Sentences with phrase «challenging biblical messages»

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But fired up as I was about porn culture and sexual violence, and questioning attitudes towards women in the Church, I felt bombarded by messages about conservative «biblical womanhood» that I couldn't identify with and that didn't seem to do anything to challenge the injustice I saw.
The sense of promise undergirds a wide variety of biblical challenges, e.g. apocalyptic renunciations of the «present age,» Jesus» sense of homelessness, the Gospels» message that turning our attention toward the Risen Lord requires a forfeiture of worldly security, and St. Paul's summons to realize our freedom by living without the comforts of legalism.
What aspects of media culture do you think the biblical message affirms, and what do you think it challenges?
The biblical message always finds expression in a new culture by affirming some aspects of the culture and challenging others.
For example, the Bible is frequently quoted in support of opposition to portrayals of sex and violence in the media but not often to challenge the practice of western media corporations destroying poorer indigenous cultures by selling cheap western entertainment that under - cuts local programming, even though protection of the poor is a strong biblical message.
About Blog The purpose of Bethany House is to help Christians apply biblical truth in all areas of life — whether through a well - told story, a challenging devotional, or the message of an illustrated children's book.
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