Sentences with phrase «change in context»

Thinking about climate change in the context of how these extreme events will change can help farmers and other end users to understand its implications.
It would be wrong to omit any mention of climate change in this context.
The question is to find out whether those means and methods are rightly used to bring about social change in our context today.
His installations lead viewers to recognize that changes in context create changes in meaning.
People can and do change based on both immediate circumstance and broader changes in the context of their lives.
Connect with others committed to personal and collective change in the context of daily practice and reflection.
What might the Peer Coaching program change in your context?
But arguably the most important changes in the context for the climate agreement didn't happen within the international negotiation framework at all.
The good news is if one motivated family member changes in the context of relationship dynamics, the entire family's functioning improves.
We need to articulate the debates and discussion around climate change in that context.
His sculptures and installations lead viewers to recognize that changes in context create changes in meaning, and thereby shape interpretations of historical truth and artistic value.
Change in the context of family separation can be a challenging time for both adults and children to navigate.
Erickson designed 10 distinct Stations of the Cross tattoos, leaving out four stations that Seay said changed in context when you are asking someone to get something permanently drawn on their body.
Only they can account for the non-linear behavior of the trajectory of the sea ice evolution and put longer term changes in the context of expected natural variability.
«There are stupid changes in context that can happen at any time that will completely screw your business,» Bilinkis says.
Defining change in our context as negative, I see the unchanging nature of our strategy and practice serving as proof that we still represent the lofty values of the Gospel message our society now sadly rejects.
The purpose of this writing is to share the Christian faith of Martin Luther King, Jr. and to find out whether those means and methods are rightly used to bring about social change in our context today.
The IFE Core Group's work to date has centred on development of policy guidance and capacity building tools, capturing and learning from what happens in emergency response with regard to infant and young child feeding and promoting policy and practice change in the context of preparedness and response.
Professor Whitefield and Dr Chaisty have published on «Putin's nationalism problem», and working papers on «Dimensions of Nationalism in Putin's Russia and their Political Correlates» and «Citizens» Attitudes towards Institutional Change in Contexts of Political Turbulence: Support for Regional Decentralisation in Ukraine» are forthcoming.
«This information is kind of like a time stamp and without it the team wouldn't have been able to put the structural changes in context
The authors should also test whether WNT signaling is changed in this context by crossing with WNT - signaling reporter mice (for example TOPGAL or bat - gal).
It has been long known that movement patterns change in the context of injury, and that these changes outlast the injury.
As I reflect on the massive changes in the context on K — 12 education in recent decades, I'm struck by the same thing as Holmes.
In their interviews, District C's teachers often talked about their work toward change in the context of curriculum units, and their efforts to implement them.
I wish I could share the optimism of those who think that transforming the global energy system will be cheap (or even possible) without a dramatic change in the context of the debate.
Reframing the proposition more correctly it would be something like «The prediction is that CO2 CAN BE a major driver of Climate Change in some contexts INCLUDING our current context.
Indirect estimates of temperature change from such sources as tree rings and ice cores help to place recent temperature changes in the context of the past.
Williams, T. Climate Change Negotiations: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Context Background Paper No. 2014 -03-E (Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada, 2015).
The importance of land use / land cover change in the context of policy responses to the human involvement in the climate system has not been adequately recognized in the IPCC and other climate assessments.
All of this is subject to major change in the context of the digital age where reprography via photocopying is becoming increasingly obsolete.
In a 1975 paper titled Family Therapy After Twenty Years, Bowen described his method of «coaching» (the quotation marks are present in the original) individuals to make changes in the context of the family they were born into and grew up in, with the goal of modifying the relationship system and reducing the level of chronic anxiety.
Only they can account for the non-linear behavior of the trajectory of the sea ice evolution and put longer term changes in the context....»
Part II: In «Lands, Lakes and Oceans: The Ecology of Climate Change,» Bren Associate Dean and Professor of Biological Science John Melack joins Bren Professor of Applied Ecology Frank Davis to discuss climate change in the context of water resources, from fisheries to the quality and quantity of the resource itself.
Central to that new take is setting climate change in a context of other risks, uncertainties and mega-trends such as poverty and social inequality, urbanization, and the globalization of food systems.
Recently there has been some change in this context, and books on death have sometimes even become best - sellers.
A closed system fits better with a stable environment, is slow to adapt, and strives to change in its context.
You know I looked at the 14 stations of the cross but just couldn't figure out which ones «change in context» when they are inked on someone's body... bucky balls you seem like a smart lad... help me figure it out
The article does not explain why 4 are removed, (except by that comment about «changed in context»), or explian which ones they were.
In this post, James Dennison discusses the implications of these changes in the context of the «West Lothian» question.
The governor talked about the changes in the context of manufacturing and small business, but dollar for dollar, banks will see the biggest impact.
Despite our day - to - day experiences are lived seamlessly, without any cut, scientific research has shown that changes in the context can influence the representation we make of these experiences in our memory, where they become discrete memories.
There's a change in context too: this training needs to be in targeted at the specific person in the specific moment.
Moreover, the pace of change in this context is frightening — so it is hard to predict what might emerge over the next three to five years.
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