Sentences with phrase «change alarmist claims»

This is not only true in the health care and Obamacare policy arena, but is also a common denominator in their climate change alarmist claims.

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Alarmists have drawn some support for increased claims of tropical storminess from a casual claim by Sir John Houghton of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that a warmer world would have more evaporation, with latent heat providing more energy for disturbances.
The relationship is not perfect but it represents a significant improvement over the incredibly lame human - CO2 and global warming / climate change relationship claimed by the IPCC's anti-CO2 Climategate scientists and alarmists.
There is compelling evidence that the atmosphere's rising CO2 content - which alarmists consider to be the chief culprit behind all of their concerns about the future of the biosphere (via the indirect threats they claim it poses as a result of CO2 - induced climate change)- is most likely the primary cause of the observed greening trends.
The Data Clearly Reveals Modern Temp Changes To Be Normal — «Unfortunately for all alarmists, the real data reveals the bogosity of their claims»
The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change has been vigorously attacked by some environmentalists and global warming alarmists who view it as a threat to their claim of a «consensus» in favor of their extreme views.
Strange, then, that climate - change alarmists / activists are singling out certain energy companies on a nuisance claim for the latter's alleged contribution to global climate change.
It complained about «alarmists» who (the letter claimed) refuse to acknowledge benefits of climate change.
As a result, Brulle insisted, the public is uncertain about the alarmist claim that man - made carbon dioxide emissions are causing severe climate change, and the government in turn has failed to enact the kind of restrictions on emissions Brulle favors.
Earlier last year, following an article reviewing 6 (also alarmist) books on the environment including Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, Nicholas Stern's report, and George Monbiot's Heat, we discovered that, inconveniently, May had taken a few liberties with the facts himself, citing a single study, referenced in the Stern Report to make the claim that» 15 — 40 per cent of species «were vulnerable to extinction at just 2 degrees of warming, and that oil companies were responsible for a conspiracy to spread misinformation, and prevent action on climate change.
Marita Noon — Canada Free Press — January 26, 2014 The current cold covering a large portion of the country has, once again, brought out the climate change alarmists with claims of «serious threat.»
Global warming alarmists claim that extreme climate change is producing an increased frequency of severe weather events - new EU research proves that claim to be false
I've analyzed some of the most alarmist claims, and my skepticism about them hasn't changed.
But a sober reading of the literature put out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) does not support the alarmist message or the claim that immediate and drastic action is needed to mitigate climate cChange (IPCC) does not support the alarmist message or the claim that immediate and drastic action is needed to mitigate climate changechange.
What needs explaining is not who discovered what — the scientists or the «deniers» — but how alarmist claims about climate change always seem to precede the evidence, such that researchers believe the negative picture before the science has delivered a verdict.
The three lead NIPCC authors — Craig Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer — reveal how no survey or study shows a «consensus» on the most important scientific issues in the climate change debate, and how most scientists do not support the alarmist claims of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Cchange debate, and how most scientists do not support the alarmist claims of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeChange.
· Subject all such information to proper peer review by independent scientists, including the significant numbers of experts who are skeptical of alarmist pollution and climate change claims;
In November, 2015, the three lead NIPCC authors — Craig Idso, Robert M. Carter, and S. Fred Singer — wrote a small book titled Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming: The NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus revealing how no survey or study shows a «consensus» on the most important scientific issues in the climate change debate, and how most scientists do not support the alarmist claims of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Cchange debate, and how most scientists do not support the alarmist claims of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeChange.
I've always been agnostic about [climate change]... I don't completely dismiss the more dire warnings but I instinctively feel that some of the claims are exaggerated... I don't accept all of the alarmist conclusions... You can never be absolutely certain that all the science is in.
In fact the relative regukarity with which they change is never questioned... but neither are these scientusts alarmists or claiming unprecidented changes are occuring.
Embracing an alarmist view of the future, the President claimed CO2 - induced climate change will lead to «submerged countries,» «abandoned cities,» «fields that no longer grow,» «political disruptions» and «more floods.»
In climate change, there is a political agenda with its necessary junk science propaganda and alarmist claims.
There is nothing to publish since it's right there in the paper, hidden in plain sight: actual sea level, as in ACTUAL sea level, as measured against the shore, the measurement that matters to alarmist claims, does not show * any * trend change whatsoever!
Then thereâ $ ™ s the pesky issue of â $ œconsensus.â $ Alarmists typically counter any fact - based global warming argument with the assertion that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has already ruled on the issue, and therefore â $ œthe science is settledâ $ and â $ œthe debate is over.â $ â $ œMild winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms, â $ IPCC claimed in its 2001 Third Assessment.
Government - funded scientists, the Green's anti-CO2 activists and the mainstream media - alarmists have all claimed that the current drought being suffered by the US west coast is the extreme climate change Americans have never experienced before.
CLIMATE change alarmists, like Tim Flannery and the ABC, claim Australian bush fires are unprecedented and becoming more extreme, thanks to human carbon dioxide «pollution» emissions.
The Comment's science findings section also presents rebuttals of ten typical climate change alarmists» claims.
«I am very proud to report that The Heartland Institute has spent millions of dollars over the past ten years supporting scientific research that contradicts alarmist claims about climate change,» Bast said in his reply, adding that all the requested information could easily be found on The Heartland Institute's websites.
Both climate - change deniers and climate - change alarmists are wrong on their claims about the implications of this [Northern Hemisphere] winter and how they interpret the behaviour of the earth's climatic system over the past 2000 years.
A new lesson set called the Climate Change IQ (CCIQ) provides a good skeptical critique of ten top alarmist claims.
When I hear alarmist claim nature will collapse if we see a 1 ° C change over a decade it makes this biology major cringe at the ignorance on display.
But nothing like the catastrophe we have been led to believe, with many alarmists claiming there would be an ice - free arctic last summer due to global warming (in fact, much of the big decline in 2007 was due to changes in wind patterns, not temperature).
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