Sentences with phrase «change by burning fossil fuels»

An overwhelming majority of scientists agree that the Earth is getting warmer and that humans have contributed directly to the change by burning fossil fuels for energy.
Greenpeace unleashed a press release that began with two words: «Greenpeace demands...» It talked about «climate chaos,» tipping points, and stoking «the fires of climate change by burning fossil fuels

Not exact matches

The first is climate change, exacerbated by the greenhouse gases we encourage by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and farming the way we do (particularly for meat production).
The will to overlook accelerated climate change caused by the extraction of tar sands oil, the destruction of the carbon sink that is / was the boreal forest, and the continued burning of fossil fuels to power trips to the corner store for a creamy, etc..
Howie Hawkins, the recent Green Party candidate for Governor, called today upon Governor Cuomo to acknowledge the climate change is being caused by human activity, starting with the burning of fossil fuels.
«He also refused to embrace the scientific view that climate change is now overwhelmingly driven by the burning of fossil fuels and failed to answer legitimate questions about Exxon's support for climate denial groups during his tenure.»
Land - use changes over the past 250 years in Europe have been huge, yet, they only caused a relatively small temperature increase, equal to roughly 6 % of the warming produced by global fossil fuel burning, Naudts noted.
Extracting carbon dioxide from power plant exhaust and storing it underground may be the only hope to avoid a climate change catastrophe caused by burning fossil fuels
The electricity is often produced by burning fossil fuels, and the refrigerant gases also exacerbate climate change.
If the world keeps burning fossil fuels and does little else to prevent climate change — the trajectory we are on — weather events now considered extreme, like the one in 1997 which led to floods so severe that hundreds of thousands of people in Africa were displaced, and the one in 2009 that led to the worst droughts and bushfires in Australia's history, will become average by 2050.
«We live in an era during which it has become clear that we can not burn all of the fossil fuels without causing dangerous climate change,» the letter, seen by Reuters, said.
Cumulative emissions of CO2 since 1870 are set to reach 2015 billion tonnes in 2013 — with 70 per cent caused by burning fossil fuels and 30 per cent from deforestation and other land - use changes.
Global emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels are set to rise again in 2013, reaching a record high of 36 billion tonnes — according to new figures from the Global Carbon Project, co-led by researchers from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia.
Pope Francis squarely blames the burning of fossil fuels for climate change in the leaked draft of his long - awaited environmental encyclical posted online by an Italian magazine.
Our current problems — especially climate change caused by burning fossil fuels — are real.
«Thanks to forests that sequester some of the carbon we are emitting by burning fossil fuels, human - induced climate change is happening more slowly than it otherwise would,» says Saleska.
The world is warming due to the release of CO2 by fossil fuel burning This will change the climate unless we reduce CO2 emissions.
We explain the origin of fossil fuels, a by - product of earth's long - term «metabolism,» and how our burning of fossil fuels is leading to changes in our climate.
They have very little to do with the long term trend (driven by fossil fuel burning) but are important for understanding the sensitivity of the carbon cycle to changes in climate.
Such factors include increased greenhouse gas concentrations associated with fossil fuel burning, sulphate aerosols produced as an industrial by - product, human - induced changes in land surface properties among other things.
The brochure for the workshop states: «Climate change caused by fossil fuel burning leads to increased risks of extreme events such as heat waves, droughts, fires, severe storms, floods which in turn have major health effects.»
Current attempts by national governments worldwide to control industrial CO2 emissions following the recommendations of the IPCC could be viewed within the scientific paradigm as the projection of a large scale experiment on the earth's climate system to validate the hypothesis that anthropogenic CO2 emissions through the burning of fossil fuels and land use changes (inter alia) are a major factor driving climate change.
UN Climate Change News, 28 April 2018 — Projects that increase bicycle use over fossil - fuel - burning vehicles can now earn carbon credits, thanks to a decision taken by the Board that oversees the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
Caused by the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, agricultural practices, and other human impacts, climate change has currently raised global temperatures 0.8 degrees Celsius (1.44 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than the Industrial Revolution average.
In a letter published in Science the researchers compare the recent furore around the so - called «climate-gate» stolen emails to the Communist witch hunts of the 50s led by Joseph McCarthy «We urge our policy - makers and the public to move forward immediately to address the causes of climate change, including the un-restrained burning of fossil fuels,» they... Read more
In a letter published in Science the researchers compare the recent furore around the so - called «climate-gate» stolen emails to the Communist witch hunts of the 50s led by Joseph McCarthy «We urge our policy - makers and the public to move forward immediately to address the causes of climate change, including the un-restrained burning of fossil fuels,» they
A recent study for Friends of the Earth Europe by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research found that EU countries can afford just nine more years of burning gas and other fossil fuels at the current rate before they will have exhausted their share of the earth's remaining carbon budget for maximum temperature rises of 2 °C.
They report in the journal Climatic Change that, if humans continue to burn fossil fuels at an accelerating rate, and as average global temperatures creep up by the predicted 4 °C above historic levels, then on the hottest days, between 10 % and 30 % of fully - loaded planes may have to remove fuel, cargo or passengers before they can take off: either that, or flights will have to be delayed to the cooler hours.
Friedman... would have viewed climate change as a negative externality associated with burning fossil fuels and would have believed that society was entitled to recover its losses from those who emit carbon to advance their economic interests... While there is a market for the products that are associated with greenhouse gas emissions — like electricity, fuel and steel — there is no market for the pollution inflicted by their manufacturers on the public.
U.S. National Academy of Sciences founded by Abraham Lincoln back in the 19th century, all the national academies of all of the major industrial nations around the world have all gone on record as stating clearly that humans are warming the planet and changing the climate through our continued burning of fossil fuels.
We anticipate that the energy transition will be driven largely by mounting concerns about climate change, by climbing oil prices, and by the restructuring of taxes to incorporate the indirect costs of burning fossil fuels.
Meanwhile, other types of aerosols, often produced by burning fossil fuels, can change surface temperatures by either reflecting or absorbing incoming sunlight.
Government & Energy Innovation Innovation in the energy sector is necessary to maintain economic competitiveness, meet ever - increasing energy demands, and limit the changes to our atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
When we talk about climate change, we're talking about the scientifically observable — and increasingly severe — changes in global climate patterns that became apparent in the mid-to-late twentieth century and can be attributed to the rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, in particular) produced by human activities like burning fossil fuels.
The CDIAC has told us how much CO2 we've added to the atmosphere since 1750 by burning fossil fuels, making cement, and changing land use (slash and burn etc.).
«Climate Change» is a general term used when referring to a wide range of effects brought about by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and «heat island effects» resulting from buildings and pavement in the major human settlements.
Mr. Mercer was hardly the first to sound an alarm about greenhouse gases: Scientists were well on their way by the late 1950s toward connecting mankind's burning of fossil fuels to Earth's changing climate.
At the Northeast Public Power Association's annual conference in Lake Placid, N.Y. last month, what was billed as a «common sense» discussion on climate change was actually a talk by Steve Goreham, an author of books that deny that burning fossil fuels causes global warming.
Climate change is real, caused by humans burning fossil fuels, and potentially a serious threat to society.
The Governor's Office also repeats usual lies about the so - called «scientific consensus», «climate science,» and the conspiracy theory about «a well - organized climate change counter-movement,» funded by «companies that make their profits from burning fossil fuels
Mr. Dickson wrote passionately about several areas in climate science that troubled him, including: first, the idea that 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real, caused by humans, and a threat; second, the idea that government agencies had manipulated temperature records to fit a narrative of warming; and third, that China is developing its coal resources so fast that nothing short of radical population control will save us, if burning fossil fuels really does cause global warming.
Climate change, mostly caused by burning fossil fuels, is a highly probable, potentially deadly threat to humanity.
In other word, all (or virtually all) of the accelerating increases in atmospheric CO2 levels in caused by human interventions, primarily by way of burning of fossil fuels and changing land usage.
The up - front investments are expensive, but savings will begin to exceed those costs by 2040, and even sooner if oil prices rise faster than expected, or if we factor in the costs of climate change and the impact of burning fossil fuels on public health.
However, you can say roughly that for each Gt of carbon that I am off, the peak of the part of the temperature rise that is associated with future fossil - fuel burning will change by 0.0012 degrees Celsius.
It is completely plausible that by burning fossil fuels we accelerate the amount of co2 increase and that that could have an impact on our climate by warming it up — in particular (and people seem to forget this) by warming it and changing our climate faster than we can adapt.
The 67 - page suit claims that burning of fossil fuels marketed by the oil industry changes the climate and that these changes are «injuring New York City.»
Laframboise's trip has been organised by free market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, which has a long history of promoting doubt about the science of human - caused climate change and the risks of the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels.
The institute purports to investigate what it calls «facts» about global climate change, which is largely attributed by others to the burning of fossil fuels.
This is roughly the rise predicted by climate change scenarios in which humans go on burning fossil fuels, to deposit ever more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
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