Sentences with phrase «change government»

The goal of the company / individual is to change government policy somehow (I am unclear on this).
However, he refused to reverse the policy saying it, along with a number of changes the government had made, might be subject to a review after the election.
And, you never know what changes the government might bring in, so I think it's best to have one foot in each camp.
No matter what opposition parties and leaders do, the regime will always advance to weaken them and undermine their efforts to change government at the ballot box.
Some think that matters can be fixed by changing government taxes and spending.
The public does not seem to trust the establishment any longer, but it has learned that changing governments does not lead to any significant change of government policies.
Changing government regulations, newly identified toxins, newly reported claims, new theories of liability, new contract interpretations and other factors could result in significant increases in these liabilities.
That also means changing government thinking and ensuring that funding is delivered in a stable, long - term way, so that we see real shifts in outcomes for our people.
What are the most important changes governments can make to support truly sustainable development?
It was one of several mortgage rule changes the government has made in recent years.
This budget changes the government's communications more than its direction.
But the problem, as ever, is what societal changes a government could make to fix that.
The reason why the citizens of any country change their government is to give an alternative that holds the promise of a chance to bring in refreshing perspectives to governance.
Here are five key changes the government needs to make to address this.
It is difficult to change government behavior, because the politics of reducing spending, or raising taxes is tough.
So, it's an admirable thought, but until you can first change government then culture, it will probably be a losing battle.
The Bar will, of course, adapt to whatever changes the government, the courts, or the market may bring about.
From a practical perspective then, failure to reach a deal may not directly change the government's current plans for inbound immigration.
It looked at fundamentally changing the government oversight that attaches to phases.
He says the point is that newspaper editors «are shaping and changing government policy to shape your own interests».
«By - elections do not have a habit of changing governments, but they do have a habit of changing the direction of governments,» he states.
You've also got competitors (big and small), ever - changing government regulation, and sometimes even your employees working against you.
We will see over the next five years what changes the government is able to make, but the good news is that overall Canadian employers are optimistic about the year ahead.
Looking at the way things work, in general, in Albany, 68 % say Governor Paterson is not changing government in Albany for the better while 27 % think he is.
The concrete measures that Miliband has advanced, from capping rail price increases, to legislating for a living wage, from changing government procurement rules to encourage vocational training, to putting workers» representatives on corporate remuneration committees, are all workable, worthwhile policies.
«For instance, a majority of voters don't necessarily think Cuomo is changing government for the better, but a similar proportion see him as a good leader for the state.»
As a part of its efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change the government of Kenya has identified the need to develop a comprehensive national carbon accounting system for Kenya (NCAS - K).
Referendums in the Netherlands are very much a gauge of public mood, in this case it is unlikely to change government opinion, as there is such a slim difference between no and yes.
There was also much frustration that the Coalition Government's Indigenous Advancement Strategy had awarded so much funding to non-Indigenous organisations rather than investing in local communities (because governments «see disadvantage» rather than look for unique culture) and the impact of changing government priorities.
Worn down by endless struggles for equality with changing governments, both at state and federal levels, who failed to deliver on promises, and beset by his own personal demons as a consequence of his institutionalisation, he took his life 20 years ago.
As consumers and jewelers we can't change governments or politics, but we can create commerce and benevolence to help those people.
Its Time For Real Change A government that stands with the people exspressing there voice on behalf of the people.
For five decades after the war, every time Britain or the US changed governments, the other nation moved in the same political direction at the next election.
She stated that Ghana is a» globally acknowledged democracy» which has changed governments successfully since 1992 «without causing any dislocations to the political, economic or social systems of the country» therefore «all investors are assured of a stable and peaceful country to invest in.»
Chris Pincher Conservative MP and member of the energy and climate change select committee Policing policy Westminster recently witnessed a huge demonstration when thousands of police officers protested against the arbitrary changes the government is bulldozing through on their working conditions.
The vote is symbolic and will not automatically change government policy, although the Home Office may now find it impossible to resist demands for a radical rethink.
Andrew Neil asked the MEP if last week's local election results had changed government plans for legislation.
According to Hon. Solomon Boar, Daniel Bugri Naabu skewed to change the government appointees list in favour of the DCE nominee, John Kwaku Alhassan.
Perhaps the most important consideration, however, is one that hovers between the two categories above: Chancellor Cable probably wouldn't substantially change the government's policy.
Swamped by ever changing government targets, overburdened by red tape and overloaded by regulation we have delivered quality services and low council tax.
The government now has the power to force a change
Demonstrators had no illusions that they would dramatically change the government's mind.
Head teachers also identified changing government policies and guidelines as generating «unnecessary» bureaucracy.
After all, Australia, one of the more progressive countries on this earth (it's been illegal NOT to vote there since 1925) has recently changed governments partly because their carbon tax was so unpopular.
Great research done 40 years ago isn't a free pass to waltz around the world changing governments in pursuit of romantic economic fantasies.
Laws to prevent public mischief and the effects of changing governments changing their minds and reneging on previously made deals.
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