Sentences with phrase «change in heart rate»

Under general anesthesia, patients are unconscious, but their body still shows reflex responses to the surgical procedure, including changes in heart rate, blood pressure, eyes tearing or sweating.
When your thyroid doesn't produce the correct amount of hormone, you may experience changes in heart rate and other concerning symptoms.
Those with thyroid disease should be especially cautious about using thyme as it can stimulate the thyroid gland and cause changes in heart rate and breathing patterns.
Although effective, the medications can cause the uterus to contract too frequently, leading to changes in the heart rate pattern of the fetus that could be dangerous.
She'll be looking to see that your baby's baseline rate is normal and evaluating changes in his heart rate.
Based on changes in your heart rate, the application can help you to identify which foods are causing an immune response in your body.
These can include low blood sugar, vomiting, diarrhea, and even changes in the heart rate.
But unlike us, frequent changes in the heart rate of relaxed dogs is normal.
What's more, it picked up changes in my heart rate almost instantly.
For instance, if you swipe to the heart - rate icon and tap it, you'll see a chart showing changes in your heart rate throughout the day.
The nociception (pain) level index, which uses an algorithmic combination to process multiple hormonal and neurological reactions, aims to provide a better, earlier measure of the body's reflex response to painful stimulation during surgery, compared to the traditional monitoring of individual factors such as changes in heart rate or blood pressure.
Professor Taylor added that «The lungfish has a relatively complex control system which generates these respiration - related changes in heart rate, with properties that anticipate those described for mammals.
Infants in the high - stress condition mirrored their mothers» stress reactivity, paralleling changes in heart rate and showing more anxiety towards other people (Waters et al 2014).
There were no psychics or crystal balls, just a battery of sensors designed to determine human intention through the subtlest of changes in heart rate, gaze, and other physiological markers.
In contrast, at the control site, there was minimal change in heart rate from the pre - to post-time period when walking past control lots versus non-study vacant lots.
The next steps of this research involve looking at exactly how periods of apnoea are related to changes in heart rate in the seals to better understand the development of diving ability in these important marine predators.
The top contributing factors were slight changes in heart rate, respiration, and temperature, given that the patient had surgery in the past 12 hr with a contaminated wound and was on a mechanical ventilator.
Steady state jogging and other endurance training does not train your heart to be able to handle rapid changes in heart rate or blood pressure.
In a 2002 study, researchers measured changes in heart rate and blood pressure among people who had a dog or cat, compared to those who did not, when participants were under stress (performing a timed math task).
Eight of the 25 adults in the study experienced changes in heart rate directly related to DECT phone radiation, and four experienced tachycardia, or a rapid heart rate.
I found that the Huawei tended to be 5 — 10 seconds behind the Garmin when it came to displaying changes in my heart rate, but once it caught up it was almost always within five beats per minute, and more often it stayed within two.
Sympathetic activity acts at a lower frequency (LF: 0.04 - 0.15 Hz) 7) of heart rate, and parasympathetic activity produces changes in heart rate at a relatively higher frequency (HF: 0.15 - 0.4 Hz) than does sympathetic activity.
RSA is an index of periodic changes in heart rate related to breathing and provides an index of parasympathetic activity of the autonomous nervous system [20, 79].
Serious effects include changes in heart rate, coma, tremors, and seizures.
That is because caffeine and other stimulant substances can cause changes in heart rate and blood pressure even disrupting your sleep patterns.
Infants in the high - stress condition mirrored their mothers» stress reactivity, paralleling changes in heart rate and showing more anxiety towards other people (Waters et al 2014).
Certain medications can affect your baby, causing the baby to be drowsy or have changes in the heart rate.
Umbilical cord compression can cause changes in your baby's blood pressure due to the changes in heart rate and lack of oxygen.
As with systemic analgesia, use of opioids in an epidural block increases the risk that your baby will experience a change in heart rate, breathing problems, drowsiness, reduced muscle tone, and reduced breastfeeding.
A simple bedside test that matches a change in heart rate with a drop in blood pressure after a patient stands may help doctors diagnose certain degenerative brain diseases.
«By taking a patient's blood pressure lying flat, then looking at the change in heart rate after the patient stands up, we can provide healthcare providers with clues as to whether or not the patient has this neurodegenerative disease.»
BrightHearts is a biofeedback mediation relaxation app designed for mobile phones and tablet computers that responds to changes in heart rate and can be used to teach children biofeedback assisted relaxation.
The other path was to study fear learning — simple associations that are expressed physiologically through a bodily response such as a change in heart rate, skin conductance, arousal or pupil dilation.
Many previous studies have focused on measuring psychophysiological metrics, including driver eye movements, muscle activity and changes in heart rate to determine alertness.
Untreated hyperthyroidism can cause changes in heart rate and rhythm that can potentially be fatal.
Other research has found that when patients believe in the effectiveness of a therapy — whether they get a vote of confidence from their practitioners or not — it can stimulate real physiological responses, including changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and even chemical activity in the brain that decreases pain, anxiety, and fatigue.
It can stimulate hearing loss, changes in heart rate, higher blood pressure, higher stress responses and ADHD.
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, lowered blood sugar, irritation of the mouth and lungs, changes in heart rate, and liver issues.
Under production of cortisol results in canine addisons symptoms such as dehydration, a change in heart rate (slow, irregular), weakness and signs of depression.
Large overdoses of the powder or exposure to the essential oil can lead to low blood sugar, liver disease, vomiting, diarrhea and changes in heart rate.
More serious symptoms may be changes in heart rate, coma, tremors and seizures.
Various physiological effects such as a change in heart rate or breathing can be caused by stimulating specific points.
Ensures sustained phenylpropanolamine levels in the blood stream and may help reduce the conditions often associated with high levels of phenylpropanolamine such as: decreased appetite, changes in heart rate, increased blood pressure, hyperexcitability
Fetal monitoring is used to alert medical staff of signs of distress in the child, including changes in heart rate.
Samsung Health is a big part of the Sport, and it allows you to use the watch for tracking your steps, calories burned, changes in your heart rate, calories you've consumed throughout the day, water and caffeine intake, and so much more.
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