Sentences with phrase «chances with things»

He thanked me but then said, «I didn't know whether he really needed the money, but you can't take chances with things like that.»

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«My mom said chances are you will be to [sic] busy with more important things but there is a lot of people coming on these buses and even just a meeting from you or your wife would really lift peoples spirits,» The Washington Post reports her writing in her letter.
Since everyone at the outset is doing multiple jobs and since you can't be everywhere at once, you've got to trust your people to do the right things in the moment, since there's no rule book, no time for extensive preparation and instruction, and there's rarely a second chance to make a great first impression with a lot of new and prospective customers.
For one thing, Netscape's deal proved that Wall Street would take a chance on something unproven but with tons of potential.
The No. 1 thing they can do is to move to a location with good schools, great opportunities, and the chance to grow up with more privileged peers.
Indeed, the once thriving labour - sponsored funds sector seems to be teetering on the verge of oblivion — a good thing, in the eyes of critics who claim it puts unsophisticated investors at risk and skews Canada's venture capital market toward technology sector long shots with little chance of payoff.
Paying attention to the competition only slows you down because you're taking precious energy away from your thing and throwing it elsewhere along with decreasing your chances of truly operating as your most creative self because you're letting industry norms influence you.
If your customer is letting you know he's not happy with your business, you have a chance to make things right.
And anonymity gives people a chance to share things about themselves that they would never share with anybody else, in a constructive fashion.
Meanwhile, on the television side, Netflix stands a solid chance of repeating last year's win the Best Drama category, with returning winner The Crown and popular sci - fi series Stranger Things both nominated again.
But I do know being open to chance meetings with strangers can lead to good things.
It's only when you need them to take a chance with you that you realize that's not necessarily the way things will always be.»
Some good news: There is a chance things will get much better with the insurance market reforms on the horizon.
The «p» word is anathema to anyone who's serious about getting important things done, but if you've ever been slammed with work, there's a good chance the environs surrounding your desk only add to your stress and feelings of being overwhelmed.
Shipping the oil with the knowledge that you have a very good chance of cleaning it up is one thing.
Perhaps the purchasers are mainly owner - occupiers, but there is also a chance that there is a disproportionately large number of new investors being pulled into the housing market with promises of high returns through such things as rental guarantees and negative gearing.
Jan. 1 presents a clean slate and a chance to do things differently — reconnect with promising prospects, enhance your sales processes, improve your efficiency, and find new ways to add value for customers.
For many working Americans, especially the ones with families, the weekend is the only time they get a chance to get things like shopping done.
You called me out as being disingenuous when I said «that as time goes on however, I'm finding things that are helping to disprove things previously held as fact among Christians», so I have provided you an example that not only wasn't it a disingenuous statement, but that I've done my homework, on both sides of the argument, and came up with something that no one has been able to give me a response with even either the slightest chance of being possible, or falling back to the old status qua of «mysterious ways» and «having faith».
And to the young adult they offer these things at the same time that they offer a chance to leave the nest and make a break with the biological family.
In this view, we humans have common ancestry not only with monkeys but also with trees and fungi and all other living things by a process of natural chance.
When Jonah is given the chance to share some truth about Yahweh with the sailors, the only thing he gives them is some muddled and misleading theology.
While our hero is literally «working out his salvation with fear and trembling» (see Philippians 2:12), trying to put things right after being given a second chance, Javert is only trying to present him with the punishment that the law demands he receives.
more recently, a couple of people in different ways have challenged me to give people a chance, to make each encounter with them a clean slate, rather than holding on to the things that have hurt me... If I could really do this, imagine the potential for understanding and goodness.
i can feel love for him throughout my heart and soul... i want to grow old with this man... i am 47 and he is 45... he has never been married... he said there is not a chance of getting back together again regardless of how we feel towards each other because we committed adultery and God will never forgive us and it will be wrong to do so... so am i supposed to go on living my life being so deeply in love with this man i can never have... why would God put him in my life to make me feel so spiritually happy, so wonderful, so at peace with myself and someone I can finally worship Him with just to take him away from me... I've never been with someone who was so religious and i thought this was it... i finally have someone to read the bible with and go to church with and put God first and share things with my self and my daughter as a loving relationship would be....
We both went on with our lives and I've tried to contact him a few years ago, but he ignored my messages of asking forgiveness and a second chance to make things right - which I understand as he is a proud man and I wish him all the happiness and blessings in the world.
True, these things have become common, and one result has been that only those people with large amounts of money, or those with the backing of an activist minority, have any chance in electoral politics.
In this case it is the more naturalistic conditions of finitude, contingency, chance, and decay which take center stage in the general scheme of things, with mind being placed in the more subordinate, passive role of the «conditioned.»
It is absolutely preposterous to believe everything happens by chance on the right planet with the right conditions not once but twice after the meteor killed the dinosaurs oh but wait a minute remember alligators and other reptiles evolved from the dinosaurs but wait a minute how did they evolve to these things if they was destroyed.
The country kept things nice and segregated — no chance of drinking from a fountain contaminated by someone with a surplus of melanin or of finding an overly emotional estrogen slave in a position of influence or power.
Orange Peel has the chance to me a modern day prophet, telling everyone about the amazing things he has seen, and dealing with the responses.
According to Roger Ames (NAT 117), an «aesthetic order» is a paradigm that: (1) proposes plurality as prior to unity and disjunction to conjunction, so that all particulars possess real and unique individuality; (2) focuses on the unique perspective of concrete particulars as the source of emergent harmony and unity in all interrelationships; (3) entails movement away from any universal characteristic to concrete particular detail; (4) apprehends movement and change in the natural order as a processive act of «disclosure» — and hence describable in qualitative language; (5) perceives that nothing is predetermined by preassigned principles, so that creativity is apprehended in the natural order, in contrast to being determined by God or chance; and (6) understands «rightness» to mean the degree to which a thing or event expresses, in its emergence toward novelty as this exists in tension with the unity of nature, an aesthetically pleasing order.
'» The determination with which evolutionists insist that chance be read as the opposite of purpose can be seen in the way they speak of «blind» and «pure» chance, when there are no such things in science itself.
I want to rescue it from static categories and defenses for it as some sort of intellectual thing that's either right or wrong, and I want to reclaim it as people had experiences and they wrote some things down and when you engage with their experiences there's always the chance you may find something of yourself in them — and that to me is divine.
This reliving process can become a constructive thing, giving parents a second chance to do unfinished growth work with their «inner child of the past.»
It can be tempting to bring up your gripes with the Church at every chance you get, saying things like «If the Church would just...» or «what's wrong with the Church today is...» In an era when opinions are easily shared, we can all write scathing, rant - y blogs and make sure to send the link to our pastors.
Chances are you are fiscally conservative, and I may not totally agree with you on all things, but at least you are not trying to impose rules upon me based on a pre-scientific method story about how the world began.
Generally speaking, if forced to make a choice as to what would be healthiest for children and other living things, I'll take my chances with the atheists.
That would be a red flag to anyone with a sense of sanity) 5) Being a convicted con — it makes sane sense that this convicted con - artist also had a thing for young girls and multiple wives (how convienient if one is in a monthly cycle, chances are he could get the boo - ty from another — and keeping them below legal age is an added treat for a pedophile - oriented putz) 6) I'm still stuck on the multiple boo - ty thing... was a great thing in my younger days but I grew into self - reponsibility to my mate and offspring 7) I'm still stuck on the Black thing in Mormonisim — banned until recent time.
Hartshorne writes in Chance Love and Incompatibility:» «The first step toward a more intelligible view is to recognize with Scholz and a number of other logicians that absolute identity of the concrete or particular is given in an event or occasion, not in a thing enduring through time, like a person or a body.
I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but I've heard wonderful things about it.
I have a bit of an on - again, off - again thing with celeriac, but if anything could persuade me it's worth another chance, I think roasting could be it.
But you'll walk away with from this post with some new snack ideas and even a chance to try them all for yourself in my «Favorite Things» giveaway on Instagram.
I'm super grateful for the chance to explore a local chai brewery, learn more about the way things are made and spend time with the lovely spouts blogger community.
A new beverage in the market is about to shake things up and open a world of possibilities, giving everyone a chance to enjoy all the flavor of whisky with none of the alcohol, calories, sugar or sodium.
I'm a fan of many different brands and types of probiotics because they all do different things, but one that I've recently had the chance to try is one that I've fallen IN LOVE with.
Chances are with a busy schedule and 101 things that need to be done in the morning (including getting kids out the door on time)... a homemade breakfast is usually last on the list.
A new beverage in the market is about to shake things up and open a world of possibilities, giving everyone a chance to enjoy all the flavor of whisky with none of the alcohol, calories, sugar or sodium.
So on the chance that you are one of those people who has yet to find the perfect banana bread recipe, or if you're looking to shake things up with a new recipe, I urge you to give this one a try.
I would love to incorporate more raw / vegan things to my day, and what better way than with your cookbook:) Thanks for the chance to win!!
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