Sentences with phrase «chance occurrence»

Take advantage of chance occurrences, break the weekly routine, and once in a while have the courage to let go.
The differences in performance were statistically significant at conventional levels, meaning that we can be highly confident that they are not just chance occurrences.
And since all events must have causes, according to this classical framework, there really are no such things as chance occurrences.
The idea of a «designer» does not lend itself readily to a universe involving chance occurrences.
The only reason for a charter to enter the same neighborhood or building as a traditional school should be to further the educational landscape directly and not by some indirect chance occurrence.
While the production of the work is technologically mediated, the artist is keenly attentive to the vagaries of materials — allowing for chance occurrences in each stage of the process to function as generative elements of each individual work.
These deviations are what we call chance occurrences.
The very fact of our noticing and being bothered about chance occurrences is a clue to the fact of a hierarchical universe in which causal paths involving distinct levels at times cross each other to our dismay or delight.
Meanwhile in the Mayfair gallery, Sze has created a field of site - specific small sculptures, models of chance occurrence which highlight the tension between the human effort to dissect and understand information, and the possible futility of this.
With scientific and technological advancements leading the way in which people perceive our reality, repeated patterns, coincidences and chance occurrences surfaced as key concepts.
The sculptures, conceived as models of chance occurrences, highlight the tension between the effort to map, dissect and understand information, and the inevitable measure of futility in that effort.
Larry encouraged me to open up to mistakes and chance occurrences in painting and to get beyond using the brush.
It's not a chance occurrence that Wikipedia shows up for so many search results in Google.
If the life - friendly fine - tuning of our universe is just a chance occurrence, something that inevitably arises in an endless array of universes, is there any need for a fine - tuner — for a god?
Instead of being a chance occurrence, Langerman believes the incident was «totally foreseeable... and totally preventable.»
It literally means a «chance occurrence»... which the hopeless romantic adores!
Then a chance occurrence reunites them and forces a lifetime of concealed emotion to the surface.
It just means that's what the S Fund did in the past, under different set of circumstances and chance occurrences.
Drawing from Dadaist techniques, this work proposes a form of Little Theatre: objects are actors that perform and are performed by conditions and chance occurrence.
Sherry encapsulates in her own words, «My work embraces the contemporary non-linear view of time with its randomness, spontaneity, and chance occurrences
Reciprocity focuses on the serendipitous experience of chance occurrences; specifically, those moments when a particular energy aligns with one's own.
They perform and are performed by conditions and chance occurrence.
What I didn't consider was that in complex and noisy data there are always going to be outliers, and in heavily politicised subjects there will always be people who will want to exploit a chance occurrence for a sound - bite.
In particular, Séralini et al. (2012) draw conclusions on the incidence of tumours based on 10 rats per treatment per sex which is an insufficient number of animals to distinguish between specific treatment effects and chance occurrences of tumours in rats.
It is not a freak or chance occurrence, it does not fluctuate, it is steady, long - term behavior.
The chance occurrence of a physician visit in the 7 days before an EC prescription for an excluded Medical Services Plan code event was uncommon (step 5), as were linked prescriptions over the following 12 months (step 6).
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