Sentences with phrase «championing social causes»

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He attacked its misuse of prerogative, denounced its social iniquities, vigorously championed the cause of the impoverished, and became in consequence an object of hostility and ridicule.
So those on the left are anxious that the culture sees us as championing political causes on the left, and the right is similarly anxious about championing social conservatism.
(CNN)- Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley championed a series of progressive causes during a policy speech in Washington Thursday, touting his state's economic record as evidence that encouraging liberal social issues can lead to prosperity.
«He was the foremost champion of affordable housing and a broad array of social services before they became the causes that they are today.
The National Business Consortium for the Gifted and Talented, as the group called itself, proposed to carry out an ambitious scheme incorporating one of the new President's major themes — the enlistment of the national business community in «partnerships» with those championing important social causes, in this case the advancement of programs for gifted schoolchildren.
I've argued before (in an interview with Social Bridges) that in order to win the battle of ideas, we need «visionaries who can be champions of the sustainability cause.
Fifty percent of respondents reported housing as a «very important» social issue, and «very likely» expect to support affordable housing causes by volunteering time, attending events, championing the issue on social media or contributing money.
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