Sentences with phrase «change impacts improves»

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They come at a time when the only major changes at the company were Kalanick's departure and a stated commitment to improve the company's culture to eliminate harassment, an announcement that's unlikely to negatively impact Uber's stock price.
Their focus on overcoming disease, improving education, and lobbying for climate change initiatives is having a powerful impact.
As part of 3M's continuing effort to improve the alignment of its businesses around markets and customers, the Company made the following changes, effective in the first quarter of 2018, and other revisions impacting business segment reporting:
Each year, attention turns to the entrepreneurs making the biggest impact, whether they're changing the world or improving the way consumers live and work each day.
We are dedicated to improving human health, positively impacting climate change, conserving natural resources and respecting animal welfare.
Positive corporate governance changes have the impact of improving access to investment, allowing the company's to access facilities of equity and debt.
This lead Deya to Beyond Meat, a company focused on improving human health, positively impacting climate change, conserving natural resources and respecting animal welfare through the innovation of plant based meat products.
We are dedicated to improving human health, positively impacting climate change, conserving natural resources and respecting animal welfare.
Sodexo is committed to playing a role in achieving this goal and is redoubling our efforts to eliminate food waste at every client site we serve through programs that focus on raising awareness and influencing the behaviors of our customers and employees; continuously improving our back - of - house processes and upgrading equipment in the kitchen; measuring our impact; and sharing our expertise with our clients and external industry partners to drive fundamental change on the issue of food waste.
I encourage farmers and ranchers in rural areas throughout the world to learn about the positive impact organic farming can have on protecting the environment, mitigating climate change and improving the health for future generations,» Straus added.
For example, a health impact assessment conducted by the Kids» Safe and Healthful Foods Project found that when schools implement healthier standards for snack and a la carte foods, students are more likely to purchase a school meal — a change that improves children's diets and school budgets at the same time, because schools earn reimbursements for meal sales.
Share stories of improved health and well - being due to changes in attitudes, organizational policies, environments, and behaviors that impact a woman's success in achieving her breastfeeding goals.
The conclusions and findings identify that organisational culture can have an extremely positive impact on health and safety, particularly in helping to improve and change attitudes and behaviours.
It states, in part, «Creating a sustainable regional food system that meets [the $ 1 billion] demand and offers equal access to nutritious food will improve public health, bolster the city's «good food» economy, build resilience in the wake of extreme weather events and reduce the city's «foodprint» as a way to mitigate the impacts of climate change
Shelley also believes that climate change denial is a hurting our future and supported Climate and Community Protection Act, a bill that would help put New York on track to minimize the adverse impacts of climate change through a reduction in statewide greenhouse gas emissions and improve the resiliency of the state with respect to the impacts and risks of climate change.
What is more worrying is that government is engaging in this environmentally unfriendly action at a time Ghana's development partners and the international community are sympathizing with the Ghanaian people on the increasing impacts of climate change on livelihoods and supporting the country with huge resources to implement a number of climate adaptation projects to help the people especially rural communities to improve livelihoods under severe climate change impacts through effective adaptation interventions.
He has also asked Provost Michele Wheatly to «promptly evaluate and report on how we can improve our responsiveness on this score to students impacted by changing immigration laws.»
Impact: City makes numerous changes to program in effort to improve the recycling rate.
This special section of Science focuses on the current state of knowledge about the effects of climate change on natural systems, with particular emphasis on how knowledge of the past is helping us to understand potential biological impacts and improve predictive power.
Other projects, such as Peru's plans to dredge rivers to improve navigability, could exacerbate the ecological impact by changing flows, disturbing spawning sites, and disrupting the river - forest connection, says Fabrice Duponchelle of the French Institute of Research for Development in Marseille.
Under the next White House Administration, Holdren said, science - based challenges that will require sustained, robust investment include efforts to ensure safe and sustainable food, water, and energy for everyone, reduce greenhouse gases, minimize harm from climate change already underway, combat diseases such as Zika, defeat cancer, improve quality - of - life for those who are aging, prevent devastating asteroid impacts, and send humans into space «not just to visit, but to stay.»
The impact of these results is wide - reaching, and Dr Pullen suggests that it may even change how we think about global climate data: «Climate models need to incorporate genetic elements because at present most do not, and their predictions would be much improved with a better understanding of plant carbon demand.»
The study supports calls for improved monitoring of wetlands and human changes to those ecosystems — a timely topic as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change prepares to examine land use impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, says Prof. Merritt Turetsky, Department of Integrative Biology.
For instance, existing plans that enlarge the conservation scope of refuges by promoting wildlife corridors show how conservation reserves can simultaneously improve habitat, reduce nonclimate impacts, and enhance resilience to climate change.
«In order to secure America's energy future and protect our children from the impacts of climate change, the Budget invests in clean energy, improving energy security, and enhancing preparedness and resilience to climate change,» the fact sheet states.
The agency will use this value «until an improved estimate of the impacts of climate change in the U.S. can be developed based on the best available science and economics,» an EPA spokesperson said in an email.
Waller hopes his discovery will influence preservation efforts, which often ignore the acoustic impact of changes made to protect an area or to improve access.
(E) establishes performance measures for assessing the effectiveness of adaptation strategies intended to improve resilience and the ability of natural resources in the coastal zone to adapt to and withstand the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification and of adaptation strategies intended to minimize those impacts on the coastal zone and to update those strategies to respond to new information or changing conditions; and
Indonesian and U.S. scientists believe that investigating previously unexplored ocean areas will yield new phenomena and provide information that will improve our understanding of ocean ecosystems, ocean acidification and climate change impacts.
Scientists used up - to - date fossil records and improved analytical tools to find that, in the few million years prior to the asteroid impact that created the Yucatan's Chicxulub crater in Mexico, Earth was experiencing a major transformation in its environment, including widespread volcanic activity, changing sea levels and varying temperatures.
By improving the understanding of how cloud properties affect climate change, Dr. McFarlane is advancing an important PNNL mission contribution: transforming the nation's ability to predict climate change and its impacts
Even so, our forecasting abilities must further improve for Montanans to better prepare for short - term variation in weather patterns and expected long - term impacts associated with climate change.
The Division conducts research on the longâ $ term impact of human activities on climate and natural resources using a research strategy that starts with measurements and carries that information into models, with a goal of improving the nation's ability to predict climate change.
Plant from multiple species, seed sources, and climate zones, particularly from locally - adapted sources Manage to maintain genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity Create opportunities for rapid natural selection for species with high predicted potential for adverse impacts from climate change (Sturrock et al. 2011; Erickson et al. 2012; Alfaro et al. 2014; FAO 2014) Plant drought tolerant and native species Retain diversity of species and promote legacy trees Manage or restore mosaic (variable pattern of species and ages) and maintain or improve landscape connectivity Plant in asynchronous rotations and manage for diverse age classes Thin, plant, and use prescribed fire to favor species adapted to disturbance (Millar et al. 2007; Vose et al. 2016; Keane et al. forthcoming)
Mission The mission of PNNL's Aerosol Climate Initiative is to advance the current scientific understanding and parameterization of aerosol processes and properties to improve comprehensive climate modeling frameworks and to inform policy decisions related to global climate change and the environmental impacts of aerosols.
-- 4) Improved fire models and projections directly related to Montana's forests; 5) Long - term monitoring of forest insect and pathogen response to recent climate changes and improved projections of likely future impacts; 6) Better understanding of disturbance effects on microclimates and refugia and implications for forest productivity, mortality, and adaImproved fire models and projections directly related to Montana's forests; 5) Long - term monitoring of forest insect and pathogen response to recent climate changes and improved projections of likely future impacts; 6) Better understanding of disturbance effects on microclimates and refugia and implications for forest productivity, mortality, and adaimproved projections of likely future impacts; 6) Better understanding of disturbance effects on microclimates and refugia and implications for forest productivity, mortality, and adaptation.
As research leaders in developing and using models to provide scientific insights into weather and climate change, Qian and others are striving to understand uncertainty in systems and modeling to improve projections and help prepare vulnerable regions for potential climate change impact.
Direct effects of climate change on trees and forests, such as warmer, wetter conditions improving forest productivity or warmer, drier conditions increasing tree mortality, will be secondary to the impacts of altered forest disturbance regimes, such as changes in forest fire behavior and area burned.
In collaboration with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Leung has been developing and applying advanced regional climate models that will help improve the predictions of climate change and its impacts.
linking probabilistic simple climate models, complex Earth system models, and econometric analyses of historical weathering and climate impacts to project future risks associated with climate change and improve estimates of the social cost of carbon.
The newly revealed information about the growth of phytoplankton in polynyas could provide scientists with improved insights into how the marine food web in the Antarctic works and how this could be impacted by climate change.
Lightbridge is developing and commercializing next generation nuclear fuel technology that will significantly improve the economics and safety of existing and new reactors, with a meaningful impact on preventing climate change.
C. Changing your eating habits can have a far greater impact in improving your health and sustaining your ideal weight.
So my question is as you improve in your ability to burn fat (greater aerobic engine / dietary changes etc) this appears to impact where the aerobic threshold sits.
Essentially, big agra has hybridized wheat heavily over the last 5 decades to improve things such as crop yield and baking characteristics, but never once thought about the impacts on human health of changing the biochemical structure of wheat.
While our current understanding of why the ketogenic diet impacts pain is low, there may be a connection to this dietary plan's ability to improve the management and metabolism of cortisol.15 Stimson R. H., et al. «Dietary macronutrient content alters cortisol metabolism independently of body weight changes in obese men.»
Overall I am hoping that in time the industry will have to make changes, improve its practices and reduce its destructive impacts.
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13.3 improve education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning
Only the sustained commitment of donors and the political will to enact policy change for greater refugee freedoms within Thailand will have a significant impact on improving the livelihoods for the large part of the population.
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