Sentences with phrase «change advocates point»

Naturally, climate change advocates point to this as further proof that the increase in CO2 levels is already causing calamities around the world.

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In her community, where gun ownership is considered a fact of life and a point of pride, she's bravely taking a stand as one of the few voices advocating for change in her area.
From his vantage point as president of Harvard, Bok analyzes the dilemmas of liberal education, showing how its coexistence with the demands of professional schools in times of change and uncertainty requires its advocates to set it on a sound course.
Health advocates have rejected these moves, pointing out that companies can have far more impact by changing their own activities if they really care about infant health.
In 1920, for example, one pediatrician, clearly an advocate of late introduction of solids, called the early feeding of solids («early» being six months at this point) the new «liberal diet» and registered his opinion that the «traditional timetable» was still the best for babies.101 Yet by the mid-1920s several doctors were noting in medical journals that, with the relatively recent discovery of «vitamins,» it was necessary to change an infant's feeding timetable.102
Discerning when you step into the role of an educator or advocate is another decision point that a person might weigh several times throughout a day, and the answer might change in different circumstances.
A key requirement of democracy is equal protection of all stakeholders - i.e., if at some point there is a completely fair vote of 2/3 population preferring the choices advocated and implemented by party A; and 1/3 preferring the choices of party B - then a system must ensure that the minority gets adequate protections and fair treatment; so that while at this moment country gets steered to choice A, the minority doesn't get punished in any way for saying that in their opinion choice B might be best; and if some of the original voters change their mind, the choice B can still be known even if the governing clique that was elected on the idea of A wants to continue with A forever.
However, advocates including New York Communities for Change and Councilmember Jumaane Williams derided the changes as insufficient, pointing to the overwhelming need.
Democratic donor and reform advocate Bill Samuels told Kaitlyn Ross during a CapTon interview last Friday that he thinks the Legislature purposely missed a deadline for passing a constitutional amendment that would have provided real redistricting reform and anything that occurs from this point forward won't be real change.
Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, a Brooklyn Democrat who heads the chamber's codes committee and is an outspoken supporter of criminal justice reform, told POLITICO New York that while Holder's death was tragic, it was a poor starting point for the kind of changes the mayor is advocating.
but the muscleforlife (How to change your set point) dude seems to advocate cutting calories pretty drastically and doing lots of high - intensity aerobics and weights.
Dungeon Defenders takes a semi-new approach to the tower defense genre, employing traditional elements like loot, leveling up, classes and towers while also changing the mentality up, advocating use of blockades at choke points and giving each class a different set of towers to summon as well as abilities.
Ms. Seebach does point out at least one change that AFT president Randi Weingarten is advocating — community schools.
Polling done by choice advocates support this basic thirst for change, and they point to that research to make the case for reform.
Since 2012, Schott has partnered with allied organizations to produced numerous policy guides for advocates and elected officials, pointing the way for lawmakers who want to make systemic change and need a place to start.
Like climate change deniers, TNR advocates ignore the preponderance of scientific evidence, but love to cite a few flawed studies and anecdotes that they believe prove their point.
Even some staunch animal welfare advocates point out the downsides of changing pets» status from property to sentient beings.
Dhogoza, I don't think you can point the finger at religion — conservative or otherwise — but I have noticed a tendency of many advocates of Intelligent Design to adopt a strong version of the Anthropic Principle in arguments against climate change.
Again, natural variability has been ignored in order to support a particular point of view, with climate change advocates leaping on the acceleration to further their cause and the climate change sceptics now using the slowing down to their own benefit.
There is, however, a point to be made about exercising caution when evaluating the forward - looking output of a computer model, particularly when those models are used to advocate policy changes on the assumption that the computer model accurately simulates the earth's climate, and more particularly when there is no demonstrable track record of the predictive accuracy of the model.
At one point Mr Bevis stated that Labor was following the «science» on climate change, at which point I surmised that you'd be hard - pressed to find a credible climate scientist advocating a five per cent cut.
The presence of feedback effects and tipping points calls into question some of the most fundamental assumptions of climate change negotiations, including the belief that we can «overshoot» to, say, 550 ppm and then work back to 450 ppm (the path advocated in the Stern and Garnaut reports), that greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere can be stabilised at some level, and the belief that we can adapt to some given degree of warming.
As David Wojick points out, climate change advocates tend to lose the debates, consequently their tack these days is to flee from public debate and complain that debates are unfair or don't prove anything.
JonMChe: That's what I keep coming back to and it's a point that climate change advocates won't directly address.
The advocates called on governments to do their fair share in keeping global warming below the tipping point to save the Filipino people, and all others who are most vulnerable to climate change.
Brian Gover, the chair of the Advocates» Society task force on civil trials, says that although there were differences of opinion on minor points, there was strong agreement among the various parts of the bar on what needs to change.
NAR issued comments and advocated for significant changes in the definition of fees and points to ensure consumer access and greater choice amongst mortgage providers.
More importantly, the new JCT numbers illustrate a point that housing advocates have made about proposals to raise taxes on those who benefit from the MID: there's less money there than is claimed, even putting aside any economic consequences that would result from changes to long - standing policy.
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