Sentences with phrase «change in family circumstances»

Promotes stability and continuity of care by establishing a 12 - month authorization period for child care subsidies regardless of changes in family circumstances;
Re-aging of open - end accounts, and extensions, deferrals, renewals, and rewrites of closed - end loans can be used to help borrowers overcome temporary financial difficulties, such as loss of job, medical emergency, or change in family circumstances like loss of a family member.
But for some employees — especially those who left to pursue other career goals, like a business or graduate degree, or due to a change in family circumstances (like a spouse being relocated)-- re-hiring makes sense for everyone involved.
I am selling in June due a change in family circumstance.
Hamlet would start seeing a counsellor — perhaps Polonius, who dabbles in the self - help industry himself, would recommend someone — and come to terms with his bereavement and realise that it's OK for his mother to have sex with her new husband (although there'd be no «rank sweat of an enseamed bed» or anything icky like that) and he'd go back to university happy, having now accepted the change in his family circumstances, with Ophelia in tow.
A change in family circumstances including serious or chronic illness, a debilitating injury, temporary or permanent disability, or death in the family.
Many have changes in family circumstances.
Because so many people have been affected by economic downturns or changes in family circumstances, your absence from the job market is not itself a red flag.
The rate of JB is the same rate payable as on the previous claim, unless there has been a budgetary increase or change in family circumstances (such as a new child dependant).
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