Sentences with phrase «change in altitude»

The cruise control is quiet and consistent even with many changes in altitude.
To assure the model was realistic, the scientists drew on observations of changes in the altitude of the ice sheet surface made by NASA's IceSat satellite and airborne Operation IceBridge campaign.
«Significant changes in altitudes above sea level in several parts of the Arctic, including Svalbard and Greenland, with build - up of ice on land, stimulated the distribution of the sea ice,» Jochen Knies says.
Accidentally consuming undrinkable water or unfamiliar foods or suffering from changes in altitude or weather could cause illness and require a trip to the emergency room.
«Significant changes in altitudes above sea level in several parts of the Arctic, including Svalbard and Greenland, with build - up of ice on land, stimulated the distribution of the sea ice,» Jochen Knies says.
Around that same time, The New York Times also reported that MH370 also saw significant changes in altitude after losing contact with ground control.
Flight paths will vary, with lots of turns and sudden changes in altitude.
While I'm sitting there the system simulates drastic changes in altitude.
In an earlier posting, I pointed out the striking change in altitude of samples at this site, with 13th century samples averaging from an altitude of about 310 m. (NATO 1996, Figure 4, top panel), while modern samples all come from between 200 and 250 m. Briffa says that the elevations of the subfossil cores are known precisely, but not the modern cores (p. 35).
The land experiences changes in altitude due to isostatic rebound, and tectonic movement, not to mention the fact that the Earth's crust is floating on a molten mantle.
We all know the Apple Watch offers plenty of functionality but its more fitness - oriented features include GPS tracking, an altimeter that records changes in altitude, and onboard heart rate monitoring.
A traveler's physical condition, even their need for special medical care or a specific diet, as well as their personal degree of tolerance to having their natural rhythms disrupted can influence the severity of their culture shock as does their ability to cope with changes in altitude, climate, foods, pathogens, and more.
Others maintain as stoutly that what is involved is nothing more than readjustment to the change in altitude.
Changes in altitude are likely to affect your precious one's little ears, especially if their sinuses are blocked (Isla and I have had a constant cold from October - March, sigh...).
During take - off and landing, the change in altitude may cause ear pressure discomfort for children.
Learn some common symptoms of altitude sickness, and how to treat it if your child is suffering from a change in altitude.
Jeffery and her colleagues decided to look at how they respond to changes in altitude.
If we're successful, Cassini may allow us to view in more detail the way that water is removing ionized particles, such as any changes in the altitude or effects that come with the time of day.»
With our flight, and the change in altitude in the Denver, I had to be ready!
The track has zero change in altitude.
It's possible that Shreve's novels kicked off this back - of - the - head trend; her last book, A Change in Altitude, featured this motif as well.
; I also like A Change in Altitude.
The weather in Peru varies according to area — the changes in altitude are so extreme that the climate goes from freezing in the mountains to sun on the coast.
And some of the loss depends on the changes in the altitude at which water freezes.
In particular, sattelites are subject to some orbital drift and changes in altitude and sensor function over time that must be corrected, perhaps imperfectly to date.
The tropical cloud forests in mountainous regions will be threatened if temperatures increase by 1 °C to 2 °C during the next 50 years due to changes in the altitude of the cloud - base during the dry season, which would be rising by 2 m / yr.
Electric cars have been competing in the Hill Climb for a few years now, and they're already pretty dominant since their performance isn't affected by a change in altitude.
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