Sentences with phrase «chancellor never»

The shadow chancellor never said what he would do, all we know is he'd take action more quickly.

Not exact matches

YV: You have to understand I never had anything to do with Merkel, finance ministers talk to finance ministers, prime ministers talk to Chancellors.
In a statement, TCU chancellor Victor Boschini said, «TCU has never before experienced a magnitude of student arrests such as this.»
Evidence - based decision - making has never been important to a lord chancellor who would rather go with his political gut instincts, but now he is letting political paranoia block the means of challenging poor decisions made by Grayling and his colleagues.
perhaps along the lines of «Gordon is an autocratic little sod, who never let us have any money when he was chancellor, and is surely leading the labour party into the political wilderness for the next 20 years, so he should really do the right thing and bugger off»
Liberal Democrats will never again be trusted by senior ministers after they gutted George Osborne's draft Budget and dished it out to Lobby journalists while the chancellor visited Washington DC.
His elevation to the great office of chancellor was never to catapult him into the league of political big beasts.
A former home secretary and shadow chancellor, Alan Johnson is the Labour leadership candidate who never quite was.
Though that was the last cheery thing he had to say, as the shadow chancellor is never happier than when he is being gloomy.
There has never been a female chancellor of the exchequer.
Board of Regents chancellor Merryl Tisch and Mr. King issued a joint press release shortly after Mr. Cuomo's speech and said they have opposed standardized testing for young students and emphasized the state «has never tested K - 2 students.»
Denis Healey, his defence secretary and chancellor of the exchequer, said Harold Wilson never gave the Labour party any sense of direction.
The chancellor, without any great parliamentary support never mind public popularity, isn't in the strongest position to resist and Cameron's remaining time is limited anyway, reducing the need for Osborne to risk forcing events.
His chancellor reiterated the message, arguing governments will never succeed in avoiding the unexpected and should be judged on how they respond to difficulties when they arrive.
Having worked under a number of lord chancellors, I have never known one who makes and breaks the rules so easily.
However much David Cameron may swat at the Balls bluebottle, he will never be able to squash the superbly annoying shadow chancellor.
Shadow chancellor Ed Balls has admitted that in 20 years of knowing Labour leader Ed Miliband he has never once been to the pub with him.
However, they are likely to be disappointed; the environment minister David Miliband, widely tipped as the most credible challenger for the chancellor, insisted he has never considered running.
The chancellor's diagnosis has never been right.»
To recap: we now have a party led by a man who never expected to leave the back benches; a shadow chancellor best described as «maverick», with a treasure trove of past quotes already carefully dug up and filed at Tory HQ, providing a handy media drip - feed for the next five years.
On the prospect of opposition to any action, the chancellor said: «Those who are never gonna authorise or sanction or be part of any kind of British military action abroad of course are unpersuadable».
Labour on the other hand has been all over the place between the Blaitite rump who largely support Osborne, a shadow chancellor who never stamped his mark on a credible alternative policy, and a Left whose calls for growth were ostentatiously ignored.
Her 1974 book The Great School Wars describes how New York City has played educational three - card monte over its long public school history by moving apparent control over decisions up and down the system, between the central chancellor's office and the local superintendents, but never yielding any fraction of control to the schools.
But let's give the former D.C. schools chancellor and her generation of reformers this: They kept the interests of kids at the top of their agendas and never shied away from a fight — and not just easy fights against former Daily Show correspondents.
I'll never forget Michelle Rhee's comment as chancellor: «The last thing we're going to do is get wrapped up in curriculum battles.»
Newly elected D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray falls into that camp, as does U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who recently endorsed interim chancellor Kaya Henderson - direct support he never threw Rhee's way.
«As long as the only metric on which schools are being assessed is their exam performance, our schools will never have the incentive to take well - being as seriously as they should,» said Sir Anthony, vice chancellor of the University of Buckingham.
«It's a large cultural change for a lot of schools, and they'll be asked to do things they've never been asked to do before,» said David Weiner, the district's deputy chancellor for talent, innovation, and development.
Shael Polakow - Suransky, the president of Bank Street College of Education and a former senior deputy chancellor under Klein, says that shrinking a school's size was never seen as the solution in and of itself.
From the day I took the job as chancellor of the New York Public Schools, friends told me that I would never fix education in America until you fix the poverty in our society.
Neither will automation mean an end to litigation, Sir Geoffrey Vos, chancellor of the High Court, said: predictions will never be 100 % correct — and in any case decisions about whether to pursue a case are not always taken by entirely rational people.
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