Sentences with phrase «chance of miscarriage»

So the reason why women have a greater chance of miscarriage as they age is because all the eggs that they're ever going to have are there when they're born.
Morning sickness may be awful, but some women appreciate it because they know that with morning sickness, they have a statistically lower chance of miscarriage.
Existing genetic tests can not be performed until the fetus is around 16 weeks old, and they carry a 1 percent chance of miscarriage.
The ones that said to continue listed benefits for women with PCOS, such as reduced chances of miscarriage, reduced chances of gestational diabetes, etc..
The doctor put her on Thyroxin 110 mg immediately and told her she had a high chance of miscarriage with a thyroid condition.
Research does not prove that the specific chemicals in paint increase your chance of miscarriage or birth defects, but if you would rather not take the chance, the decision is yours.
Research does not provide adequate information revealing if the chemicals in paint increase your chance of miscarriage or birth defects.
For contrast, the American Pregnancy Association states that most healthy women who conceive naturally have a 15 % to 20 % chance of miscarriage.
A woman may be concerned about the chances of miscarriage, her health and her baby's health.
For example, the chance of miscarriage after amniocentesis is higher in twin pregnancies, Al - Khan says.
In addition to reducing the chance of a miscarriage, exercising will help to reduce the length of time a pregnant woman is in labor.
Mothers of twin pregnancies without reduction only had a 9.5 % chance of miscarriage.
A study done by looking at 158 pregnant women who underwent selective reduction from higher order multiples to twins showed that the mother had a 10.6 % chance of miscarriage.
Research has it that every pregnant woman needs to increase her intake of vitamin E. Mayonnaise is rich in vitamin E and consuming it during pregnancy is an added advantage given that: vitamin E helps in regulating and maintaining the blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of any respiratory issues in the future and most importantly prevent any chance of a miscarriage.
Chances of miscarriage are high, especially in the first trimester due to anorexia (eating disorder with an unwanted fear of gaining weight)
However, if your condition were to become serious, then there could be a chance of a miscarriage or preterm labor occurring.
At this point the chances of miscarriage are very low... but the quiet nagging concern has never left me.
«We already know that smoking during pregnancy increases the chances of miscarriage as well as low birth weight, premature birth and birth defects — events that are linked to health problems in children,» Berard said in a university news release.
He will give me ultrasounds just because I'm worried and patiently repeat my chances of miscarriage every visit, then reiterate his statements later on the phone just to calm me down.
I thought that meant my chance of miscarriage was significantly lower.
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