Sentences with phrase «change in position»

These poses are easily adapted to the needs of the practitioner with a slight change in the position of the arms, feet or head or by using props, like blankets or chair.
Have you noticed significant changes in your positions for local search phrases?
These small changes in position add up and can make a big difference in the shape of your infant's head.
Sometimes simple changes in positions will be helpful at moving labor forward and bringing baby down.
There is little change in positioning also: the price range reaches from just under 30,000 to just over 40,000 euros.
Sometimes all you need is a slight change in position or advice on a nursing accessory.
There was little change in the position of the dummy's feet following the crash test.
These measurements are required to detect changes in the position of our planet in space.
Making any more drastic change in their position than they did would have put them in clear danger of violating the requirements.
They will not be moving most of the time as we would expect but they will always provide gestures and change in positions which can be worth capturing or not.
Instructor insight: This simple change in position opens up your hips, inner thighs and pelvic floor.
Remember that even just a small change in position can mean the difference between a painless, satisfying feed and sore, cracked nipples and a hungry baby.
Sometimes just the slightest change in positioning will make a world of difference.
Coral isotope measurements provide information on both sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity, so they can indicate times of increased or decreased temperature and / or precipitation associated with changes in the position of the SPCZ.
«The review confirmed our expectation that there are very few scientific works available which deal with nudging healthier food choices by changes in the position of the food offers.
These activities include monitoring and analyzing the size and development of the market, positions and changes in positions over time, open interest, initial margin requirements, and variation margin payments, as well as stress testing positions.
It relies on measuring the apparent change in position of a star as seen from different points on the Earth's orbit around the Sun.
First, tectonic forces caused changes in the positions and elevations of continents and the bathymetry of oceans and seas.
For years he'd been studying the shifting patterns of settlement and activities of Aleutian islanders over many centuries by tracking changes in the positions and characteristics of ancient village sites.
When the State Legislature met as a constitutional convention in June, observers anticipated a closer vote than the previous January because of retirements and some announced changes in position.
«A lot of people think that Mark made a major change in his position because I was so vocal, so people assumed that he was so vocal, but I was always much more vocal against the congestion pricing plan than he was,» he said.
«Contents-wise, there's no real change in its position
Doubtless between that time and today a considerable change in my position and line of action has taken place, not with regard to the meaning and direction of my accumulated knowledge but rather with regard to its application.
A definitive change in this position was accepted in the Catholic Church only at the Second Vatican Council 1962 - 1965.
Dina Ste. Marie was told she'd need a C - section, but a simple change in position allowed Isabella to come out vaginally.
What might look like a little «quirk» in infancy - not wanting to touch things with the hands, alarm and distress over day - to - day noises, a hyperactive gag reflex over textured food, panic over changes in position like being tipped back for a diaper change or tipped forward for Tummy Time - can manifest as a bigger issue later in childhood.
A spokeswoman for David Cameron told me tonight: «There is not a coalition change in position on the Human Rights Act.
Hanna said his campaign strategy is simply to be himself, represent the district's views and point out Arcuri's controversial changes in position on his health care vote and a cap - and - trade climate bill.
Governor Paterson on reintroduction of marriage equality bill: «I won't reintroduce the issue unless I see substantial change in the position of the legislators.
The observations in either case were not sufficient, however, to warrant drawing a conclusion as to the actual change in the position of the magnetic poled between 1903 and 1909.
By studying faces, researchers have matched subtle changes in the positioning of the mouth, eyes and eyebrows to variations in six basic human emotions — happiness, surprise, disgust, sadness, anger and fear.
To overcome the problem, Mitchell and his team devised a new way of analyzing the magnetic data to detect a phenomenon known as true polar wander — the gradual change in the position of Earth's poles as the planet's internal mass shifts.
By minimizing the noise, these stations can detect millimeter - scale changes in position at the surface, which can be used to infer movement deep underground.
Rochester Teachers Association president Adam Urbanski said teachers have been dissatisfied with Iannuzzi's handling of some issues in the past, they «have also noted a marked change in his position with the call for a moratorium and with spearheading the vote of no confidence against Commissioner King,» he said.
But they don't want change for the sake of change; they want change in position and the issues to be the focus point, not personalities.»
Thanks to motion sensors able to detect a 3D plane, the stylus uses an initial zero point to transmit the movement and flow of handwriting as varying changes in position to the desired computing device.
A formalist who is attracted to geometry — and who is sensitive to minute changes in position and line — Aschheim is currently exhibiting her work in a two - person show at the New York Studio School alongside paintings by Ying Lee.
The IPO and ENSO can interact together to produce changes in the position of the SPCZ.
In October, 2009, the Yes Men took the irresponsibility of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce into their own hands, holding a press conference on behalf of the Chamber to announce what changes in their position on climate change need to be taken in order to support effective solutions.
Now and then, astronomers are discovering planets around other stars by observing infinitesimal changes in the positions of stars that occur due to the gravitational pull of the orbiting planets.
With change in the positions — Calum Chambers have to grind his way back into Arsenal squad.
If the problem is related to the digestive system, like GERD, it is often a sharper pain that may be precipitated by eating a fatty or spicy meal and is affected by change in position.
The team was studying the warm gas in this disk using a technique called spectro - astrometry, which allows astronomers to detect small changes in the position of moving gas.
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