Sentences with phrase «change for the best»

But once you master it, you will be changed for the better.
You'll experience a calming effect when you remind yourself that you always manage your challenges, life gets good again, and sometimes things even change for the better.
It's not until his aha moment that things change for the better.
Don't convince yourself that things are OK when they're not, and don't allow yourself to believe that things can't change for the better.
If you think your compensation committee needs greater independence and expertise, bring on a female compensation consultant with 20 years experience who has done 50 compensation plans, including ones in your industry, with no ties to management, and then watch how things change for the better.
But will it be change for the better?
When you face a challenge, you can't just look at how it's limiting you; you have to look at how it changes you, and how it could change you for the better.
Medicine has already changed for good, she says, flashing the fitness trackers she wears religiously on her wrists.
Three years later, the businesses that managed to stay open have been changed for good.
Great leaders change us for the better.
There are many small - scale businesses around the world — from organic vineyards in Australia to llama knitwear co-operatives in Ecuador — that are changing for the better how business is done.
Great bosses change us for the better.
I must confess, when reading this book I identified elements of both traits in my own leadership style and quickly set about changing for the better.
With a sprout in the number of startups offering technology - backed solutions, farming and the way agriculture is perceived should change for the better.
Might things change for the better in 2017?
«They know that once he gets into office, things are going to change, but they're going to change for the good.
I can honestly tell you that in those four hours, my life changed for the better.
Its resurgence, he he said, «has been a major change for good,» especially the work of Bill Gates.
My life quickly changed for the better when I stopped interrupting.
There was PDF support, e-ink, size changes for better portability, a touch screen and finally the most recent iterations that allow you to read, email, play games and use social media.
Let mistakes and «failures» change you for the better.
The Japanese word kaizen simply means «change for better
Home dcor has changed for the better because of this.
However, these dark days are now long gone, with websites such as Transunion and Experian offering comprehensive breakdowns of your credit history and, most importantly, allowing you to make changes for the better.
While people have associated social networking with meeting new friends and finding job opportunities, you can also connect with people who can change you for the better.
The results revealed an asymmetry in the point at which they tipped: people required about four unethical actions to decide that Barbara had appreciably changed for the worse, but about six equivalently ethical actions to decide that Barbara appreciably changed for the better.
If it takes more evidence to accept a change for the better in someone's character than it requires to believe someone has changed for the worse, then equivalent behaviors will warrant punishment while not qualifying for reward.
Everything is alive, and everything can be changed for the better.
Some writers have told our readers about their journey to their overseas home — how and why they chose their new retirement destination... how their lives have changed for the better... and what it is that they love about the place they now live in.
Others play unwitting roles that nevertheless create change for the better; take airline passenger David Dao.
Make a change for the better.
Knowing this difference could be the difference between yo - yo dieting and a sustainable weight loss and lifestyle change for the better!
No, corruption has not changed for the better in China under Xi, only the people who collect the bribes have changed.
I think he's changed for the better in many ways in some speeches he gives.
Traders want to change this business model — and with Onyx, futures trading will change for the better.
Here comes Serenity with an attempt to change that for good.
Work flexibility is good for both companies and their employees, and as more businesses come to that realization, the world of work will keep changing for the better.
Really you have to look at it for years, and look at the footnotes and other explanatory sections in the back when things seemingly change for no good reason.
Nevertheless, a lot could change for the better with just a few days of convincing, bullish price action.
Dealing with debt can be draining at times but everything can change for the better in a matter of just a few months.
As in all emerging markets, corporate governance is a key issue in China, but things have been starting to change for the better.
Given that the underlying fundamentals have only changed for the better, a more sustained rally in crypto assets could strengthen portfolios struggling with the late - cycle blues.
The NDP released its platform [pdf] yesterday, entitled «Change for the Better».
You know there where probably people like you 150 years ago during Lincolns time as president saying the same thing... and they where partially right but... it was a change for the better overall.
Religion, just like everything else, needs to evolve and change for the better.
People, I believe, can change for the better by the number of people involved (strength in numbers).
The reason I am saying this is not because I have already gone through a tough time and now everything in my life has changed for the better.
I have no problem with prayer changing you for the better, although I think you could get the same benefit from mediation.
If you have realized the damage you have done, that, in my opinion, is the first step on a road to change for the better.
I'll set «faith» aside, roll up my sleeves, and help bring about change for the better.
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