Sentences with phrase «change in brain regions»

More work is needed to confirm that a causal relationship between intense, long - term motor training and structural changes in brain regions exists.
Sure enough, males who had drunk alone showed changes in a brain region called the periaqueductal grey that might be responsible for these effects.
To the researchers» surprise, the mice subjected to both prenatal infection and stress during puberty showed far greater behavioral deficits and cellular changes in brain regions relevant to schizophrenia than those that had been exposed to infection or stress alone.
«But exercise incorporating cognitive components also stimulates changes in brain regions related to cognition.
In her February 2014 Psychology Today article, «Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain,» Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D., references various neuroimaging studies that show «internet addiction is associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions involving emotional processing, executive attention, decision making, and cognitive control.»

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Spreng and his co-authors found that as we get older, changes to the brain occur in regions that help us decide whether or not to trust someone, leaving us less likely to notice deceit.
While the researchers found significant changes in eight brain regions, there are two regions that are of particular importance to you.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure changes in blood flow, she found that as people received more information, their brain activity increased in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region behind the forehead that is responsible for making decisions and controlling emotions.
When the brain - activities change in one way, consciousness changes in another; when the currents pour through the occipital lobes, consciousness sees things; when through the lower frontal region, consciousness says things to itself; when they stop, she goes to sleep, etc..
We've pinpointed those regions of the brain that «light up» in moments of prayer and meditation; we've changed the sociability patterns of many animals.
This, along with changes in brain waves in visual regions and an increased blood flow in that area, correlated with reports of hallucinations.
A second study, «Arteriolosclerosis that affects multiple brain regions,» appears in a recent issue of the journal Brain, and looks at small blood vessels in patients with HS - Aging and describes a specific change, called «arteriolosclerosis,» which is present in patients with HS - Abrain regions,» appears in a recent issue of the journal Brain, and looks at small blood vessels in patients with HS - Aging and describes a specific change, called «arteriolosclerosis,» which is present in patients with HS - ABrain, and looks at small blood vessels in patients with HS - Aging and describes a specific change, called «arteriolosclerosis,» which is present in patients with HS - Aging.
The changes in density probably mean that these brain regions are not functioning normally, but Mackey doesn't know why these regions in particular were affected.
In this older study a different research group found changes in gray matter in brain regions of Internet addictIn this older study a different research group found changes in gray matter in brain regions of Internet addictin gray matter in brain regions of Internet addictin brain regions of Internet addicts.
The results are largely consistent with a growing body of research about the neural basis of aggression, and how it is triggered by changes in the way that the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system and reward - related regions of the brain function.
«Brain development and aging: New study reveals that brain signals in specific regions change over a lifespan in ways that might be important for maintaining flexibility.&rBrain development and aging: New study reveals that brain signals in specific regions change over a lifespan in ways that might be important for maintaining flexibility.&rbrain signals in specific regions change over a lifespan in ways that might be important for maintaining flexibility.»
Changes in brain activity might last longer than users expect or may extend beyond the regions beneath the electrodes.
When a small subset dies, the pattern of activity that the olfactory processing regions in the brain receives for a specific smell doesn't change very much.
Understanding the networks of connections between brain regions — as depicted in this image — and how they are changed by a stroke is crucial to understanding how stroke patients heal, according to new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
If it is true that epigenetic changes to genes active in certain regions of the brain underlie our emotional and intellectual intelligence — our tendency to be calm or fearful, our ability to learn or to forget — then the question arises: Why can't we just take a drug to rinse away the unwanted methyl groups like a bar of epigenetic Irish Spring?
Future studies are needed to track changes in free water over longer time spans and in other brain regions and to determine what causes them.
The SHH pathway was found to induce disparate changes in astrocytes in different brain regions.
DTI is one imaging technique researchers are using to identify regions in the brain that change when humans learn how to use technology.
Changes in the subjects» sweat levels and scans of their amygdala — a brain region associated with fear — showed that they had learned to fear the faces and smells paired with the shock.
«We saw changes in the blood oxygen level in their brain regions associated with retrieving long - term memory and understanding language,» Pape said.
The researchers also found increases in gray matter volume in regions that control leg movement and process sensory information from legs, which may reflect changes related to the brain learning how to move in microgravity.
Because these functions are largely regulated in the frontal brain regions, a portable brain - imaging device (functional near infrared spectroscopy) was used to examine associated changes in the frontal brain function by placing biosensors on students» foreheads during testing.
They used a somewhat bizarre technique in which two mice were sutured together in such as way that they shared a circulatory system (known as parabiosis), and found old mice joined to their youthful counterparts showed changes in gene activity in a brain region called the hippocampus as well as increased neural connections and enhanced «synaptic plasticity» — a mechanism believed to underlie learning and memory in which the strength of neural connections change in response to experience.
Dr. Vállez García and the team are now considering what to look at next, such as inflammation in the brain or changes in the structure of other functional regions.
And individual genes in individual regions of the brain would start to show epigenetic alternations that would change the degree to which those genes were expressed, leading to changes in behavior and ultimately to the vulnerability to a drug of abuse.
A team of brain injury experts led by researchers at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington have found that the more blasts veterans are exposed to, the more they show chronic changes in neuron activity in specific brain regions.
The researchers used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on a specific area of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to briefly alter activity in this brain region and consequently change the amount of punishment a person doled out.
The study, published today in open - access journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, also identifies changes in a specific brain region in the male voles.
Because aerobic exercise has been shown to lead to improvements in processing speed and functional changes within the frontal and other brain regions, it was included as one of the study groups.
The researchers in this study used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on a specific area of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to briefly alter activity in this brain region and consequently change the amount of punishment a person doled out.
He used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a means of measuring brain activity by detecting blood flow changes inside the brain, to measure differences in the strengths of communications between brain regions.
For the analyses, Thompson and his colleagues looked for single - letter (nucleotide base) changes in DNA that correspond to the sizes of key brain regions.
NIRSIT is a device based on the near - infrared spectroscopy principle, which (a) utilizes light to detect hemodynamic changes in the cerebral blood flow and (b) visualizes brain activation regions in the prefrontal area of the brain in real time.
With respect to studies in the immediate future, Dr. Milekic said, «We are trying to evaluate changes in different brain regions.
«In the strongly excited region of the brain, learning efficiency was saturated and could no longer be changed, which inhibited the learning of motor skills,» Nicole Wenderoth explains.
When comparing the scan results for brain activity before treatment and after a year of stimulation, the researchers found that there were changes in the regions linked to anorexia, suggesting that deep brain stimulation was able to directly affect the related brain circuits.
«In this study, we found changes primarily in brain regions connected to sensation and sensory processing, «said co-principal investigator Kevin J. Black, MD, a professor of psychiatrIn this study, we found changes primarily in brain regions connected to sensation and sensory processing, «said co-principal investigator Kevin J. Black, MD, a professor of psychiatrin brain regions connected to sensation and sensory processing, «said co-principal investigator Kevin J. Black, MD, a professor of psychiatry.
The shifts were often in regions linked to the brain, perhaps explaining the behaviour changes (Science,
Using functional MRI, the researchers then determined that less than a minute of blue light exposure triggered changes in activity in regions of their brain associated with alertness and executive function.
In turn these electrical changes caused the brain to develop abnormally, with certain brain regions growing in too small or completely failing to develoIn turn these electrical changes caused the brain to develop abnormally, with certain brain regions growing in too small or completely failing to develoin too small or completely failing to develop.
The team found changes in the activity of nearly 40 genes in three brain regions known to be associated with depression and anxiety (Science Signaling,
In the present work, physicist Patrick Schuenke and physician and physicist Daniel Paech have been able to observe the changes of glucose signals in healthy brain regions as well as pathogenic changes in human brain canceIn the present work, physicist Patrick Schuenke and physician and physicist Daniel Paech have been able to observe the changes of glucose signals in healthy brain regions as well as pathogenic changes in human brain cancein healthy brain regions as well as pathogenic changes in human brain cancein human brain cancer.
Brain imaging revealed a striking finding — significant changes in the communication between specific brain regions correlated with elevated maternal IL - 6 and CRP leBrain imaging revealed a striking finding — significant changes in the communication between specific brain regions correlated with elevated maternal IL - 6 and CRP lebrain regions correlated with elevated maternal IL - 6 and CRP levels.
But mole rats that built nests within changing magnetic fields showed strong activity in a brain region called the superior colliculus, which collects spatial cues and directs orienting behavior.
How can changing the firing rate of the same neurons in one region lead to different effects on the rest of the brain?
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