Sentences with phrase «change in frequency»

One of the most noticed at first is a major change in the frequency of your bowel movements.
Step 2: Complete the endorsement request form for change in frequency, duly signed by policy holder and witness.
Much climate - related damage results from extreme weather events and could be affected by changes in the frequency and intensity of these events due to climate change.
As you introduce solid foods and cereals in the diet of a baby you will notice the dramatic change in frequency, consistency, odor and color of bowel movements.
But much of it is, including changes in the frequency and variance of precipitation, the proportion of dry days, and changes in river flow and runoff.
Scientists are interested in studying both the predictability and possible future changes in the frequency and intensity of such storms.
Even a small change in average global temperature leads to a big change in the frequency and severity of heat waves.
A change in the size of storms, just like changes in frequency or various measures of intensity could certainly have societal implications.
Well, generally speaking, the nutritional management of many dog diseases involves specific changes in the formulation and composition of the diet, rather than changes in the frequency of feeding.
Gabi has been publishing on causes of observed changes in the frequency and intensity of temperature and precipitation extremes, and on properties of indices of extremes, and was involved in several of the recent IPCC assessment reports.
Controlling these associations, marital satisfaction did not directly predict changes in frequency of sex or vice versa.
b shows regions that have experienced changes in the frequency of long fire weather seasons (> 1σ above historical mean) during the second half of the study period (1996 — 2013) compared with the number of events observed during the first half (1979 — 1996).
The abdominal pain or discomfort must be associated with two of the following: 1) improvement with defecation; 2) onset associated with change in frequency of stool; 3) onset associated with change in form (appearance) of stool.
However, simple statistical reasoning indicates that substantial changes in the frequency of extreme events (and in the maximum feasible extreme, e.g., the maximum possible 24 - hour rainfall at a specific location) can result from a relatively small shift of the distribution of a weather or climate variable.
The researchers then visualized the velocity of the two liquids using a technique called Laser Doppler Velocimetry, which detects changes in the frequency of light waves when a laser beam hits them.
Climate extremes: challenges in estimating and understanding recent changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate and weather events [chapter].
«The bats also need to use the slow timing of the right hemisphere to use sonar — which relies on detecting small changes in frequency — to track the velocity of the fast - moving insects they fly after and eat,» Washington says.
He also notes that while this study focuses on percentage changes in the amount of snowfall in extreme snowfall events, there can be larger changes in the frequency of such events.
We used relative frequencies (i.e., proportions) and rankings to examine changes in the frequency distributions of teachers» perceived useful PD formats and content between 2009 and 2015 to identify whether shifts had or had not occurred.
Dramatic changes in the frequency distribution of lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) have occurred in the North Atlantic, while smaller changes are evident in the South Pacific and South Indian Oceans, and the stronger hurricanes in all of these regions have become more intense.
With sufficient participation, CHIC will allow breed health committees to monitor disease prevalence at any given point in time and to track changes in frequency over time, types of data that can also be invaluable to research.
However, the statistical approach that was used relies on the simplified assumption of a constant change in the frequency for all extreme events; i.e. the frequency of moderate events will change in the same way as the frequency of the most extreme events.
While specific methods vary according to the design of the flow meter, sensors monitor and analyze changes in frequency, phase shift, and amplitude of the vibrating flow tubes.
Thus changes in circulation on decadal time - scales involve changes in the frequency of such states.
Watch Out The Baby For Signs Of Constipation And Note Changes In The Frequency Of Bowel Movements
Scientists in northern Spain tracking populations of Drosophila subobscura, a type of fly, observed reversible changes in the frequency of genetic mutations, or «chromosomal inversions» in the flies» genomes — essentially, parts of the chromosome get flipped around with the seasons, as the weather changes from hot to cold.
«We have to really think about anticipated changes in the frequency of extreme events,» Cloern said.
This explains observations made, for instance, in the USA: according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, cyclical changes in the frequency of criminal offences can be found in several American states.
In this new, unbiased, «trend - in - trend» design, researchers monitor changes in frequency of outcomes as they relate to changes in an exposure to a drug across groups that adopt the drug at different rates.
«Bats need to use the fast timing of the left hemisphere to distinguish communication sounds from each other, because their communication sounds have rapid changes in frequency.
When a person moves in an environment saturated with wi - fi signals from routers, laptops and mobile phones, that movement creates a slight change in the frequency of those signals, says lead researcher Shyam Gollakota, a U.W. assistant professor of computer science and engineering.
Extremes are rare by definition, so a localized change in their frequency is statistically difficult to prove.
Households react strongly to the incentives created by such programs, leading to significant changes in the frequency of exercising alternative public schooling options, as well as changes in the composition of the «opt out» students.
Thus, a sudden change in the frequency and placement of normal cat urination and spraying is a likely indication that something may have changed emotionally for your cat.
My comprehensive study of Texas rain events of 20 + inches from 1948 - 2002 found no overall change in frequency over the period.
Walsh concludes that in general there is no clear picture with respect to regional changes in frequency and movement, but increases in intensity are indicated.
One of the difficulties studying changes in the frequency and intensity of cyclones is that the record of past storms is inhomogeneous, due to changes in observational capabilities and how storms have been measured and recorded.
The abrupt shifts in Pacific Ocean circulation involve changes in the PDO in the north - eastern Pacific and coincident changes in the frequency and intensity of ENSO events.
However, in response to a warmer stabilized climate, the most realistic models simulate increased El Niño amplitude (with no clear change in frequency)(54).
There is some very limited information on possible changes in the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones (Bengtsson et al., 1996; Henderson - Sellers et al., 1998; Krishnamurti et al., 1998; Knutson and Tuleya, 1999; Walsh and Ryan, 2000); and of mid-latitude cyclones (Schubert et al., 1998), but these studies are far from definitive (see Chapter 9, Section 9.3.6, and Chapter 10 for discussion on changes of extremes with changes in climate).
If emission analyses consider empirical data reflecting the progressive degradation that occurs (often over decades) before and independently of agriculture market signals for land use, as well as changes in the frequency and extent of fire in areas that biofuels help bring into more stable market economies, then the resulting carbon emission estimates would be worlds apart.
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