenges helps students connect their education to real world experiences.
The MyWays Toolset from the Next Generation Learning Challenge helps educators address the Three Big Questions of Next Generation Learning: How well are we defining and articulating what success looks like for students attending our school?
These challenges help reinforce your teaching and give pupils a chance to independently practice their Python programming sk...
The challenges helped us narrow our focus and ultimately improve our business.
It's based on high - performance research that shows that challenges help you level up and move closer to becoming your best self — as a person and a writer.
Plus, savings challenges help you build a new savings habit that you are more likely to continue after completing the challenge.
Our podcast, blog and online courses like 30 - Day Home Staging Challenge help homeowners like you to successfully leverage home staging, a proven home selling technique, to get your home show ready for the market.
«This challenge helped Lindsay understand what specific areas of spending she wants to maintain and which can go.
And, most especially, we like that this Challenge helped us to be more cognizant of our dogs» food and our feeding practices.
In addition to burning off calories to keep you and your pooch at a healthy weight, physical activity can help reduce anxiety and build confidence, while mental challenges help to keep boredom at bay.
Mental challenges help him learn and keep his brain active.
New experiences and challenges help new neural connections form inside the dog's brain.
This wonderful team challenge helps your strengthen your team, while helping a child in need.
These engineering challenges help players understand physics and logic concepts, all while watching a coaster glide down the track, complete with dips, curves, and loops!
Community challenges help bolster the online / offline multiplayer gameplay, which really boosts the replay value to a high level.
Your book, videos, short courses and challenges helped me so much think of my art not just as a creative passion, but as a business.
Their disparate attempts to meet this challenge helped to liberate illustration from its purely representational role, introducing in its place a parallelism or dialogue between text and image and inviting readers to take more active roles in making meaning.
C&I Carbon Challenge helps companies and organizations implement their best energy - saving / carbon - reduction projects through a competitive proposal process.
Facilitate sales discussions by researching the diseases and health challenges helped by the medical equipment represented.
In addition, understanding these immigrant experiences from a strength - based perspectives and what coping strategies these families used to deal with life challenges helps practitioners recognize what the clients» service needs are and how to work more successfully with these families at reunification.
Finding ways to meet the challenges helps families work on their strengths and can lead to resilient and rewarding family relationships.
San Diego mediator Bill Eddy identifies people struggling with NPD as one of a handful of «high conflict personalities» who challenge helping professionals mightily.
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