Sentences with phrase «change in pressure»

I think it helps to eat or drink something during take off and landing for ears to adjust to the slight change in pressure.
But this simple mixture shows how changes in pressure, instead of temperature, can change the properties of some materials.
Existing sensors, such as those based on simple pressure switches and motor resistance, are limited in their ability to detect subtle changes in pressure and to distinguish between different textures.
The channel is a safety valve for the bacteria, designed to protect the cell from bursting due to external changes in pressure.
However, this time round the green critique of growth looks a bit more compelling, partly because of the step change in pressure on biodiversity, but of course most of all because of climate change.
The agency is monitoring the spacecraft for signs of fuel running low, such as changes in pressure in the fuel tank and differences in the thruster performance.
More than 130 years ago, British physicist and engineer Osborne Reynolds described fluid flowing at low speeds as «laminar,» meaning it flows smoothly in a single direction, and fluid flowing at high speeds as «turbulent,» meaning it experiences chaotic changes in pressure and energy.
This method can detect changes in pressure of about 10 atmospheres in one second, even up to pressures of 500,000 atmospheres (50 GPa).
But don't offer the drink right after takeoff or your child might finish it before there's much change in pressure.
The particles released by the high - speed smashups were not bounding around freely the way atoms in a gas do but moving smoothly and collectively like a liquid, responding as a connected whole to changes in pressure within the fireball.
Although the science behind it is complex, the small intestine expands too quickly, and the resulting change in pressure forces undigested food into it.
Types and frequency of storms, wind direction (not just speed), actual temperature range (not average and not anomaly), clouds (amount and TYPE) changes in pressure systems coming from different directions, oceanic conditions during the time period under consideration, etc, etc, etc..
These hydrates are likely in a sensitive equilibrium that could be disrupted by small changes in pressure, caused by variations in the thickness of the overlying ice sheets.
At such topographic features, sharp changes in pressure can produce a rotational force — called bottom pressure torque — which acts to steer the current.
However the positive AAO generated a wind regime that moved up and over the mountains, creating anomalous foehn storms on the eastern side of the peninsula.5 As the winds descend, temperatures adiabatically rise 10 to 20 degrees or more due to changes in pressure without any additional heat as depicted in Figure 2 above.
Sucking happily away, Hugh Ambrose remained oblivious to the rapid changes in pressure and was almost asleep by the time we touched down.
Though much of our testing occurred during warm, summer days in Portland, Oregon, this feature allowed us to see even slight changes in pressure.
The new study focuses on a third problem, barotrauma — damage that happens at some dams when a fish experiences a large change in pressure.
The opposite of this is a turbulent flow which is characterized by vortices and chaotic changes in pressure and velocity within the fluid.
It is true that different factors can affect the rates of evaporation and condensation differently leading to changes in the pressure field and winds but the evaporation has to occur first.
That change in pressure moves away from the bomb in a wave in all directions.
This change in pressure also closes the hole in baby's heart that prevents the heart from pumping blood to the lungs whilst in the placenta.»
The changes in pressure on take - off and landing can cause ear pain, so breastfeed your baby or offer a bottle at these times to encourage sucking.
Because the change in pressure is going to be uncomfortable for your baby, you can also bring some pain medicine to ease their discomfort.
The motion of chewing and swallowing can keep the tubes in the inner ear open and adjust to the changes in pressure.
We also take them on airplanes and they don't respond to the changes in pressure like other systems we've used.
Given that the salinity crisis was capable of generating these changes in pressure, the geologists — working on the hypothesis that the Mediterranean dried out — studied the changes in volcanic activity during this period.
As the heart starts pumping a primitive blood - like fluid around the body of an embryo, the change in pressure from the flowing liquid is the cue for cells lining the aorta to change first into blood stem cells, then into all blood - cell types in the body.
Then they calculated the changes in pressure at depth and the impact on magma production.
The problem is that unless the core is properly contained, the change in pressure and temperature at the surface can cause it to explode, says Edwards.
For some, the change in pressure is simply too big, too fast, and they die or are seriously injured.
When passing prey trip the bladder's «trigger hairs,» the trapdoor opens so quickly that the change in pressure sucks the prey inside.
By fitting a pressure - sensor mat beneath a keyboard, they found that it could tell how active the user was by detecting the change in pressure when they type.
The sensors measure the depth and duration of the surge in seawater generated by the change in pressure and winds from the storm.
«If you take them to lower pressures, most likely they won't live due to the change in pressure, so you literally don't have a way of studying these organisms.»
Water also refreezes when it is forced up valley walls, experiencing a rapid change in pressure that triggers a freezing process known as «supercooling.»
The change in pressure as the object outruns all the pressure and sound waves in front of it is heard on the ground as an explosion, or sonic boom.
In the case of an emergency (a one - in - two - million chance according to a probabilistic risk assessment) the plant itself responds to changes in pressure, temperature and coolant level, says Westinghouse's Bruce Bevilacqua, vice president of new plants engineering.
Following a brief prologue in which poet John Ashbery expounds on the wonders of bathtubs, we're deposited into the bowels of a rickety submarine, whose crew can't bring to the surface because the change in pressure would detonate the slabs of explosive pink jelly they have aboard.
Instead there's cleverly designed back box that delivers a muted burble at idle, yet as engine speeds rise the change in pressure causes the gases to bypass the longer silencer tube and head straight for the exit pipe, essentially creating a louder straight - through set - up.
Instead there's a cleverly designed back box that delivers a muted burble at idle, yet as engine speeds rise the change in pressure causes the gases to bypass the longer silencer tube and head straight for the exit pipe to create a louder straight - through set - up.
This is because of the change in pressure at higher altitude, which is the same concept as the pressurized coolant system.
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