Sentences with phrase «challenging moments»

I must admit, I have had my most challenging moments in parenting yet.
---- It's a surprisingly challenging moment for the charter school movement.
Plus, our panelists share their most challenging moments breastfeeding their twins and how they handled it.
It's also one of the most effective ways to clear cortisol (the stress hormone) from the body, helping you better cope with the more challenging moments in life.
Is this hard in the face of the predictable intense and challenging moments of parenting?
Like most parts of life, dating comes with challenging moments, excitement, ups, downs, and learning.
This class has been great for strengthening my mind - body connection, particularly using breath to push through challenging moments.
Yes these years are filled with many challenging moments.
By being good friends, you can build a healthy bond that will help you repair and navigate challenging moments together.
The seminar will include lecture, video presentation, role - plays, clinical group exercises, and customized «scripts» for handling particularly challenging moments in therapy.
BUT... parenting is also filled with plenty of really challenging moments as well.
There were some very challenging moments, and some interesting ways to complete puzzles, such as bouncing the light off of objects to direct the workers.
There may be challenging moments when caring for a new dog, but remember that it should get easier in time, and that your foster dog needs you.
«So it is, in some ways, inevitable that there will be challenging moments along the way, as we move toward higher standards,» he said.
These funds can come in handy during a period of unemployment or other financially challenging moments in life.
The on screen controls are easy to use, but still this post apocalyptic 3D third person shooter offers more than enough challenging moments.
The reality is, you are already facing legal challenges the moment an insurance company is involved.
By choosing subtle pleasure in more challenging moments, you can increase your ability to detect and experience pleasure overall.
This single step simply means to listen and offer warmth and connection even in our child's most challenging moments, isn't about permitting all behaviour, it's about allowing all feelings.
If you need someone to really listen to you, to be present with you, and to help guide you through challenging moments, my door is open.
In our lives with a young child there may be many challenging moments, that make us feel stressed out, serious and frustrated, getting locked in a power struggle with our kids.
Her fierce belief in the transformative power of challenging moments in relationships helps her couples find new grace and connection.
A gag reel (7:10) supplies more of that, as the cast tries repeatedly to avoid cracking up at challenging moments, their laughter being quite contagious.
Lisa offers concrete strategies to better understand children's moods and behavior as well as ideas to support them during challenging moments.
Even worse, you needed seome one of a kind sticker to easily beat them, which is ridiculous The game had too many challenging moments like World 3, i had to go on IGN for walkthroughs far too many times then i should have.
is such one great post that has answered my many years of challenged moments why such programs, systems failed despite our good intentions to share and reach out to the non believers.
As I whackpacked my way through the Stan countries and India the last 4 - 5 months, there were some real challenging moments as an online worker.
Take a look at this list of ten typical challenging moments for parents of toddlers, and try out some of the playlistening suggestions.
I also take a moment before a truly challenging moment, set or interval, and visualize the experience as clearly and authentically as possible.
The idea could have lent itself to some smart challenging moments while still having the blood and violence.
Cuphead plays like a type side - scrolling platformer with a focus on shooting but it goes far deeper than that with some surprisingly challenging moments.
Teachers need manageable technology that does not distract from teaching and learning; they need instructional coaches who can effectively use the footage for professional learning; and they need a supportive school climate for sharing challenging moments in the classroom.
Writing can be a very gratifying experience but there are also challenging moments when the creative well turns dry and you need to stimulate your writing.
But while there are a few brilliantly challenging moments in the game, the vast majority of the puzzles failed to tax my mind, with only a few ever being able to halt my progress for more than a few minutes.
As the game progresses, one of the totem pieces with the help of special power ups has an anti-gravity ability leading to some of the most ridiculously challenging moments in the game.
Every IPCC plenary that I have attended has been among the most physically and mentally challenging moments of my life... (p. 47)
And while the movement for solutions may seem in the throes of an especially challenging moment, addressing the crisis» impacts on our current and future well - being is not a political issue but an ethical and practical one.
The Wirecutter — Best Small TV — Adrienne Maxwell — Apparently one of life's more challenging moments currently is the choice of the second (or third, or fourth) TV.
Good Enough Parenting offers us the opportunity to peer into the complexities of our own personalities, life traps, and coping styles, to discover those unique challenging moments in parenting... the ones that can activate longstanding personal struggles as well as amazing strengths.
«Sometimes life delivers challenging moments for us or we feel stuck in a negative cycle.
We will positively manage through today's challenging environment just as we have positively navigated through challenging moments in the past.
I had an arsenal of techniques at my disposal for the occasion, such as deep breathing tactics and soothing music for the more challenging moments.
Young people's natural questions, behaviors and curiosities around sexuality create some of life's awkward and challenging moments for parents.
Her lady parts here have also been through some very challenging moments, and depending on how well or tough the labor and birth experience was, they will need lots of TLC in order to heal and get back to their pre-pregnancy shape.
In addition, the display offers impressive black levels and details in darker scenes, even in challenging moments like The Martian's deep space shots.
«Portman delivers a transformative and deeply human portrayal of the former First Lady following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, one of the most challenging moments in our nation's history.»
I ran into so many challenging moments that made me feel like giving up breastfeeding, it probably would have behooved me to, you know, look into breastfeeding and the potential complications before I actually tried to achieve breastfeeding success.
With over two decades experience of guiding families through the most intense and challenging moments of their lives, I use my wisdom and intuitive understanding to meet each person's unique needs; I am fully comfortable holding safe, loving space to guide you through whatever issues or experiences arise, and will be at your side, responding to your breath every step of the way.
This system brings a solid sense of progression to the game, and hunting down some of the bigger vials which grant you extra experience provides some of the most challenging moments in the entire game, making them more than worth hunting down for anyone feeling that the is a bit too easy, though even at its most difficult Trine 2 is not a very taxing game on the old brain.
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