Sentences with phrase «change in brightness»

Those playing the shoot -»em - up games saw a boost in their «contrast sensitivity function,» or the ability to discern subtle changes in the brightness of an image.
Unlike their conventional counterparts, they only report changes in brightness for each pixel, ensuring perfectly sharp vision even during fast motion or in low - light environments.
That survey will image the entire visible sky every few nights, gathering data on billions of stars and how some of those stars change in brightness over time.
Unlike their conventional counterparts, event cameras only report changes in brightness for each pixel.
The object's core, near the orbiting pair of stars, showed changes in the brightness of its radio emission.
The regular up and down changes in brightness are reminiscent of a heartbeat.
That means it will change in brightness based on your surroundings, plus you can set the ideal brightness yourself and the reader will adjust based on those parameters.
As the planet spins, Hubble was able to observe changes in brightness caused by clouds within its atmosphere.
The Hubble Space Telescope directly observed changes in brightness of the «super-Jupiter» orbiting a brown dwarf, the results of which were published Thursday.
The large arcsecond - per - pixel scale means that the stars in TESS FFIs are more likely to be distorted and blurred into each other, making it difficult to measure changes in brightness (see Figure 2).
Mira, a similar but more extreme star in the constellation Cetus (low in the west at nightfall this month), can change in brightness by a factor of 1,500.
It can not function if the lane markings can not be seen clearly if the lines are faded, or during dusk without headlamps on, with snow, rain, sleet, dust, leaves or standing water on road, sudden changes in brightness such as shadows, tunnel exits / entrances, low sunlight angle causing reflections, multiple lane markings or criss - crossed lines, tar crack sealer and cracked or broken road surfaces.
Light becomes a signifier for memory, as changes in brightness metaphorically illuminate daily occurrences.
Giammichele and her colleagues used data from NASA's Kepler space telescope, which watched stars unblinkingly to track periodic changes in their brightness.
Stars do change in brightness when they begin to exhaust the fuel supply in their core.
«What we found was a rapidly rotating object, at least the size of a football field, that changed in brightness quite dramatically,» according to Meech.
At this stage some stars become luminous blue variables, so called because they go through episodic changes in brightness, including brilliant outbursts that look a lot like supernovae.
Gases dancing deep within stars create ultralow - frequency sound waves, appearing as rhythmic changes in brightness and temperature.
Seventeenth - century astronomers marveled at the star Mira A, or Omicron Ceti, for its dramatic changes in brightness every 332 days.
The Great Red Spot has been present in Jupiter for hundreds of years and changes very slowly: Such «spots» could not explain the rapid changes in brightness that scientists saw while observing these brown dwarfs.
Kepler watches for the slight change in the brightness of a star when an exoplanet passes in front of it, an event called a transit.
By comparing changes in brightness Spitzer observed to the energy flow models, researchers realized an atmosphere with volatile materials could best explain the temperatures.
However, the individual light sensitive cells in the eye only signal local changes in brightness, whether an image point becomes brighter or darker.
Our new paper came out today in Science, presenting evidence for bands, zones, spots, and waves in brown dwarfs and a model that explains well several until - now mysterious changes in the brightnesses of brown dwarfs.
MOST can see changes in the brightness of the star, or the planet associated with it, down to levels of one part in a million: that's one ten thousandth of a percent.
Serpens is one of several star - forming regions targeted by the Young Stellar Object Variability (YSOVAR) project, which conducted repeated observations in each area to look for changes in brightness in the baby stars.
As reported in an earlier AmericaSpace article, the announcement that KIC 8462852 exhibited some very unusual and anomalous changes in brightness caused quite a media sensation, with many news sources on the internet leading the public to believe that aliens had indeed been discovered in the nearby star system.
I wish that finding the precise amount of remaining battery life didn't require digging deeper into the settings, and I would have appreciated changes in brightness that were a bit more apparent, but the experience overall was very positive.
In a 2009 study, expert action gamers who played first - person shooting games like «Call of Duty» saw a boost in their «contrast sensitivity function,» or the ability to discern subtle changes in the brightness of an image.
The comet was clearly visible in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), and changes in brightness throughout the passage can help scientists determine what the comet was made of.
That term has also been called «the minimum detectable change in brightness temperature» and in the design spec this is required to be less than 0.25 K.
There's a noticeable change in brightness when tilting the display up or down.
Smaller pupils allow less light to enter the eye, which is why cats are less likely to get blinded by sudden changes in brightness.
Distances for these types of stars can be effectively determined by following the periodic changes in their brightness and spectra.
The observed change in brightness would be smeared out over a time interval equal to the time it would take the light from the far side of the object to travel to the near side of the object.
As a brown dwarf rotates, its clouds move in and out of the hemisphere seen by the telescope, causing changes in the brightness of the brown dwarf.
Follow - up study by the Caltech investigators revealed a change in the brightness of the afterglow that might be a sign of a jet of energy.
For more than a decade, Nugent's Real - Time Transient Detection pipeline running at NERSC has been using machine learning algorithms to scour observations collected by the Palomar Transient Factor (PTF) and then the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF)-- searching every night for «transient» objects that change in brightness or position by comparing the new observations with all of the data collected from previous nights.
If a planet is indeed the cause of the change in brightness, the exact same change should recur days, months, or years later, depending on how long the planet takes to orbit its star.
By clocking when widely spaced dishes record a change in brightness, geodesists can calculate the planet's spin rate and its axis.
«If the change in brightness was intrinsic to the star, then its temperature or surface area would have grown dramatically,» says Cook.
[2] RR Lyrae stars, like some other regular variables such as Cepheids, show a simple relationship between how quickly they change in brightness and how luminous they are.
«Up until this work, we had thought that the star's changes in brightness were only occurring in one direction — dimming,» Simon explained.
They were able to detect a change in brightness that appears to be a signal of reflected light bouncing off the planet's atmosphere.
But it may be sensitive to changes in brightness or wavelength, such as moving shadows cast by approaching predators, or light fluctuations associated with different times of day.
«To change in brightness, you have to be a small object, and that really narrows it down to a black hole,» he says.
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