Sentences with phrase «challenging period in»

He steered the company through a challenging period in the forest industry, during which Ainsworth underwent a major restructuring.
«Our success so far has been built on our ability to offer a tailored service to clients, taking the time to understand what they are seeking to achieve in their case, treating them as individuals, addressing any fears or concerns about legal matters that they may have and guiding them through a challenging period in their life by going above and beyond the usual standard of service that many people expect to receive from a solicitor.
Just about everyone knows to be prepared to deal with crazy / relentless puppy behavior, but way fewer dog owners, it seems, have been warned about the other challenging period in a dog's life: adolescence!
To help your dog through this challenging period in his life, you should respond in specific ways that match how dogs learn.
During this time your puppy's immature brain is changing and developing, and it can be a difficult and challenging period in both his life and yours.
This is probably the most challenging period in the 21 year career of Arsene Wenger at Arsenal.
He led Torstar through the most challenging period in its history, then signed on to place the greater Toronto transit system on a solid footing as president of Metrolinx.
But as the London market confronts one of the most challenging periods in its development, new...
by Walter Chaw Emerging in the middle of one of the most experimental, challenging periods in cinematic history, Performance — completed in 1968 but shelved until 1970 — is a product at once ahead of its time and two years too late.
For example, the incumbent board recently sent a letter to stockholders that claimed the Company's recent troubles were caused by «one of the most economically challenging periods in recent history.»
I write this review while in the midst of one of the most challenging periods in my life.
We are often faced with painful and challenging periods in our life.

Not exact matches

«Our results were negatively impacted by a number of industry - wide challenges, including a significant U.S. toy category slowdown in the holiday period, and increased foreign exchange headwinds,» said outgoing Chairman and CEO Christopher Sinclair.
The broad scope of challenges facing the world's top financial executives is unlike any other period in modern business history.
Now I know for anyone going through a challenging period this might not appear that comforting, to surrender, and I do think there are situations where you need to step up and take action, in fact most situations.
«Customers who intend to adopt Azure strategically and migrate applications over a period of one year or more (finishing in 2016 or later) can begin to deploy some workloads now, but those with a broad range of immediate enterprise needs may encounter challenges.
As I begin another chapter in my life, I leave feeling fulfilled with what we have accomplished as a government and a country during one of the most challenging economic periods in our country's history.
«I think it's really challenging being a woman in business, period.
Some of our greatest innovations and products were born in a period of challenge.
Challenge number one was how hard it was to find a large number of research subjects working in similar jobs, who could divide into work - at - home and work - at - the - office cohorts, and who were willing to cooperate with the researchers over a long enough period of time.
But several companies were then in the process of creating better battlefield software that was attuned to the challenges of the post-9 / 11 period.
Finally, the Canada Pension Plan offers insufficient retirement security and hasn't been reformed to meet the challenges of a period where most young workers can't enrol in pension plans.
The stark responsiveness to the business cycle suggests that many college students, and especially female college students, have sufficient ability to complete more challenging majors, such as STEM fields, yet choose not to do so in periods with stronger labor market prospects.»
Either remote or in - person, Brian Honigman will work with you or your leadership over a group of hours in a three month period to help address challenges, opportunities and areas of growth with social media, content marketing, personal branding and thought leadership.
There is no doubt, as some have pointed out in recent times, that adverse supply shocks are presenting the most significant challenge to the inflation - targeting approach that it has so far experienced in a period of nearly two decades since New Zealand and Canada led the way in adopting it.
This guidance is invaluable in the challenging period of starting a business and can mitigate some of the risk for early - stage investors.»
Because of a consistent focus on our clients» needs and orienting our businesses to meet their ongoing objectives, we believe we have provided solid returns in a challenging period, while seeking to protect our ability to provide significant upside to our shareholders as the economic cycle turns.
Given the challenging economic environment and sharp increase in gasoline prices that coincided with this promotion, a premium price offer like Lobsterfest was less well - suited for the period.
It's so true that one of the main issues about all of this is that while in theory it is simple, actually staying the course over long periods of time (a lifetime, really) is the challenge.
The Zweig bond model kept investors invested in long - duration bond ETFs over that challenging period, when the majority of analysts were calling for higher rates.
Flatt also chairs Brookfield's Investment Committee, whose investment approach is to acquire high - quality assets at less than replacement cost by looking for opportunities in regions and sectors during periods of financial upheaval or operational challenge.
Given the stock market's seasonal tendency to decline in the quarter, investors expected the period to be challenging.
The six - week period covered in our latest Industry Price Performance rankings was a challenging time for the equity markets.
Trump, however, has challenged that schedule, saying in a 2015 presidential primary debate that he wanted «smaller doses over a longer period of time.»
During that period and down to today, conservatives and neoconservatives challenged Americans to bear great burdens to «assure the survival and the success of liberty,» as Kennedy had put it in his inaugural address, while many liberals who claimed the Kennedy mantle promoted various forms of neo-isolationism.
The challenge facing U.S. policymakers in the post-Vietnam period is to fight wars to defend perceived U.S. interests while limiting U.S. casualties.
His Gifford Lectures at Edinburgh on The Presence of Eternity: History and Eschatology (Harper, 1957) and various books of essays — the most notable collections in English being Faith and Understanding (Harper & Row, 1969) and Existence and Faith (World, 1960)-- show over how long a period, and in relation to how many challenges, he worked out his own presentation of the Word of God to our time.
I confess that there was a period in my life when I wondered if praying was merely a historically sanctioned procedure for challenging me to bring the separate aspects of my psyche into some kind of integration.
Gods will is for us humans today to evolved to a level of conciousness that will prepare us for the challenges of our future survival, Scientists now predicts of hardships in the future due to over population and changes to the natural environment.and that is happening now with activists through out the world are reminding us of protecting nature.That is why we need a phsychological revolution to hasten the evolution of consciousness that will address the problems.Ideological and philosophical enlightenment had the past great minds to develop ideas and belief because God sent them to reality in their times.Abraham, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and many other religious leaders to teach humanity the doctrines that God willed to be appropriate and applicable in those periods of their existence, Also great philosophers in another dimension of social involvement were born to interprete and connect philosophically as the second element of our conscience, Kant, Marx and countless of them also were born.To complete the triangular structure or dimension of our conscience is knowledge.
We should note in passing that «I tell you...» with its direct challenge to dearly held preconceptions of the period is an indirect personal claim of great magnitude.
It was gradually weakened, however, by a series of challenges in the modern period.
It is the «we're in this thing together» attitude which allows a couple to use periods of crisis, conflict, or even estrangement, as challenges to work harder at deepening and expanding the relationship.
So a correction was found as the «70s dawned, the angry voices of the alienated minorities diminished, the bloody Vietnam war ended, the cities grew less hysterical, and the nation discovered that its institutions were strong enough to withstand the enormous challenge of corruption in the highest office of this land, finally expelling that corruption in a violent period of national purging.
The problem with religion is the installation of a «God Based Reality» into a young child or adolescent mind which is not challenged over a significant period of time resulting in improbable, or nearly impossible rational judgment at later stages in life with respect to religious claims.
Nevertheless, as process theology now encounters the challenge of political theology, its roots in the earlier period of the Chicago school take on a new currency and relevance.
Even though the creators of the National Curriculum are keen to emphasise the importance of what they call «the English literary heritage», by which they mean «authors with an enduring appeal that transcends the period in which they were writing, and who have played a significant role in the development of literature in English» [Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2007, 71), their choice of recommended authors reveals a set of post-Protestant secular assumptions which need to be challenged if Catholic culture is to flourish in Catholic schools.
If theology of any sort is to have the energy and vitality today that European theology has had in its great periods in the past, it must respond to the new situation now as effectively as it responded to the challenges of the nineteenth century.
In the complete change of religious climate after Constantine most of the new patterns of priestly behavior and pastoral rule which were to prevail for a millennium in both Eastern and Western Catholicism until challenged by Protestantism were laid down in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45In the complete change of religious climate after Constantine most of the new patterns of priestly behavior and pastoral rule which were to prevail for a millennium in both Eastern and Western Catholicism until challenged by Protestantism were laid down in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in both Eastern and Western Catholicism until challenged by Protestantism were laid down in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in 451.
In the complete change of religious climate most of the new patterns of priestly behavior and pastoral rule which were to prevail for a millennium in both Eastern and Western Catholicism until challenged by Protestantism were laid down in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45In the complete change of religious climate most of the new patterns of priestly behavior and pastoral rule which were to prevail for a millennium in both Eastern and Western Catholicism until challenged by Protestantism were laid down in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in both Eastern and Western Catholicism until challenged by Protestantism were laid down in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in the period between the Council of Arles in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in 314 and the Council of Chalcedon in 45in 451.
In this chapter we have attempted to discuss important models of mission that have emerged in the modern period as the Church responds to the challenges of other faiths and socio - political realtieIn this chapter we have attempted to discuss important models of mission that have emerged in the modern period as the Church responds to the challenges of other faiths and socio - political realtiein the modern period as the Church responds to the challenges of other faiths and socio - political realties.
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