Sentences with phrase «change in orientation»

Regarding changes in the orientations of acculturation, after the implementation of the civic and intercultural program teachers are less assimilationists and students are less individualists than before.
And that's probably the biggest change in our orientation,» he says.
Maloof's team isn't sure why Earth's surface shifted so significantly, but they conclude that it did from an abrupt change in the orientation of the magnetic field preserved in sedimentary rocks in Svalbard, Norway.
Each ball produced a magnetic field, so that changes in their orientations relative to a guide star, IM Pegasi, could be measured.
The goggles have accelerometers and magnetometers to detect changes in the orientation of the user's head — if the individual turns left, right, up or down, his or her view of the virtual world pivots accordingly.
Sandy Kawano said: «The transition from fins to limbs marks the most dramatic change in orientation of the locomotor forces from contact with the ground.
By rotating the wheels very slowly, very minute changes in orientation are possible.
This subtle change in orientation has been used to introduce algebraic thinking to students as early as the second grade, and it has shown great promise with middle school teachers participating in the Tennessee program.»
I found the gyroscope gets overexcited, and the screen rotates at the slightest change in orientation.
Real media education will not become effective in the churches until it has penetrated the thinking of every theologian, pastor and parishoner — and this calls for a change in orientation in every theological school.
Stapp's thesis is quite compatible with its being determined experimentally that changes in the orientation of the spin - measuring device applied to one member of such a pair of particles have no significant effect upon the statistical make - up of spin - measurement results for the second member of such particle pairs.
As readers of Evangelical Catholicism, my book on deep reform in the 21st - century Church, will remember, I proposed just such a change in the orientation of celebrant and congregation during the Liturgy of the Eucharist: Priest and people would face each other during the Liturgy of the Word; celebrant and congregation would then pray together, facing the same direction, throughout the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The magnetic coercivity, the resistance to change in the orientation of the magnetic domain structure, for nickel (Ni) was shown to strongly depend on the crystal structure of the underlying oxide (vanadium oxide).
A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged.
Scientists are using a pioneering method of «caging» and cooling water molecules to study the change in orientation of the magnetic nuclei at the centre of each hydrogen atom — a process which transforms the molecule from one form of water to another.
An observer on the hypothetical planet would notice a change in orientation to very - long - baseline interferometry reference points commensurate with the binary orbit periodicity plus or minus any local effects such as precession or nutation.
The built - in accelerometer will let the 1.8 - inch, 160 - GB hard drive of of the slightest disturbances or changes in orientation.
The 2goPad SL10 also includes an accelerometer, which means a change in orientation of the tablet will lead to a corresponding change in the display.
The integrated G Sensor picks up changes in orientation of the tablet and acts to rotate the screen without requiring the user's intervention.
Or, it might change renditions each time a significant event such a change in orientation occurs, or it might never change renditions for those kinds of events, or it might give the user the option to turn on or off what kind of changes trigger swapping.
She accompanies this perspectival shift with a change in orientation, photographing several of the subjects from above, as in this work.
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