Sentences with phrase «challenging periods of»

This guidance is invaluable in the challenging period of starting a business and can mitigate some of the risk for early - stage investors.»
While Sterling has enjoyed the best season of his career, this has been the first challenging period of Alli «s.
Most children go through a challenging period of «giving up» naps.
She completed her postpartum doula training with Pro-Doula and has been following her passion to support families through this incredible and challenging period of their lives.
In this challenging period of our life, we should encourage our security officers to do their job maturely and professionally while the designated spokespersons and political office holders do the talking.
During a very challenging period of my family life I have been met with respect and had every opportunity to have my opinions and wishes heard.
Whether you're struggling through a challenging period of your life or are just wanting to strengthen something that is already great.

Not exact matches

«Canada has a finite period of time to capitalize on this opportunity,» says Lance Mortlock, lead author of a recent report on the industry's opportunities and challenges from advisory firm Ernst & Young.
«Our results were negatively impacted by a number of industry - wide challenges, including a significant U.S. toy category slowdown in the holiday period, and increased foreign exchange headwinds,» said outgoing Chairman and CEO Christopher Sinclair.
The broad scope of challenges facing the world's top financial executives is unlike any other period in modern business history.
Separately, net neutrality experts foresee a protracted period of legal challenges ahead, as the cable industry seeks to undo the new rules.
The challenges Apple faces include battery life, making them stylish and wearable for long periods of time, and possibly developing a new operating system and chip for the glasses.
The duo helps startup entrepreneurs introspect and realize what they're looking to get out of the startup experience; they help entrepreneurs discover their vision, focus, and soft skills, and guide them through periods of reflection to challenge and reshape their beliefs.
«Customers who intend to adopt Azure strategically and migrate applications over a period of one year or more (finishing in 2016 or later) can begin to deploy some workloads now, but those with a broad range of immediate enterprise needs may encounter challenges.
Startups prize people who step up and take on new challenges during periods of growth or change.
As I begin another chapter in my life, I leave feeling fulfilled with what we have accomplished as a government and a country during one of the most challenging economic periods in our country's history.
Take the start of my father's tenure, which marked a challenging period for the Canadian business.
He led Torstar through the most challenging period in its history, then signed on to place the greater Toronto transit system on a solid footing as president of Metrolinx.
Some of our greatest innovations and products were born in a period of challenge.
Challenge number one was how hard it was to find a large number of research subjects working in similar jobs, who could divide into work - at - home and work - at - the - office cohorts, and who were willing to cooperate with the researchers over a long enough period of time.
But several companies were then in the process of creating better battlefield software that was attuned to the challenges of the post-9 / 11 period.
Finally, the Canada Pension Plan offers insufficient retirement security and hasn't been reformed to meet the challenges of a period where most young workers can't enrol in pension plans.
Now, the biggest challenge, according to Reuters, is to find a way around a reduction of the period over which U.S. - based entities can supply Russian energy firms with funding.
That is why it's important that meteorologists and bankers understand the importance of managing risks during periods of calm when the weather is clear and the economy is sound, so we turn financial firewalls into seawalls to meet challenges before the worst arrives if unavoidable, or avoid the path of the storm all together.
But as we've shown, periods of modestly rising inflation still pose challenges for mainstream asset classes.
Either remote or in - person, Brian Honigman will work with you or your leadership over a group of hours in a three month period to help address challenges, opportunities and areas of growth with social media, content marketing, personal branding and thought leadership.
There is no doubt, as some have pointed out in recent times, that adverse supply shocks are presenting the most significant challenge to the inflation - targeting approach that it has so far experienced in a period of nearly two decades since New Zealand and Canada led the way in adopting it.
Similarly if you've only had credit for a short period of time, getting a high credit score is challenging.
New franchisees leave the two - week training period with the practical experience they need to tackle the challenge of opening their own business.
A few months after the Boardlist launched, following a beta period, it touted more than five dozen active searches and one early success: The site facilitated Martin's appointment to the board of Challenged, an app that promotes social media challenges along the lines of the ALS ice - bucket phenomenon.
The growing availability of credit has also expanded the resources available to new entrepreneurs launching businesses, and has given many families access to the funds they need to «smooth over» periods of financial challenge.9 / At the same time, competition among lenders for individuals with solid credit histories has reduced the price of credit for those consumers.10 /
Because of a consistent focus on our clients» needs and orienting our businesses to meet their ongoing objectives, we believe we have provided solid returns in a challenging period, while seeking to protect our ability to provide significant upside to our shareholders as the economic cycle turns.
Not bad considering the multitude of challenges that have faced global banks over that period, including the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
It's so true that one of the main issues about all of this is that while in theory it is simple, actually staying the course over long periods of time (a lifetime, really) is the challenge.
But as the London market confronts one of the most challenging periods in its development, new...
The Zweig bond model kept investors invested in long - duration bond ETFs over that challenging period, when the majority of analysts were calling for higher rates.
Flatt also chairs Brookfield's Investment Committee, whose investment approach is to acquire high - quality assets at less than replacement cost by looking for opportunities in regions and sectors during periods of financial upheaval or operational challenge.
The healthcare industry has seen a lot of change over that period, with the rise and seemingly imminent fall of the Affordable Care Act having presented substantial challenges to the health insurance industry.
Trump, however, has challenged that schedule, saying in a 2015 presidential primary debate that he wanted «smaller doses over a longer period of time.»
Faulkner is dense with allusions and his language is among the most challenging of that period, as his mastery of minutia and regionalism combined to provide the text with pivotal moments that centered upon words that were obscure or ambiguous.
During that period and down to today, conservatives and neoconservatives challenged Americans to bear great burdens to «assure the survival and the success of liberty,» as Kennedy had put it in his inaugural address, while many liberals who claimed the Kennedy mantle promoted various forms of neo-isolationism.
For one thing, he was to look out for Jesus» mother for a period and then maybe considered himself too old or infirmed (kind of like our last Pope) to lead a Church with its many challenges.
American Christians have emerged from a period of prominence into a time of trial, and as a result, we now face an era of unprecedented challenge.
His Gifford Lectures at Edinburgh on The Presence of Eternity: History and Eschatology (Harper, 1957) and various books of essays — the most notable collections in English being Faith and Understanding (Harper & Row, 1969) and Existence and Faith (World, 1960)-- show over how long a period, and in relation to how many challenges, he worked out his own presentation of the Word of God to our time.
I confess that there was a period in my life when I wondered if praying was merely a historically sanctioned procedure for challenging me to bring the separate aspects of my psyche into some kind of integration.
Gods will is for us humans today to evolved to a level of conciousness that will prepare us for the challenges of our future survival, Scientists now predicts of hardships in the future due to over population and changes to the natural environment.and that is happening now with activists through out the world are reminding us of protecting nature.That is why we need a phsychological revolution to hasten the evolution of consciousness that will address the problems.Ideological and philosophical enlightenment had the past great minds to develop ideas and belief because God sent them to reality in their times.Abraham, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and many other religious leaders to teach humanity the doctrines that God willed to be appropriate and applicable in those periods of their existence, Also great philosophers in another dimension of social involvement were born to interprete and connect philosophically as the second element of our conscience, Kant, Marx and countless of them also were born.To complete the triangular structure or dimension of our conscience is knowledge.
Greg Boyd writes an op - ed piece for RELEVANT, challenging the notion of patriotism, particularly during the 4th of July period.
For the society is facing not only a new age of information, but also a new technological era which brings with it a challenge to all of the historical religions, and which can lead either to humankind «s next integrative steps toward new religious insights and meaning, or to a collapse of religious development and the emergence of a period of anarchy and despair.
We should note in passing that «I tell you...» with its direct challenge to dearly held preconceptions of the period is an indirect personal claim of great magnitude.
It was gradually weakened, however, by a series of challenges in the modern period.
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