Sentences with phrase «chances of rejection of»

Taking insurance policy when you are young makes the policy cheaper and comes with lesser chances of rejection of proposals.

Not exact matches

In the absence of any official statement, pundits contemplated a range of theories on the Potash rejection — that Ottawa regarded potash (a crucial fertilizer ingredient) as a strategic asset, that it had adopted a sudden aversion to foreign intrusion on major natural resource companies, or perhaps simply that Harper's Tories sought to improve their chances in the then - upcoming federal election.
When in doubt, the most important to - do is typically the one that makes you the most uncomfortable, often including a chance of rejection, pain, or failure.
If you apply for a grant, keep in mind that competition is fierce and the chances of rejection are relatively high.
When you do, you'll have a much better chance of success and reduce the possibility of company rejection.
My article highlights all the important points that are necessary to get approved for a credit card and lower the chances of rejection.
By not performing a proper search strategy, you waste time and money, and increase the chance of rejection.
When your application gets the stamp of rejection, there is a little chance that it will get approved if you make a request.
What is in the heart of the unbeliever who has the truth available to them, i.e. the gospel of Jesus Christ, is the rejection of the God who made them, having not given Him the chance to make Himself known to you in a personal relationship with Him.
«Comotomo's USP is that not only is it a very good anti-colic bottle but also bottle is closest to breast thus reducing the chances of bottle rejection
Two possible events stood out for the group: firstly, the chance of a major economic and political crisis caused by the election of anti-EU parties to the Italian Parliament - and their likely outright rejection of any financial controls being placed on them; and secondly, the chance of further waves of migration into the EU, via Turkey.
In particular the bold and direct rejection by Mursi, has narrowed the chances of a peaceful transition in Damascus, other than being a public relation setback for the Islamic Republic.
Rosa Prince is particularly good at describing how almost by chance Corbyn became the candidate of the left for the leadership and the momentum he gained through a widespread rejection by many Labour Party members of the «establishment» candidates and the influx of the new Momentum membership.
The party lost some 700 councillors, and, more cruelly still, a once - in - a-generation chance of electoral reform at Westminster with the rejection of the AV referendum.
«The rejection rates were low and the chances of the patient developing a new antibody against their kidney were very low.
It is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in transplant patients to reduce the chance of organ rejection.
This matching of donor and recipient reduces the chance of marrow rejection and greatly increases the likelihood of a successful transplant.
Ultimately, there is always a certain amount of awkwardness involved in asking anyone out on a date, or in being asked out for that matter, but with a tasteful approach, you maximize your chances of success and minimize the possibility of you or your partner suffering from embarrassment in the event of a rejection.
Since there is no personal meeting, a person who does not communicate well in writing stands a chance of rejection by the site.
So, all you big girls and big guys tired of rejection, wooplus app offers you a chance to find compatible partners you can befriend, date, have long - term relationships with or even marry.
Sometimes it seems like it can be impossible because there is the risk of rejection, the chance that you might mess it up, and the chance...
As well, and more importantly, chances of rejection are much much less because she will be interested in sex hookups also.
Learn to be comfortable with rejections, taking the experience of each one and learning from it to become a better guy, which boosts your chances of scoring in your next date.
The chances of a long term relationship are greater from online dating, but the chances of rejection at the first meeting, when people physically meet each other are also greater with online dating.
The objective of the contests is to help singles overcome their fear of rejection and encourage them to take a chance.
After meeting, users locate each other's Mixeo profile and select their level of interest, the following day the app generates a list of mutual matches eliminating any chance of rejection during the event.
One would think being able to message others in complete anonymity without the chance of face - to - face rejection would remove most of the fear.
If you have your partner also has genital herpes the chance of rejection will greatly decrease.
There is a good chance, he picked up on your hesitation and talked himself out of the date fearing rejection by yet another woman.
On non-STD dating websites the chance of rejection being rejected by a potential partner increases.
So, all you big girls and big guys tired of rejection, WooPlus app offers you a chance to find compatible partners you can befriend, date, have long - term relationships with or even marry.
Moreover you are sure that everyone on the site is looking to meet people so this also decreases your chance of rejection.
Chances are if you've designed instructor - led courses, you've witnessed those «lost in translation» moments (of hesitation, a lack of participation, and even downright rejection) that learners experience when their culture has not been appropriately taken into account.
If your abstract failed to grab the attention of your reader, there is a chance of rejection for your thesis paper.
So why risk rejection when you can buy application essay that guarantees you chances of success.
You do avoid agent submissions and rejections and all of the tiny control details with a «traditional» publisher if you are fortunate to have your agent find one and yes, some POD books «make it big», but so does the chance of winning the lottery!
Unless you have a sterling manuscript or you are preceded by your reputation, chances are you will be met by more than your fair share of rejections.
Since a publisher has to look through a mountain of manuscripts every day, there are chances of rejection based on various reasons --- and bad writing is not the only reason, as is the general perception.
You get the best of both worlds — a chance at a traditional contract, feedback from agents (I once got a 4 word rejection that was incredibly helpful), time to hone your skills, all while build up the critical mass for the LN book bomb.
We can provide a synopsis and query letter (at no extra charge to our book writing clients, upon request), but you have to be able to ignore rejection after rejection to eventually find the publisher ready to take a chance on a new author on the strength of your manuscript alone.
Traditional lenders tend to have a cautious approach when it comes to low credit ratings, so the chances of rejection are higher.
Poor credit can mean few to no chances of getting approved for a loan, and fair credit can place prospective borrowers on the cusp of approval and rejection.
To increase your chances of success go to these dealer specifically since going to a high - end dealer for a luxury vehicle will likely lead to rejection.
Improve your odds and lower your chances of rejection by lenders and creditors by taking the following steps to have a healthy relationship with your credit.
No one likes rejection, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of being approved.
No one likes rejection, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of being approved... (See Rejected)
Chance, accident, the use of unusual combinations of materials, the rejection of source reference material, and above all my implicit trust in intuition and free imagination were inseparable from the ideas behind the pictures».
Whilst Pollock's chance - orientated, gestural language was in many ways at odds with the calculative precision of Riley's canvases, she was fascinated by his dispersion of focal points, and his rejection of traditional perspectival laws in favour of an all - over, multi-sensory perceptual field.
With the rejection of just about every other policy measure to reduce CO2 emissions in Australia, this was the government's last chance to do something useful.
Petition based visa (minimal chance of rejection) Stamped for 1 or 3 years /
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