Sentences with phrase «challenging than enjoyable»

But for moms who work outside the home, getting a positive pregnancy test result can prove more challenging than enjoyable.

Not exact matches

«Some people have that school of thought where fitness isn't enjoyable, but we're making it enjoyable, I think, by making it more fun, challenging, and engaging, rather than this boring thing that you have to do,» she says.
It doesn't have a giant light - up whale hotel, or a rooftop pool in which to casually view a bit of racing in the Leicestershire sun, but it gets the basics more than right and if the nature of a circuit can truly challenge drivers in an enjoyable sense, then the same experience will usually transfer to the spectator.
«Of all the virtues we can learn, no trait is more useful, more essential for survival, and more likely to improve the quality of life than the ability to transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge
Rather than getting repetitive or losing focus, both games just end gracefully after a relatively brief, not very challenging, but unique and thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Though playing it on anything smaller than an iPad mini might strain your patience as well as your eyes, this is one of the best ports I've every had the pleasure of playing, its compelling narrative and challenging gameplay blending fabulously with the touchscreen commands for a thoroughly enjoyable, immersive experience.
The supply missions are varied, often challenging, but usually more enjoyable than those offered by the CEO special cargo work — one had me stealthily disposing of enemies whilst searching for the supply crate, whilst another involved stealing a tank and (in my case, because my Bunker is so far from anything) using the sluggish Cargobob to deliver it to my facility.
Sam 3 also eases up a little on the massive hordes of enemies that could often make the first 2 games a little frustrating, choosing to be more thoughtful with the enemy mixes in order to present a challenge to the player rather than simply spamming them all, making for more enjoyable gameplay.
Since the game has tight controls and an enjoyable challenge, I can't criticise it for being too simply anymore than I can criticise Tetris or Bejeweled for being too simple (games that have captivated millions of people).
Despite these problems, Dark of the Moon's shooting still feels satisfying making for a fairly enjoyable singleplayer experience, though it lacked any real «wow» moments other than the last boss battle which proved to be challenging and fun.
When a game is challenging and controls are cumbersome, the experience can be less than enjoyable.
Pikmin looks to do a few things differently, and it results in an enjoyable, if simple puzzle - platformer than rarely challenges and failed to resonate with me.
The unique abilities of beasts add an enjoyable twist to a familiar game, but efforts to innovate are nearly thwarted by a single mechanic that is often more punishing than challenging.
Working with seniors may be a difficult task for most people, but I do not find anything more challenging and enjoyable than making life easy for someone who has gained wisdom but lost control of physical and mental amenities.
In the time I've been at Atos I have learnt more than I expected, and find my day - to - day role in Cyber Security provides the perfect balance: enjoyable and interesting yet challenging.
I have assisted couples to work through even the most difficult challenges within relationships to create a richer, more enjoyable connection to each other than before thought possible.»
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