Sentences with phrase «chance of getting the job»

This increases chances of getting a job as anyone can be able to browse through your resume.
37 % said it's become a common way to improve chances of getting a job.
To have the best chance of getting jobs as a supervisor, you will need to have an outstanding resume.
You thus have on average a 2 to 20 % chance of getting a job interview through this method.
Those candidates without a referral have only about a 2 % chance of getting a job offer.
New graduates have a fair chance of getting a job as with any seasoned applicant.
We also know that your best chance of getting a job after getting that shiny new degree depends on having a slew of internships on your resume.
If you play them at their own game and organize your resume in the way they expect, you stand a much higher chance of getting the job you've dreamed of.
You're chances of getting a job at the bank will be more increased with the resumes provided for you on this list.
We help you create the ideal resume or cover letter, so that you have the best possible chance of getting the job.
If you can make your prospective employer see an opportunity where one doesn't exist before, you're in with a great chance of getting a job.
No matter how good your education, skills or experience, if you are unable to present this information to a hiring manager, you will have very little chance of getting the job.
It's almost the only way, though, to have a solid chance of getting a job interview.
To avoid ruining your own chances of getting the job, be sure to check carefully to exclude these errors from your application materials.
If, as a web designer, your resume is weak and lacks information, you'll have a less chance of getting the job you want.
If you make a good impression on the representative and your resume is current and unique, you have a solid chance of getting a job interview.
Either way, you're going to need to write a strong letter, in order to give yourself a higher chance of getting a job.
I know with this resume, I will have a much better chance of getting the job I want.
Our job is to give you the greatest possible chance of getting the job you want.
A well written insurance agent resume can greatly improve the candidates chances of getting a job by improving the candidates visibility when it comes to recruiting staff an employers, this can be done by optimizing the resume and focusing on keys skills and competencies that employers would like in a candidate.
You stand a much better chance of getting a job if you speak French.
In addition to this possible penalty, point accumulation may also result in steeper car insurance prices and a decreased chance of getting a job as a commercial vehicle operator, a delivery worker or a professional employee for any driving - related company.
This was you will stand a better chance of getting a job when pitted against other jobseekers.
One mistake in your personal Montana driving history can result in higher insurance rates, lower chances of getting a job or driver's license suspension.
Making a sale is about being convincing, about being able to win someone over with the few words or little time that you're given, and that's what makes a resume so useful to sales employers, because it's your chance to pitch yourself, to take the few tools and words that you have and find a way to convincingly sell yourself, and if you can accomplish this in your sales executive resume then you're chances of getting the job go way up!
Since high school you need to pay attention to your grades in school as well as extracurricular activities, because later on you will be able to put that information in your resume and make it stand out above the rest giving you more chances of getting a job interview.
If you know how to take advantage of every word and sentence you're given to express the traits that they're looking for then you'll have an excellent chance of getting the job, it's that simple, now the difficulty just comes in getting a resume like this.
But the point is, by tailoring it particularly well, you have much more chance of getting a job application successfully read by a recruiter and then invited in for an interview.»
With more wage and training support provided under the Career Support Programme, Professional Conversion Programme and Work Trial Programme, perhaps you have a better chance of getting a job match after upgrading your skillsets even if you don't have a degree.
In addition to relevant work experience and the increased chances of getting a job offer, check out the article in Forbes, «Why College Co-Op Programs Totally Rock».
Some Mental Health Workers hold just a high school diploma, while an Associate's Degree maximizes a candidate's chances of getting a job in the field.
You have a better chance of getting a job if you spend the time on your LinkedIn profile development and connecting with HR managers or recruiters via the LinkedIn platform.
Summary: Going to a top law school does not necessarily mean a graduate has the best chances of getting a job at...
This Resume Example for Electronic Repair Technician can lead you to make a perfect resume that puts an impressive image and increase chances of getting a job interview call.
The secret of our Resume service lies in knowing what to include, what not to include, and what kind of a spin to put on your Resume, to ensure YOU stand out and not just the document - to give you the very best possible chance of getting the job you want.
Fewer than one in six people hit by the benefit cap are receiving benefits that actually require them to try and find work - suggesting that the cap is hitting thousands of people who have little chance of getting a job.
Now that you understand how easy an accounting resume can be to create, and how our accounting resumes service is organized so that it may help you actually enjoy your time compiling a resume, we invite you to submit your proposal to us so that we may work together creating a resume for accounting positions and applications that will leave you with an excellent chance of getting the job.
Your resume should be able to focus on your expertise and competencies in the following job functions for you to have higher chances of getting the job:
Hence it is important that while applying for such a post, you showcase your multitasking abilities and stand a greater chance of getting a job interview.
You have a better chance of getting a job if you spend the time on your
While social media platforms encourage you to share everything in your life, anything visible on the web that's not work - related can reduce your chances of getting a job.
According to bestselling management author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch, the last few minutes of a job interview can make or break your chances of getting the job.
Not only you will lose your chance of getting the job, but you could be fired in the future if the company finds out you weren't being honest.
Some cities offer more prospects in a variety of industries for job seekers, which means you could have a better chance of getting the job you want.
I tried everything I could think of to improve my chances of getting a job, but nothing seemed to work.
David Gill's words on the radio this morning would suggest club are unhappy with LVG, and that Giggs has no chance of getting the job.

Phrases with «chance of getting the job»

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