Sentences with phrase «change his proposals without»

«I don't believe David Cameron's solution does serve the victims because ministers could change his proposals without reference to parliament, and it's not properly independent of the press,» Miliband said.

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When listing standards changed in the wake of Sarbanes - Oxley, board members who complained publicly about the proposals were happy for the cover the requirements gave them to meet without executives present.
Earlier this week, Lyft filed a proposal to settle a lawsuit for $ 12.3 million without agreeing to change its classification.
XRP can be changed without any charges, and to use in operations under the existing proposal of the company to Uphold.
Lobbyists often write law proposals for politicians which they might then propose to the parliament, with or without changes.
While California state lawmakers announced last - minute deals on medical marijuana regulation and a scaled - back climate change proposal, they were likely to adjourn this year's legislative session Friday without completing major initiatives on...
Cuomo proposes a $ 1.1 billion increase in education aid if lawmakers agree to major policy overhauls; without changes, his aid proposal drops to $ 377 million.
The Democratic - led Assembly backed Cuomo's proposal earlier this year for an extension of mayoral control of three years, without any changes to the program.
State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli today issued an aggressive defense of the current pension system andm — without getting into specifics — slammed Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposal to offer a 401 (k)- style defined contribution plan as part of his Tier 6 proposal, calling the change «unacceptable» and «extreme.»
Without those changes, schools would get just $ 377 million under Cuomo's current proposal.
WASHINGTON (CNN)- CNN has learned that — barring some unforeseen change - Democratic Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus will unveil a health care proposal Wednesday without the support of the three Republican senators - Charles Grassley, Mike Enzi and Olympia Snowe - he's been negotiating with for months.
Neither the phenomena under study nor the objectives of the project stated in the proposal or agreed modifications thereto should be changed without prior NSF approval.
There's no excuse for submitting a grant proposal without meticulously reviewing all the information about the program, including the fine print and recent changes, and talking to the program officer.
With or without the changes I suggest above, many might wonder if there is any realistic path to funding President Obama's proposal in this era of severe fiscal restraint.
Mrs Morgan said that many of the proposals could be delivered without changes to the law - and that at present she could not say «what's in the detail of the legislation».
«The governor's proposed changes to ECS and special education funding, coupled with his proposal to require towns to pick up one - third of the cost of teacher pension costs, will make it impossible for small towns to fund education without staggering increases in local property taxes,» said Betsy Gara, Executive Director of the Connecticut Council of Small Towns.
Industrial scale «biochar» is the latest dangerous planetary geoengineering proposal to save the Earth and humanity from climate change without personal sacrifice or social change.
Energy and Climate Change secretary Ed Davey says these proposals are «a radical shift» away from old policies of «tinkering at the edges» without tackling fuel poverty's root causes — homes that are too energy inefficient to be kept warm on a budget.
While we are pleased that the more damaging proposals have been abandoned we remain concerned that the Government is proceeding with changes which affect the ability of the citizen to access the court, without a proper evidence base to justify the change.
While Canadian courts have repeatedly expressed reluctance to embrace Sullivan - style changes regarding actual malice, 175 three matters must be stressed: first, this proposal is markedly different from Sullivan and does not conflict with the reasons for which the SCC disparaged Sullivan; second, the public figure concept itself predates the Sullivan decision as a defence applicable in infringement of privacy cases and so can be relied on without being dragged into the vortex of debate over the advisability of Sullivan and its progeny; and third, Canadian defamation law already recognizes that certain plaintiffs require different treatment vis - à - vis the remedies available to them, 176 which can be construed as a latent foundation for acceptance of the public figure concept.
In January 2016, employees who had not accepted the proposals received a further letter from Kostal which said that the changes would not be implemented without their express agreement, but that «you should be aware that in the event that no agreement can be reached.....
Even without this anomaly, it appears prudent to have a more substantial debate about these potentially fundamental changes in our legal system than that which has been generated so far by these relatively ad hoc plans and proposals.
Unfortunately, without a significant change in attitude, the recommendation will surely be ignored, as was a similar proposal by The 1993 Report of the National Commission on Judicial Discipline.
Called Segregated Witness, the proposal would, among other less publicized fixes, increase the blockchain's capacity four-fold without requiring a hard fork that would change bitcoin's consensus rules, a process that they believe may be too risky at present.
I am concerned that these major institutional changes to the native title claim resolution process is being proposed in a Bill without significant argument having been advanced as to the need for these particular changes, or any analysis of the likely costs and benefits of these proposals.
There are too many powerful interests arrayed against new sales taxes, they say, for the proposals to succeed without changes.
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