Sentences with phrase «chance of dying over»

A new study has found that people who adhere closely to the official dietary guidelines of Japan have a 15 percent less chance of dying over a 15 - year period, compared to people who do not follow the guidelines.
Having close relationships actually increases your lifespan at a rate equal to that of quitting smoking (a Dr. James House at the University of Michigan has discovered the chance of dying over a period of 10 years increases by 10 % for people who live alone or have only a few friends compared to people surrounded by friends and family).

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But because the things roll over so easily, overall «their occupants have roughly the same chance as car occupants of dying in a crash.»
we went over this already, it increases the really sick's chances of dying, proven in a scientific study.
You are just mad because you do realize you are selling invisible clothes for a profit asking even the poorest among you to hand over their last coin just for a chance to get into your exclusive club in the sky, but of course benefits are only paid after you die and it's impossible to get a refund.
*** *** *** · The chance of a pregnancy of over 28 weeks resulting in either a stillbirth or a baby who dies within 7 days is about 6.5 / 1,000.
He comes to Earth and takes over the body of a human pilot before he dies, giving him a second chance on life as well as a secret identity for Ultraman.
Life insurance companies use classifications to determine how risky you are for them to insure — what are the chances that you'll die over the course of your policy?
The Furry Friends Fund gives all animals an equal chance - animals that need medication could potentially die without treatment or those who have reached their end of life and need to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge.
However Flannery et al claim we have now loaded the dice which in gaming parlance means that you weight the dice in a particular way so as to change the chance of probability and skew the results by artificially creating an imbalance in the die itself causing the same number to be rolled over and over again.
Yes, but this study claims that by selecting those die which cast a series which corresponds by chance to the realization of sea surface temps and then through selection of those which correspond to hiatus surface temps, over a bunch of initial conditions, it's a better comparison than between models output and reality.
The statement of the odds presumably is spread over a lifetime, not in any year i.e. you will die, and your chances of dying of this cause is 1 in 500,000.
More specifically, what are the chances that you'll die over the course of your policy?
Life insurance companies use classifications to determine how risky you are for them to insure — what are the chances that you'll die over the course of your policy?
Think about this, if you regularly speed 20 mph over the limit your chances of dying if you get into a car accident are higher than if you drove the posted speed.
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