Sentences with phrase «challenging prospect»

The researchers plan to repeat the experiments with human malaria, a more challenging prospect.
If your prospect could benefit from a little more nurturing, marketing can send messaging or collateral that is on - point and relevant to whatever challenge the prospect faces.
This leaves Apple with the more challenging prospect of developing self - driving aircraft — once they get their map act together, of course.
✓ Housebreaking a puppy or dog is a straightforward but often challenging prospect for pet owners.
Varma explains, «Ask discovery questions to uncover the largest business challenges a prospect is facing.
If your content (and headlines) don't challenge your prospect's thinking, it's highly unlikely you'll be noticed, and even less likely you'll generate engagement.
All that being said, there still remains the admittedly challenging prospect of actually instructing the faithful in the pews to change their established habits of prayer next November 27.
Taking on Liverpool is always a very challenging prospect and keeping them at bay is even more challenging but Man United's defence and midfield put out a very good showing.
To make the already challenging prospect of riding a supersport bike at speed more difficult, we also opted for the hardest difficulty AI and did without the aid of traction control and anti-wheelie, you can see what happened in the video below.
That's a far more challenging prospect because Whole Foods locations are much larger than the 1,800 - square - foot convenience store and carry thousands more products.
Cooking or making smoothies with traditional peanut butter can be a challenging prospect.
To understand whether and how Achaeopteryx actually flew, researchers would need to reconstruct the animal's full range of motion — a challenging prospect given that muscles don't fossilize, says Voeten, of Palacký University Olomouc in the Czech Republic.
As I went about diving into what was a challenging prospect for me, in terms of completing the program, more and more of my female cohorts made comments about my status as the sole male.
It's a challenging prospect in the dystopian surroundings of Panem, a country that was once North America but now consists of 12 districts ruled over by a despotic Capitol.
You're right there, sympathizing with the kids who find ways to entertain themselves and with the hotel manager who is trying so hard to keep his place running and inhabitable, a challenging prospect given his down and out clientele.
Learning however is a much more prolonged and challenging prospect than the simple transaction of money for goods.
Speculative trading in the foreign exchange market is a challenging prospect with above average risk.
However, there's a small problem; at the end of each act you have to pay tribute to Don Corleone by discarding down to the indicated number of cards, and considering this is a game where you'll collect oodles of cards having to get rid of some is a challenging prospect.
Since there's no way to stop and your damage carries over, it becomes a challenging prospect to complete all of the levels.
Apple is now facing the challenging prospect of auditing its development processes to ensure this kind of messy week never happens again.
In today's difficult job market, finding the right employment can be an incredibly daunting and challenging prospect.
Combining work with looking after young children is a challenging prospect for many families, and it is commonplace for family working patterns to be disrupted, especially for those with very young children.
For example, combining work with looking after young children is a challenging prospect for many families and the availability of suitable and affordable childcare is often key to enabling parents to work.
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