Sentences with phrase «change advocates seem»

This is something climate change advocates seem not to understand or pretend not to.

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«Reassertion» is a decisive term here, for fundamentalism seems to rise when the authoritative bearers of a religious tradition are perceived as falling into intellectual drift — when those responsible for cultivating and propagating the vision do not, can not or will not defend the fundamentals that give the vision articulate form, or when they begin to advocate changing the definition of what is fundamental.
The system advocates seem, in comparison, more at home in chaos, with its paradoxical promise of integrity.55 How the change from disorder to wholeness occurs is the second characteristic of organic systems approaches: organization development.
Maritain's talk of a «crisis» in Catholicism evident even before Vatican II was over seemed wholly out of touch with the council's great success at bringing about deep changes Maritain himself, as much as anyone, had long passionately advocated.
I've been reading a lot about voting systems, and Score Voting seems like a pretty good system, but Equal Vote Coalition advocates «Score Runoff Voting» (name changed to STAR Voting = Score Then...
Yet over the years, he has developed a reputation among advocates for not caring much for mass transit, a reputation he now seems intent on changing.
but the muscleforlife (How to change your set point) dude seems to advocate cutting calories pretty drastically and doing lots of high - intensity aerobics and weights.
But the subtext men seemed to hear was that women's voices are the only ones that matter when it comes to advocating for change.
The fact that NAS has attained a reputation as an advocate for public school improvement and, in some ways, has changed over the years hardly seems worthy of criticism.
Social studies educators also seem to be missing numerous chances to connect with people of diverse backgrounds or use social media as a means to advocate for civic or social changes.
On more than one occasion, reform and traditional education advocates have said to me, «You've seemed to change positions on reform.»
Climate change advocates are not attacking the facts of his study, which seem to agree with satellite data showing no warming for over 18 years.
Yet a leading U.S. Senate advocate of legislative action on climate seems to be starting off like a sprinter, perhaps because his legislation is pegged to estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon that don't account for the possibility that climate change will turn out to be catastrophically costly.
Advocating policies involving widespread social and ecomonic change on the basis of an incomplete hypothesis does not seem wise to me.
2) why should we focus on the climate over problems such as disease and malnutrition 3) there are many reports of scientists fudging # s in order to get more funding — how trustworthy are many of the scientists who seem to benefit from climate change hysteria 4) what reasonable actions are these scientists advocating?
YCER's effort to rally GOP support for a clean - energy future wouldn't have seemed so remarkable back in 2008, when a group of moderate Republicans actively advocated for federal policies to address climate change.
The scenario painted in the film «The Day After Tomorrow» seems extremely unlikely, even to most climate change advocates, but one could easily make a far more convincing version, based not on the effects of climate change, but the efforts of some crackpot to «save the world» from same by implementing some well meaning scheme that could all too easily lead to a disaster far more immediate and possibly far more destructive than anything a few degrees of temperature rise could produce.
I don't know — but it seems that the advocates of consensus climate change define things to make humans look as bad as possible and fail to take into consideration the positive results of increased warmth, the enhanced crop growth, the lower cost to heat a home during winter, the increased CO2 sinks which are absorbing 1/2 of our emissions and so on.
Alot of this argument made by climate scientists and advocates of public policy changes seems to be in parallel with the same argument about population growth.
According to the developer: «There seems to be a few changes that are relatively obvious, but hard to advocate for in a climate where [hard forks] are not acceptable.»
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